Some believers have speculated that Malawi is one of the countries in Africa which have been implicated in the recent prophecy announced by a Nigerian prophet who heads Champions Royal Assembly, Joshua Iginla.
In his released prophecies on what will happen in this new year of 2016, the prophet claimed that in his vision he saw homosexuality entering into one of the African countries and will be very strong.
In relation to the current state of affairs concerning the topic in the country, some people have supposed that the said African country might be Malawi.

Another prophecy, in which he said in this New Year the economy of the said country will be very tasking and quite challenging, has also been viewed as indirectly referring to Malawi because even some economic experts projected the same recently.
“If no care will be given, it will navigate into serious recession. I see strong hardship in terms of economy,” reads part of the prophecy.
The prophecy goes on to foresight that in the said country, which is believed to be Malawi, there will be a rise in fuel prices to the extent that efforts to curb the prices will not work.
“I see series of strikes, protests which will affect the economy,” reads another part of the same prophecy
The prophet has announced about 47 prophetic massages which he emphatically claimed that they might happen in this New Year. Among other notable African countries prophesied about include Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Among the 47 prophecies, about ten have been connected to Malawi though the prophet himself did not specify the country which will face such calamities.
However, the concerned countries have been advised to pray hard for God’s mercy
Pipo ask him why sanalosele zakugwa kwa building yake kwao satana wamingaminga
masankha sankha munasankha gay mwaona tsopano , ukwati anapanga chifukwa cha udindo kkkkkkkkkk contractual agreement
Kaya zikhulupirirani za aprophet anuwo! Ine wanga ndi Jesus Christ yemwe analosera kale kuti kudxadxa aneneri onyenga mu dzina lake.
just be thankful to God for reviewing it onto you and find the solution b4 things get that bad. what will u achieve on competing with the prophets? thou u can say all you want but those said are still coming and some of them u can see them even now. bewise and not stupid.
Ma Prophet achuluka ndimaganiza kuti zithera mwa Yesu koma kenako Muhamad lero TB Joshua mmmkenaka kudzangomva Bushiri kumalawi iiii koma ati Liabunya nde kha ndisatile ziti ndithandizeni ambuye kuopa kusochera ine!
Wayiwala pastor mbale,
Sindinayiwale koma kuti ma Prophet akungochulukirachulukirabe zosatira zake ndi izi akumapanga Ulosi osatheka
They r satanist GOD WIL burn u with holy fire
Ma Prophet ena achi Malawi,akumasanduka njoka osatira ake ali pompo.Kupusatu ndikupita ku ma Church awo,Chikhulupiliro chikhale mmitima mwanumo ndipo chizakupulumusani.Osasatira kapembezedwe kama Prophet chifukwa ali mu 666(Signs Of End Time),akukopani kuti mukalowe nawo mu Gehena.A zungu sakhala ma Prophet bwanji?Koma okuda okhaokha,ndipo nchifukwa chani akupezeka ku Malawi ndiku Nigeria?Aliyense Mulungu ndi Yesu akumudziwa,lambirani kapena pempherani mu choonadi cha mtima wanu,ma Prophet asiyeni
Ma Prophet ena achi Malawi,akumasanduka njoka osatira ake ali pompo.Kupusatu ndikupita ku ma Church awo,Chikhulupiliro chikhale mmitima mwanumo ndipo chizakupulumusani.Osasatira kapembezedwe kama Prophet chifukwa ali mu 666(Signs Of End Time),akukopani kuti mukalowe nawo mu Gehena.A zungu sakhala ma Prophet bwanji?Koma okuda okhaokha,ndipo nchifukwa chani akupezeka ku Malawi ndiku Nigeria?Aliyense Mulungu ndi Yesu akumudziwa,lambirani kapena pempherani mu choonadi cha mtima wanu,ma Prophet asiyeni
Kunalembedwa kuti ena azabwera mu dzina la Yesu nagwiritsa ntchito dzina lake.Nanga inu simukukhulupilira kuti ena mwa aneneri onyengawo ndima Prophet wa?Azabwera ndithu nasocheretsa mitundu ya anthu,koma asali ake a Mulungu.Zomwe amapanga ma Nigerian ndi zachilendo,prophet angapange prophecise vuto lamunthu koma kulephera healing and deriverance.Amagwiritsa ntchito magic bible,ndipo ndi game chabe yopezera ndalama(Professional Beggars).Amasankha maiko omwe kuli anthu ofoira(opusa)ngati Malawi….
Kunalembedwa kuti ena azabwera mu dzina la Yesu nagwiritsa ntchito dzina lake.Nanga inu simukukhulupilira kuti ena mwa aneneri onyengawo ndima Prophet wa?Azabwera ndithu nasocheretsa mitundu ya anthu,koma asali ake a Mulungu.Zomwe amapanga ma Nigerian ndi zachilendo,prophet angapange prophecise vuto lamunthu koma kulephera healing and deriverance.Amagwiritsa ntchito magic bible,ndipo ndi game chabe yopezera ndalama(Professional Beggars).Amasankha maiko omwe kuli anthu ofoira(opusa)ngati Malawi….
Why being pessimistic. ..malawians stop attacking your own nation..and be optimistic. ….I believe God loves Malawi and it doesn’t even make sense for you lazy malawians to connect alll bad this to this beautiful and peaceful nation!!
when God speaks wise people listen
Ayambe kaye wasova za Boko Halamu ndi za mlandu wakupha anthu pa building yake then azalosele zakuno kumalawi bwanji sanalosele zokugwa za building yake kwaoko
when God speaks wise people listen
Read again.this is not TB Joshua.
Read again.this is not TB Joshua.
God is watching
God is watching
anthu onyenga mwachuluka
Tuberculosis Joshua ndi mbuzi ya munthu!
u are cursed my friend oooo!!! repent now becoz u will not succeed in life,kunyoza munthu wa mulungu,mzako anasiya kuwona atanyoza chomcho!!
u are cursed my friend oooo!!! repent now becoz u will not succeed in life,kunyoza munthu wa mulungu,mzako anasiya kuwona atanyoza chomcho!!
Get lost bro! Ndi ambuye Yesu iyeyo?
ZANU izo,msovatu
kunama a (24)news
Mukakambirana kumeneko mumabwera kumati ndi ulosi koma kuopa Yehova ndi mwana wake ndiye chinsinsi chadziko langa Malawi l lov u
Where is Champions Royal Assembly and who is the man in the picture?
Even yourself Joshua,but here malawi the Problem is Poverty and lacking of good leadership and malawians they have no where to go
Infact Zingokhala za kuno kut tioneko zina, w r jst tired of ths APM
Aaaaaa fana wa wapapanje don’t warry zonse ndi nthawi
bwanji mukaona joka mumathawa inu ana ajoka inu mukuzatibela kuzela mapephelo mukulakwatu ndalama zavuta mukalangidwa mukapanda kusiya kubako
Koma guyz china ndi china utava kuti mkazi wako wagwidwa ndi chimwene wako okwatila pamodzi ungachite chani olo ungave bwanji
Kumusiila man, atenge onseo akhale ake.
T.B Joshua is a real man of God….This is another joshua i know nothing about.
Let that country be Malawi lord…
Kkkkk aaaaaaaa ma prophet ovala tima skin jeanz wa! Kkkk
Izi ndizomwe tikukanazo mukakuta uko ndi kumapwetsera kumalawi,i think is nonsens
Ma prophet wa akuonelera ku Malawi kuno kamba koti A Malawi mumatengeka nawo udyoo atabwaliwa kulibe wabwino onse analowa geni kudyera dzina la Yesu..
To hell with this fake prophet ana asatana osewa asatinyase angodyera dzina la Yesu.
Ndipo chilombo chinapasidwa mphavu zolosera ndi zogonjesa. Bcare si ma prophet from God but ndi zilombo zimenezo.
Tiwone2 Apange Prophecise Zakutha Kwagulu La Boko Amangofuna Kubalalitsa Anthu Bas Zachamba, Olo Atat Ine Ndikufa Mawa Nayeso Adzafa.
Which means the creator is not happy with leadership of Malawi particularly the one concerned with the prophecy.
What was the prophecy?
prophet?? when?? nowadays?? no no no at all they have been connected to evil spirit,kulibe prophet pansi pano
Satanisim at its work don’t worry .
Zoona zake the prophecies r not meant for malawi kwinoko ndizoganiza zathu, even the writer akumapereka ma assumptions kuti it might be, may refer to, it is believed to be Malawi..anakafuna prophetiyo anakanena kuti malawi will face such and such problems clearly so that nafe tizipemphera like anawauzila maiko enawo..IT MIGHT NOT BE MALAWI!!!!!!! Thinkingpositevelytowardsmycountly.com
walosera chan guyz?
Y only Malawi?
I think enawo ndimaganiza a wolemba nkhaniyi, ma prophecy ose opita kudziko lanthu akumakhala ndi guiding sentence ” it is believed to be,..might be,..is referred to,…”. While maiko enawo awatchula bwino bwino and anauza kuti they must pray, why should we think kuti ma prophecy amenewa are referred, believed to be, or might be Malawi? Joshua anakafuna anakanena kuti Malawi bwinobwino so that nafe tiphere. IT MIGHT NOT BE MALAWI!!!!! Let’s think positively towards our country
prophet of DOOM
Ku Nigeria mavuto mngosayamba but why malawi?Kodi anthu malawife akungotitengera kuntoso eti?Azilosera mavuto akwawoko osati kuno fotseki.Mxiiiiiii
No comment..ine pheee mu rsa
I think these prophet things shouldn’t be on news anymore.. tell us something important, educative, entertainment or something really to be in the news
Bola kukhale kuno ku malawi kuti mbava iyi ya mathanyula ife ndithu palibe kusintha joshua akanena wanena
ayambe ndi bambo ako kufa b4 peter.
Ukalimbana ndi ine utaya nthawi Tb joshua sasintha maganizo. Wanenawanena
Wanenawanena ena abowoka m’mimba. Mungokhala muno basi tioneko kusintha, tired of ths APM
lwinu mwewene iyo mbombo yakyala!
sananene kuti Malawi. but one of the African country as u have said ( MW 24 ). so am jst wondering some even go as higher as kutukwana. let’s kip on praying. if not care is taken we are in troubles. if the prophecy really comes from God.
Liabunya said Mugabe would be dead by 31 Dec 2015. But its 6th January 2016 and Mugabe is still alive. What a shame to you fake prophets.
liar liar liar..Never listen to them coz they see all these on internet and come out lyk a prophecy kkkkk these pipo never believe them they will just bring confusion among the pipo …prophet prophet prophet!!!! y dont they prophesies the coming of jesus woe to those who believe them not me i believe in the son of the living God (JESUS)
Mbava zogwiritsa ntchito mavesi mozondoza izi.
The maddest is the ones who call these men ‘Prophets’
Guys, readership is pubric transactions with history that sometimes teaches us how did we get where we are .there are some preachers being selected by god himself and others are there just to obtain benefits which is contrally to the screptures in bible. In breif we will be judjed accordingly disreguard who are u.
U r lost not this u call T B Joshua
hahaha mumati mugabe salowa 2016 akhala atafa,ndye wafa?kodi umaleka kulosera kuti church chako chigwa bwanji?uzilosera zakunyumba kwako
What i knw, zamulungu sizopanganazo phada! Am GOD fearing man!
These are the last days indeed…… Abale ndi alongo samalani naye jabulosi in a form of a sheep.
Prophet of doom at work. Why hiding the nation to face calamity? Bola akanangokhala osaloseratu. Yesu adalosera imfa yake, Joshua nayenso aloselenso yake
1corinthians13, 1corinthians14 lastly read psalm 1v5
Shame on u. Am proud to be a muslm. No prophet in Islam.
But mass killing of people BOKO HARAM kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Kodi Aprophet angokhala ndi mphamvu yolosera zoipa Mphamvu zopempherera zinthu kuti zisinthe ku AFRICA,eg,NKHONDO,NJALA NDI UMPHAWI kuti zithe ALIBEEEEEEE???
Beware iwe ukulamulira ndizakwiya ndikuphophola onse amakha pa gate
Prophet wanji wongolosera ZOIPA ZOKHA ZOKHA Zaku Africa? Osaloselako MTENDERE MU AFRICA BWANJI?
Tsiku lomwelo Ena azati kodi Ambuye Ife sitinatulutse ZIWANDA Mudzina Lanu? Yesu azati CHOKANI ANA ANJOKA INU!!! Kuyambira ubwana wanu simunandiziwa
Iwe Joshwa, tatiwuze za pitalayu, awona liti?
why always propheting this issues??? why don’t h prophecy zaatsikana womwe anapangidwa kidnap ndi boko haram kut ali kut!!! and why didn’t he prophecised kut tchalichi chake chigwa ndikupha anthu!! wat kind of prophet is Joshua?
Ameneyu Ndi Joshua Wina, Si Tb Joshua Ayi!
This is Joshua Iginla,,not TB Joshua ,,
kkkkk manyazi bwanji. zkungowonetsera2 kut mdala iwe ukulimbana nd TB Joshua
who is TB Joshua anyway
Woooooo shame at yu & mbuli zimathamangila kuyika ma comment ndi chizungu chochepa chomwe chitawapita ,may GOd fogve yu pomampanga question Tb Joshua pa nkhan zoti sizake & ndakuwona kut sumavetsetsa zinthu ndipo sudzavetsa . Pray to GOD if yu av d heart . & u wil see TB joshua in ur drim & u wil knw hu he is . Uzazindikila bwno pasogolo
kkkkk kulimbana ndi anthu osakulakwira waphonya nazo zamanyazi bwa?
Joshua Ignla.TB Joshua.2 dfarent fgures.waza kumeneko
Aaaa that’s gibberish nonsense mesa onse ntchito zao ndizimodzi anthu opusa mumamuikira kumbuyo bwanji TB J kape ngat ameneyo u people u should wke up please muzitha kuphunzira pakamodzi
who ever he is I dnt care!!! onsewa ndi abodza coz nayenso mukumuikila kumbuyomu analoseranso nkhani ngat yomweyi!! for more info ,,go deeper into internet and osamangothamangira kundipanga criticize makepenu!!!!
I hate this guy too much lies and God will punish him severe just Wait and see!
Read the article before commenting….
Read the article before commenting….
If we desire peace n security, we do v to get rid of these so called prophets in anyway possible. Who can prove to me any trustworthy person amongst these *men of God*? Guys umulungu sitimazipopa nawo, sitimapanga for business mpaka kumazilalikira mma media. Tisasatire azibusa or prophets tisocheresedwa coz many of them are attached to satanism. I m not attacking any church or denomination, but we should stick to the unaltered truth.
u r a muslim,i see
Kkkkk yap l m a muslim but my comment is not about islam. Its all about salvation to which people do strive n through which they are being mislead.
Chodabwitsa ndi choti mayiko enawa satchuka kwenikweni ndi aneneri koma ku Malawi nde eeeiishh
My Friend This Is Not a Prophet From Malawi!!!!Read Agian The Post
ndimbava zodyela akhristu woputsa womangosatira zilizonse
#Sam,,, zako izo ine bola ndanena
sindinawone nawo zimenezo
Akhale oona bwanji sanawauze anthu kuti chalichi chigwa ndipo athawe.aneneri onyenga ntchito zawo ndizimenez mukapanda kusamala musocheretsedwa.i dont belv in nowadys prophecy.
Re-read e content bos
whoeva he is zizingasinthe zinthu!! yemwe mukumuikila kumbuyo nayeso waloseranso chimodz modz zokudzana ndikuSouthern Africa
mat24:14 anati uthenga wabwino wa ufumu wa Mulungu udzalalikidwa pa dziko lonse kuti ukhale umboni not ma prophet adzalosela,maulosi analoseledwa kale kwatsala ndi kukwanilitsidwa basi kenako armagedo!!!!
apa m’bale wanga solomon timati walasa penipenipo nkhani ndikufalisa uthenga osati maloto ndimachiliso
anthu ali mumdima wosowa cikhulupiliro ca mawu aMulungu (Bible),coz satana wacititsa khungu(blind) anthu osowa cikhulupiliro kuti asaone kuwala kwa uthenga bwino wa Mulungu komanso Yesu khristu_2Akorinto 4:4 ,ndakudyadira mbale wanga
munthawi ya ma prophet achina yesaya kodi kunalibe nkhondo komanso munthawi ya prophet eliya kunalibe njala.when we come to Loti kodi kunalibe ma gays remember 3angels atakamuchezera azibambo anamuuza chani loti zokhudzana ndi angel aja?
ndi cifukwa cake Mulungu anawononga sodom&gomora munthawi ya Loti yomweyo,komanso njala imabwera pa cifukwa comveka mogwilizana ndi ulosi wa Mulungu,nthawi ya Eliya(1mafumu18mpaka19) analosera zimene MULUNGU anamuuza
zaugay lero mukapita pa filling station mukamuwuze othira mafuta uja akasiye kuthira pamalo penipen paja akathirire ku exhaus
Three days after Prophet T.B. Joshua’s global warning about the advanced weaponry capabilities of the volatile North Korean regime, the communist nation has declared successful testing of a deadly Hydrogen Bomb. Joshua had called for prayers for North Korean leader Kim Jong- un during his New Years Eve message, giving further details of his ‘revelation’ the following Sunday 3rd January 2016
ndiye zopusa zimenezo
But for me those are not prophencies,because thats what is happening now,if you talk of homesexual,more people will just come openly to say that they do practices that just because there is no law thant work on their insanity behaviour.if you talk of economy,our economy isn’t good at all that will affect people negatively,if our economy isn’t good it is alweys that fuel price has rise and comodities will rise as well making life to be hard and harder,wish if you could have come up with measures on how to end up economic challenges that our country is facing.
ndiye mukuopa? chani kapena choopya nchani ngatitu mukudziwa ndi aboza ngodikirani ngati ulosi wawo ndi wochokera kwa mulungu upherezera basi
gud ans like Gamaliel
thanks solomon
Worst of the worst answers!!
Eti-eti-eti ngat nd abodza nde mantha nd achani? Above all APM should goooo!!
Lets pray for our beloved country Malawi.
Mau ochoka nkamwa mwathu azagwiritsidwa nchito pa tsiku la mlandu.Komanso anthu muziwe ichi zamulunguzi zili magulumagulu prophet kwake ndikunenera osakhala kulalikira ayi.Mbusa kwake ndikusamalalira anthu mmau amulungu pa church osakhala kunenera.Evangelist kwake ndi kularikira uthenga wa Ambuye wabwino ndipo anthu akamulandila Yesu amakhazikika pa chalich mbusa namawatumikira ndiye pali mphunzitsi uyu kwake ndikuphunzitsa mwa cindunji pa za Ambuye.Anthu ambiri mukamakhala ndikunva zinthu zinazi mumangoti masiku omaliza ma prophet mbwe kma simukudziwa kt ndicifukwa chani mazibusa sachuka iwo nchito zawo nzanchalichi kusamala anthu ngati Yehova wapeleka mphatso ya uneneli ,anenera,ngati ya uphunzitsi ateronso basi #AMOSI 6 Yehova sadzacita kanthu osauza atumiki ake
It cmz ur one ov dem ndipo sukudziwa chilichose tiziti iweo sukudziwa kuti kuli maprophet abodza
Ithnk brother inno ur nt undrstandng me wat am saying.Sindkutanthauza kt kulibe azineneli abodza ayi aliko koma imeneyo ndinchito ya Ambuye muuziwa ena pano afika pomati prophet uyo ndi wasatanic akapsa basi ndioipa,oh my God du thnk anthu amenewa ali ndi nthawi yokamuotsa munthu?Bible limati matsiku otsiliza kuzaza aneneli onyenga tisamale nawo,koma anati tiwaweluze?Mwina mutha kumaona ngati nkhaniyi mbale wanga ndaisintha ayi ndithu pali wina analemba pa comment yake kt ndicifukwa chni atumiki angochuka ndi kunenera osakhla ndi kulalikira uthenga wa Ambuye?Ndicifukwa ine ndinalemba ndandanda wa azitumiki a Mulungu ndinso kusiyana kwake ndimangofuna ndiunikire kwa anthu amene amaweruza nthawi zonse kt sinchito yawo kutero ayikma ndi nchito ya ambuye osakhala iwo ayi mukumbuke pa #EKSODO mmene mulungu adamuuza mose kuti menya mwala ndipo adatero padatuluka madzi anthu adamwa kma ena amadandaula kt pachuluka anthu madziwo rakuwakwanira ndipo mose adamenya kena kma mulungu adati kwa mose wagwira nchto yanga.
Cifukwa cogwira nchito yanga ndikuuza kt umulunjike Yoswa manja ako numupatse mphavu chifukwa iwe dziko lomwe ndinalilonjeza mwa iwe suzalowamo,ndipo zidathekadi,kugwila nchito ya Ambuye sikwabwinodi.Yesu Kristu ankagwira nchito kutulusa ziwanda,kuukitsa akufa,ndinso zambiri kma anthu adati chani?Mwini ziwanda wankulu wa ziwanda {usee}ndipo Yesu adati yense wakunyoza mzimu woyera sazakhululukidwa ayi.Kuteroko brothr ndikuuze zoterezi zikamacitika kumangokhala chete kuona ndipo inu muzikhala pamalo pmwe inu mukuona kt pali mzimu woyera cifukwa talking ina umazazindikira kt wanyoza mzimu woyera nthawi zonse muzimuuza Anbuye basi Yehova inu oweluza mowoona mukule ine ndichepe das O.
Touch not my anointed
Annointed my ass
Anthu zizavuta kukhulupilira
Anthu zizavuta kukhulupilira
Because you hate your mam and dad yu just wish them bad This is what I see in peoples comment
Ndichifukwa chani uprophecy wawo umakhala wamuno mu africa mokha ndilit limene Liabunya analotserapo zizachitike ku America kma ndakhulupira satana ndi wakudadi makamaka mpingo iyi amati ma Ministries yolankhura malimeyi eee yaononga chikhristu ine zitsiru zimezi sindizimvera
Go no man. Tatopa ndi ulosi wamanegative
Eeee man malilime sakukhuzana ndi zimenezi,togues Is Agift from God. Through the holly spirit,so Be carefull,…
Man tafufuzani bwino maprophet onse amalankhula malime akamanena
Chipitileni aneneli onse aMulungaMulungu 2000yrs ago sazapezekaso wina mpaka chimalizilo
zoonadi malemba akutelo, this pple who follow prophets i thnk ma bible alibe
zoonadi malemba akutelo, this pple who follow prophets i thnk ma bible alibe
Joshua Ignla is a true prophet i love him so much, Continue Papa The Good Work Bestowed Onto thy head
owo chofunika ndichani to break the prophency. kunyoza kokhako u hav declared kuti zichitike.ambiri a inu u dont who is prophet and what is prophency.if u dont know more about prophency and prophet tsekani pa mlomo.
Tell them dear! Inexo ndikumadabwa anthu akamanyoza! Yet they dnt knw who has sent the prophets! [bible:do not despise prophecy!] though ndaiwala verse.
Paja azimayi kutengeka,,,muzanve kuli prophet uku,,,,muli konko…muzaona posiila
U r there kuwauza mwachikondi pple shud differentiate btwn munthu obadwa mwatsopano ndi wachikunja. ….
Munthu aliese alimphatso imene mulungu adatipatsa moti samalandaso ngati yauprophetyo amaneneradi koma dzina lake atalikana moti patsikulo adzawakana koma ali aprophet kuti sakuwadziwa
Ine ndimayenela 2 chronicles 20 vs 20
Ndizoona kaya ndi m’busa,prophet,apostle,mlaliki aliyense aliyense ali ndi chisomo chimene mulungu anayikamo chimene anthu sitimachidziwa.mau amati kunyoza chapa mzimu tchimo lake silikhulurukidwa mau amenewa amandiopsa.Ife sioweruza
Jesus analosela za infa yake, bwanji sanalosele za church chake kuti chigwa?? uyankhe fuso limenelo Tiyamike
kaystar. Joshua uyu si TB Joshua. alemba kut TB Joshua apo ??
kkk kaystar what u believe is what u a.sometimes chimakhala chimphunzitso chimene unachimva.iwe kukhala ndi chuma si aliyense angakondwere ndi chimodzi zimene ukunena iwezo.
Am In Support Of U #tiyamike Most Ppo Dont Understand….Bible Did Not Say Thre Wil B No True Prophet But It Said Thre Wil B False Prophets n It(Bible) Gave Us The Measure 4 Knwng True Prophets….Go Read 2thessalonians 5vs19-22…..God Bless U Brethren As We All Choose 2 B Word(God’s Word) Guided as Did Bereans As Aposttle Paul Preached Gospel 2 Them……May God Of Host Have Mercy On Us n Our Land Malawi
The bible says do not touch my annointed..please be very careful people
its true sam i get yo comment Bible ndi book lozama limene nthawi zambiri pple misunderstand and misinterpret thus why they always argue on prophets
these r known stories not prophecy
these r known stories not prophecy
kodi ma prophet aku nigeri mukakhuta ugusi wanuwo basi zolota zanu ndikumalawi ndi southern africa mbuzi za anthu mukukanika kulosela ebola ku west africa kwanuko
Ubono.com kkk
I will be happay if it is mw
za obvious zimenezo, no need for prophecy..
Implicated? Ngati ndi cashgate cases? Ati implicated…?
If you are based in Malawi by now, u can agree with me that this is not a prophecy but just a prediction… Who is not aware of financial problems in our country, gay story began last year…
I think the guy is just trying to buy trust from the weak minded…
Ineyo zikumandidabwitsa .Kodi prophet amenewa zaka zonsezi anali kuti . Panopa ndiye kwangobwezi ziapolofeti zambilimbili Kodi nonsenu mwatumidwa ndimulungu . Panopa . Angoti akangozuka mmamawa basi ine Ndi mprophet akuti nthawi yomweyo kukagula suit yonyezimila Eeeee kaya mulungu akawaweluza
Uziwe kuti ano ndi masiku otsiriza Yesu ali pafupi kubwera pafunika kulapa machimo. Kodi unabadwa mwatsopano? Ngati ukufuna kumva zambiri ndilembere ku inbox kwanga.
Nigeria has so many prophats. They only prophecy about Malawi when in there country they are killing each other like flies. Shame on them. Men of God let us not accept this. Our God is merciful and gracious. He will here our cry.
sanatchule dziko man
sanatchule dziko man
ma prophet wo ndiamisala. misala sikutoleza m bini kokha iyayi.
Iiiii kma maprophet inu ndikamuza mugabetu ine oho
Ndikakuperekeza tikasume kwa munthu wamkulu asatilowe ife
Ndikakuperekeza tikasume kwa munthu wamkulu asatilowe ife
Akutionjezatu maprophetiwa kkkk
Take it for yourself APM. All the calamities that will be falling on Malawi will need your solutions. I will be sleeping in my small house but I will be waiting for you & your government to give me food & drugs. Gaffar, Fersons , Siku etc will be waiting for you to give them fuel. I employed you so that you can provide me with my daily personal needs including my security. Now the prophecy iz out, If you can’t stand that heat as you’ve already failed just pave way for someone.
zimene mwayakhula ndi nkhaniyi sizikugwilizana don’t let ths false prophets 2 misled u
inu @Rich mulibe nzelu,, mukuoma ngati mukamangokhala osagwila ntchito president akupatseni zosowa zanu?? haha ulesi basi,, Even God sathandiza munthu waulesi bambo,, azanu akumapepha mumisewumu coz amadziwa kuti akangokhala siadya
KAYSTAR JIVA, Nzeru ndili nazo chifukwa ndimaganiza ndikudziwa chochita mu nthawi yake. After all I don’t have everything in my life but I have all that makes a man to be a man.
We all expect the gvt t protect and care fo its people. APM walephera so wat next! Azipitaah!!
Rich is saying the truth
Mitu yanu munangodzadza mamina okhaokha man.amene makampani mukuwatchulawo adzigwira tchito molimbika adzigula fuel not waiting 4 the president.inunso mukamangokhala kuyembekezela APM ng’ooo
Mitu yanu munangodzadza mamina okhaokha man.amene makampani mukuwatchulawo adzigwira tchito molimbika adzigula fuel not waiting 4 the president.inunso mukamangokhala kuyembekezela APM ng’ooo
GOD will do Us a FAVOUR
Lord have mercy,,
But why?
mukumatukwana home industry nkumapopo a ku Nigeria
Kkkkkkkkk ma prophet amasiku ano samalalikira za ufumu wa MULUNGU ,koma nkhani zake amakamba zabwino zokhazokha akut ngat ungapeze bwanji ntchito kapena kubeleka mwana eee mavuto apabanja ,how can u get more money mkazi wako amakuyenda njomba hahahahahaha koma ndinaseka bwanji ,mtsogoleri wadziko lakut akufa ,kunalitu atumiki a Mulungu kalero akati dzuwa liyime dzuwadi limayima koma zalerozi aaaaa kaya zanu izo coz abwera kuzakusocheretsani
Nonsense. Ma prophet onse aku Nigeria maulosi awo amangoona ku Malawi basi?
every town u go,there is a prophet,every country have got prophets!y is it like this yet in those days they used to be 1 prophet @ a time untill his death.
In those days, Prophets were chosen and sent by God. Today’s Prophets are self claimed, not chosen and sent by God.
Unfortunately, all of them are fake, non of them genuine.
hey bro!its annoying these days!this prophet this that prophet that!its too much
It just marks the words of our Savior Matt 24
be very careful people
Their preaching is about riches of this world everyday
Why these Prophets are Floaked in TOWN not in VILLAGES???? Help me I want to know more!!!
that’s beyond my reach,search me!
Homosexuality is every where no need for prophecy…..this man guffed again on nigeria elections. Why cant he specify the country concerned. You people are destroying the real prophets of god.
Nanga President Wa Dziko Limenelo Afa Liti?
but don’t be ridiculous for being pessimistic
Ya every prophetic message in the bible has a solution which the people have to adhere to before failure of which it would happen.what’s the solution TB.and why not being specific.we need to pray now. Zomatitsimikizila patatsala week ice ai.Lord have mercy
Its unfortunate for the whole reporter to consider negative prophecies for his country. If you have no issues to report just stay quiet. We are Malawians, born here and we love our country. All negatives you have written for us, will not happen in Jesus Name.
Zomwe Joshuayo wavala zandiopsa koma. Amenewa ndi ma prophecy kapena wangotengako zomwe amakambilana pansi pa nyanja???
My fellow Malawians, no need to panick as God is in control of every situation. Joshua Iginla is one of such fools in the category of Bushiri who are prophesying just to satisfy their bellies. In Biblical terms, prophesies must provide an alternative to the miseries that a nation is to meet. What is the answer that this dog Joshua is giving to the problems? The last days indeed!
OK Malawi is in such problems but my wonder is when you prophet prophesies like the way it has been done God has to say some measures or solutions for as Malawians to be saved so you prophet should we say God has only showed you only that without a solution yes indeed these are last days many prophets will come in his name