Malawi indirectly implicated in a foreign prophecy

Joshua Iginla

Some believers have speculated that Malawi is one of the countries in Africa which have been implicated in the recent prophecy announced by a Nigerian prophet who heads Champions Royal Assembly, Joshua Iginla.

In his released prophecies on what will happen in this new year of 2016, the prophet claimed that in his vision he saw homosexuality entering into one of the African countries and will be very strong.

In relation to the current state of affairs concerning the topic in the country, some people have supposed that the said African country might be Malawi.

Joshua Iginla
Joshua Iginla; Does his prophecy head to Malawi?

Another prophecy, in which he said in this New Year the economy of the said country will be very tasking and quite challenging, has also been viewed as indirectly referring to Malawi because even some economic experts projected the same recently.

“If no care will be given, it will navigate into serious recession. I see strong hardship in terms of economy,” reads part of the prophecy.

The prophecy goes on to foresight that in the said country, which is believed to be Malawi, there will be a rise in fuel prices to the extent that efforts to curb the prices will not work.

“I see series of strikes, protests which will affect the economy,” reads another part of the same prophecy

The prophet has announced about 47 prophetic massages which he emphatically claimed that they might happen in this New Year. Among other notable African countries prophesied about include Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Among the 47 prophecies, about ten have been connected to Malawi though the prophet himself did not specify the country which will face such calamities.

However, the concerned countries have been advised to pray hard for God’s mercy