FISD ready to sponsor another Super League team

Fisd Wizards

Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development (FISD) has invited Super League teams which are looking for sponsors to apply for sponsorship from the company.

The company said this a day after it parted ways with Wizards FC after the owner of the club, Peter Mponda, refused to relocate his team from Blantyre to Lilongwe.

Fisd Wizards
Wizards: Fisd used to sponsor them

FISD Managing Director Frank Mwenechanya said since it has parted ways with Wizards FC, the company is ready to take any Super League team.

“If there is a team mainly from Super League that is looking for sponsorship, it is welcome to approach us,” said Mwenechanya.

He further revealed that one condition for the sponsorship is that the team will use the name of FISD.

He said: “The team should be willing to change their name to ours of FISD and it will also depend on how much their budget is.”

FISD became the official sponsors of Wizards FC after the club parted ways with Surestream during the just ended season.