Police in Malawi’s capital Lilongwe have arrested two men for allegedly having sexual intercourse, Malawi24 can report.
The two, Cuthbert Kulemela, 19, and Kelvin Gonani, 39, were reportedly netted when they were romping each other at area 25 in the city.
Speaking to local press, Kanengo Police spokesperson Ester Nkwanda said the incident happened on Monday after the two had been at a drinking joint.
“After the boozed, they agreed to go to the house of Gonani where they had sex, when Kulemela was leaving the house he met community policing members who asked him several questions on what had been transpiring inside the house,” said Nkwanda.
He then admitted to have been making love with his fellow man as the law enforcers still puzzled him on the matter.
Nkwanda further said in condemning the act, residents invaded Gonani’s house.
The two suspects are yet to appear in court to answer charges of sodomy.
haaaaa!! no sweat no sweet.
afufuzigwe bwino aulula anzinzao ameneo
U can talk, express ur views or watever. . bt it wont work, even though these guys have been arrested, or even akanawapha as others are puting it, but this act will still remain because the word of God will nt b there in vain, The end of time is near.
Leviticus 18 vs 22.
amalawi ndife opusa, tikulimbana ndikuti awamange anthu awiri amene anagwirizana kugonana kwa okha ndipo pa zomwe amapangazo palibe amene amulakwila,anthu ambiri akumalakwa,pali za cashgate,anthu ogwililira,okuba,kupha kumene ,oti akuonenga maufulu a anthu ena,boma bwanji lilimbane ndi zimenezi kusiyana ndi kulimbana ndi anthu awiri amene amagonana atagwirizana ndipo palibe amene zamukhudza? Nonsenu mukuti awamangenu ganizani mofatsa,ngati chili chilango akaonongeka okha,tiyeni amalawi tizitaya nthawi pa zinthu zoyenela zoti we are affected rather than on this useless issue of which none of us has been affected,o poor malawians thats why our country is still poor,we waste our time on useless things
Azafa imfa yowawa
U Even Call It ‘Sex’ Kkkkk This Wedsite Has educated Savages. U Reporters Who Told U That Is Sex? Give Me The Source Of Ur Education.
no comments from women why?
Because it’s usually men who are outspoken bigots and homophobes.
Aphedwe basi
Pajatu malamulo a Mulungu anawaiwalakaye cifukwa ca ndalama,atsogoleli athuwa.
Thats it
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shame!!…shame!! shame!!……GOD did not create ADAM & STEVE PEOPLE……and he wasn’t a fool to create ADAM & EVE.
Gay Siumunthu Koma Chowamangila Ndichiysni Poti Apresident Anavomeleza Kuti Anthu Amasuke.Zauchitsilu Kwambili
tiripo ambiri ena inu mukuzibisa apa,kuchipinda kujanso zimakukanikani.
kufilana basi bola umve kukoma,aliposo wina
Just CONGRATULATIONS for being called to court to write your entraces olowela ku Maula Prison eeee mwasogolatu anzathu ku Lilongwe chitukuko chimenecho??? Koma akawamanga ali oyembekezela choncho chifukwa ayenelatu kuti apasana mimba a Nyapapi amenewo kkkkkkkk My Malawi
Nonse amene mukuvomereza cxhikhsalidwechi musaiwale muzafa infa yowawa. Read Romans chapter 1
,,,???? ???=,,,,,,,,vanity
Ine i dont see the problem with gay marriage,sex in the first place. And, we have bigger problems abale
palibe vuto olo pangono bola awiriwo agwirizane coz no one is affected
True. It honestly doesn’t affect anyone and what a person chooses to do in there life as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else is none of our business. More people should realize this
If both sides agreed to do so then there is no need to arrest them. When it comes to love, Humans are autonomous they should have a right to choose whom they love without forcing them to go for opposite sex, religion, race, tribe and etc …..
thats true
They all deserve to rot in #Jail, asamasulidwe amenewo. Utsiru mxeeeeeeew !!!!!!!
bwana Mtambo tiyankhuleni
F.ck e’m all
F.ck e’m all
F.ck e’m all
We r livng in the end of the times tsoka kwa okwanilitsa mawuwo the bible said so!
We r livng in the end of the times tsoka kwa okwanilitsa mawuwo the bible said so!
We r livng in the end of the times tsoka kwa okwanilitsa mawuwo the bible said so!
Akazi onsewa akusowa amunawa sakuwaona???????
Akazi onsewa akusowa amunawa sakuwaona???????
Akazi onsewa akusowa amunawa sakuwaona???????
dats foolish
dats foolish
dats foolish
Zonyansa zimenezo(Mulungu alemekezeke)
zauchitsilu izi
Mwamuna asagonane ndi mwamuna mzake kumeneko ndikusokoneza!
Uuuuuuu shame, malamulo sakulola pa MW, so let the law to punish them.
Muhammad Nara,don’t promote stupid behavior, y this act was not practiced by our gogo’s?are u a south African?
Kukhala gay sikufuna guys
Kukhala gay sikufuna ine nayesa kusitha koma ayi
tell them
tell them
Bwerani kutheba kuno ife ma gay azanu timachindana mwa ufulu ,,,tizakulandilani guys sitingakunyozeni
Mbole yako mu yao, ntheba yake iti unyadilayo mwe alipwala?
Iwe zigona chabe
they know dat the govt z toothless wth the funds received from global funds
pamtumbo pagalu zisilu peter so chisilu.
Mulungu sanachepe nzeru polenga anthu awiri osiyana ndie inu nzeru zanu zachuluka kuposa achikulire’Mulungu’???? Umve pamaso pa mpulutsi wanu
Masiku Osiliza
If this act is against our law both of them they have to face the reality…..& everyone knows that judgement is the hands of God & even in the Bible we have Ten comments which is law……& the law is there to protect from evildoers…..why don’t u ask yourself the simple question lyk why do we have institution lyk judicially? ……in addition to that why do we have Police ?
Anthu amene anawagwirawo akanangowapha mwachinsinsi,anthu opanga zopusa ngati izi azingophedwa basi.
comment error!
Ndizisili Kwabasi…!
anasiyanisa nyama ndi munthu kuti munthu akathe kumulemekeza ayehova koma pano munthu zimene apanga ai ndithu nyama zikumpana koma ayehova angoyang’ana ndipo chilango chili mkuza.
Amalawi mchani nanga? chamba chan fwetseki they deserve 14yrz in jail
Alandile Chilango Cha Omanga Mvula”Athilidwe Tsabola!”
Ban k Moon abweranso adzawaptse mangolomera
Kodi mukamati atumidwa ndi azungu nde kuti chani?? Kumeneko kunali mzungu? Baibulo lomwe mukunyadira leroli anabweretsa ndani? Paja amalawi mumachangamuka mopusa zoti mmalawi kuno ma gays anali, aliko ndipo adzakhalako simukudziwa? Winawu ndi umbuli basi, kuno ku malawi mtundu wina uliwonse ma gay alipo even every family. Iam a gay and am proud of it with no regrets, osatinso zoti mzungu wandituma no bt ma feelings
Bad reputation, wicked behaviour, the devil in action, let Jah alone fi take control ova dis madness.. If you kno’ de best forget de rest… Jah protec’ Malawi,,, Jah bless Malawi..
Thats stupid how mene woman does Malawi have then u choose to have sex with man how does he fill
Mmmmmm…..Atsikananso akupangana okhaokhansotu
Akangowaponya kung’ona bas akaz osewa kumalimbana ndimamuna zako kupusa.
Asiyeni ayamba kuvala mapamper pompano pompano kutatamuka kobibira.Kungotsokomola bibi kutulukiratu nthawi yomweyo.These swines!!??
go to hell
Jail those dogs
Shameless idiots bakazi kupaka
Malawi is a country that is built on principles of morality and the act of gay is an immoral of which we as malawians strongly oppose and our constitution clearly stipulates the penalties of sodomy. therefore, using human rights as a way of defending this two (gays) nuisance is unacceptable as our constitution and our society’s values view this as not a right but a bad behaviour that has to be eliminated at all cost.
Don’t be stupid Malawians, don’t provoke Jehovah to anger; remember Sodom & Gomorrah. Why can’t we admire Mugabe? if anyone happen to listen to the stupidity of whites he is also more stupid.
Anthu awa alibe nzeru,kodi tose titakhala ma gay or lesbians, ana atha kubadwa?tell them this is Africa,we don’t toralate s**t,especially Malawi
ofunika kuwalanga
pita nawoni kwa Pilato
Let them rot in jail
Koma hw com to propose lov to your fellow man
Mathanyula ?sichikuzola manyi chimbolocho? Imfe tikuwufila ndi masula pa Durban.sorry my fellow malawias let you change about what you ar doing
Anyongedwe basically.soka kwa iwo akwanilisa malemba
Welcome Mr Ban Ki Moon to Malawi
Sakuyenera kukhala ndi moyo asatana amenewo
Kkkkk kupangaku breakng nwz
Ndiye zafikapotu,anaidzala paseli, mbuye khululukirani Malawi
mmh masiku otsiliza zina mwa zizindikira za kubwera kwake zoona akazi onsewa? shame
Atumidwa awo afuna aone ngati mfundo za azungu zikutsatidwa .
Nyansi zeni zeni
Yo yo yooo come again
Man to a man nothing can come back again
#King #Mafunyeta
Koma mmene amakomera munthu wankaz,zoona ungamalimbaneso ndi mwamuna nzako shame on dem,khaya kwa amene akufilayo koma ine i wil deal with critoris for ever.
They deserve capital punishment
against the order of nature! hell!
Watheba, tangowona makomenti onse uwone ngati wina alipo akusekerera zopusa ngati izi. Bwanji kodi amalawi. Ufulu? Ufulu wake uti? kkkkkk. Akaweluza ndi mulungu koma ndiudindo wathu kutsusa pomwe pakulakwika. Mulungu analanga sodom ndi gomorah kamba kanchitidwe ngati uwu.
Komatu winayo wachita kugwililidwa sanapangane,administration muziyamba mwamvetsetsa,ask me for more info zachitika kufupi ndi kwathu
phozo loading…………………..
Whether we like it o nt za ma gay sizitha coz dats how the earth woz made, we jus have to play not to be 1 Of thoz foolishest pipo… Sory for the english
Ndufulu wawo
palibe amene amulakwila
Just Kill them
Aunt tiwo ndi steve abwelanso
Wa!!! Panthako paombo tai
Anthuwa akayambisa maphokoso ine ndizafusa inu!!
sh**t, kodi kumakhala kusavinidwa kumagonana amuna okhaokhaku…? mumatikwiitsa bwanji.
After reading the link, I got alot of questions to ask and the story lack credibility! how can you word from a drunk person? What if they admitted it out of sheer arrogance to irritate the people who were nosing in their business? You mean two friendly male can’t go into a house together unless its intimate? I think the story has been cooked up to create a debate around the homosexual behaviour. I am totally against homosexuality but taking word from a person after a booze is unheard of.
Kuledzera Si Defence Malingana Ndi Malamulo A Pa Malawi Pano.Ukanakhala Kuti Ndi Mlandu Oti Munthu Wapha Mzake Atalezera Sakanamangidw Kamba Koti Mlanduwo Waupalamula Ndi Kuuvomera Ataledzera??Pali Milandu Ina Anthu Amayamba Kuiganizira Kuti Aipange Asanaledzere Chifukwa Choti Ali Sobber Amakhala Ndi Manyazi Amakamwa Mowa Kuti Achotse Manyazi Aone Poyambira Izi Zimadziwika Bwino Potengera Zomwe Eni Opalamula Akuyankhula.Komanso Sindikukhulupilira Kuti Olo Munthu Atati Waledzera Mwamtundu Wanji Zingamubweletsere Chilakolako Chogona Ndi Mamuna Mzake All Over Sudden.Olo Woti Wasuta Chamba Akamati Wagwililira Amagwilira Mkazi Not Mamuna.Izi Zikusonyeza Kuti Chilakolako Chomwe Anali Nacho Anthu Awa Kwa Wina Ndi Mzake Ndichomwe Chimawafika Akakhala Sober.
the goodness is that even if the have realy done it no one outsider has been affected,ngati apolice wo amamufunsitsa munthuyo kuti amatani nyumbamo amuna awiriwiri ndekuti apolice wo anali ndi nkhani kale komanxo apolice ntchito yawo ndikuteteza anthu osati kuziwa private life ya anthu coz watever was happening in the house between the two was part of ther privacy of which no one is suppose to know unless if the two wish to tell people,malawi has important issues to deal with rather about two males who people just think they were having sex coz the y havent affected anyone,lets deal with issues affecting the nation as a whole
Prisca Chisomo Malombe if you read the link, you would understand why I got alot of questions to ask! the link says, and I quote: ‘they were netted while romping’ meaning they were caught while doing it, later in the story it says when one of the them came, he was asked what was he doing inside the house. Does this make sense to you? How can you ask someone of the crime you just witnessed? Being drunk is not a defence, yes! but can you bring a drunk person to testify in a court of law? If yes, in what ways, if no, why not?
ine sindikuona vuto, anthu amenewa siza chirendo chifukwa dziko likusintha zoti amalawi adzavara ma legez ndikuvara kwa chilendo pano zinakhazi kika ngati chikharidwe chathu zomwe Mulungu akuletsa ndipo dzikori likutha sizitheka zimenezi zibwera ndithu zikhazikikanso ngati chikharidwe nw ma gay abwera ndi zinaso zoti zikhara mmaiko onse ndipo malawi alandiranso zimenezi ndiye kuwa siya vuto paribe chifukwa zibwerabe ndipo zikuchitika ambiri akupanga izi
Kkkkkkk ndiye chani?
Kodi guys what’s wrong to say they have admitted,to be having sex mwina understanding yanga ndikuona ngati d grammar is correct.
Pa Chizungu Cha Court Palibe Cholakwika Apa.Fans Ingokakamula.Ukapita Ku Chipatala Admitted Is Another Issue Different From That Of The Court.Zimangofunika Kuti Nthawi Zina Tikakhala Ndi Mpata Kumakamvera Nao Milandu Mmene Imakhalira Mma Court Mu.We Will Be Serprised One Day Poti Kuchimwa Kulibe Mwini.
Koma Anthu Ndiolimba Ntima Mmene Unakhwimira Mwendo Wanyamata NKumausisita Mmm!Uli Ubweya Okhaokha Mmm!Thako Lili Gwaa!Ee!Ayi!
Was that sex or getting shit out of as****? Disgusting
Esau idoubt if u a not gay lol
mmene timazunira ti mabebi munthu nkumalimbana ndi tonde nzako……. mxuiii
Ndalama zomwe anatenga pitala zija zayamba kugwila ntchito nanenso ndiyambapo
Tsoka kwa okwaniritsa malemba
Burn dem!!!!!!!
Englsh error-BURNT NT BURNED Ofcoz its Gadaga English.
staged action sponsored by donors.
Akazi akusowaso masiku ano?
Kkkk u i was kind of confused ‘while having’ then ‘when kule was leaving the house.’ Anyway mayb english has burned me.
Kukhala kuti dziko la Malawi amalamulira ndi Chimwene wanga ndikanalola kuti amenewo amwetsedwe petrol ndikuotchedwa zopusa zomwe akupangazo
Kodi ngati mukuti ndiufulu wao mkayesa Baibulo linatiuza kale za sodom ndi gomola nde ufulu umenewu ukuchokera kuti, komatu akuona zanse zimene tikuchitazi ndithu ndikunena Namalenga (Mulungu)
Breaking news
Sad thing is that palibe dziko lomwe linamenyapo nkhondo yothetsa vuto la ma gay. This is a world issue not Malawian. There’s gays everywhere including in Muslim nations where they practice sharia law. It’s been there and it will always be there. Moral issues can be really hard to deal with and so may be Co- existence is the only best way otherwise it’s a battle that can never be won. Komanso ndife a khristu so why should we judge when we know the Bible teaches us about the coming of Jesus to judge us at the end of the day? Unless we don’t believe the Bible then we can take it in our own hands but the holy book doesn’t give us that authority either. Tiyeni tidzingolimbana ndi Mavuto athu a tsiku ndi tsiku tisataye nthawi ntchitoyi ndiyamwini wake mulengi. Tisayiwale tonse ndife ochimwa oyenela kuweluzidwanso
Tantchula dziko la chisilam limodzi lonkha lomwe kuli Shallia law koma kulu zau satanic zanuzo? Eeeh sangayesele kupanga zimenezo kungoapeza akhoza kusinga pomwepo
Tantchula dziko la chisilam limodzi lonkha lomwe kuli Shallia law koma kulu zau satanic zanuzo? Eeeh sangayesele kupanga zimenezo kungoapeza akhoza kusinga pomwepo
madala inu Esau tamaganizani,mkutundu wanu kuli ma gay,tiyenela kuwelza iwe ndi mtundu wa Loti ait,
kuweluzadi sikwabwino koma kudzudzula kufunika not kusiyiratu ….as a christian thats wat i believe
True. Point yomwe ndikuthandauza apa ndiyakuti it’s a worst of time judging these guys cause as Christians we believe that we’ll all be judged some day so we don’t necessarily need to worry about a certain fella being gay. Nothing has stopped people from being gay, even sharia law hasn’t. Don’t forget there were already gays in Malawi even before aunt Tiwo emerged, an estimate of 10,000 isn’t a joke. There’s no shariah law in Uganda and Jamaica but people get killed for being gay there and believe me there might even be huge population of gay people in those countries than here in Malawi.
but ithnk dis sin of gaysim anoyes God,,remember wat de bible z teling us abt sodom and gomora,,,dis indicates dat guyism z de worst of de worst sin in de world.
Kungoti anthu sitiphunzila mbiri zakale olo kapena kukayikila mabuku oyela.
anthu limbanani ndi umbava,umbanda,njala,umphawi osati anthu awiri atagwirizana anagonana palibe yemwe zamupanga affect,dont waste ur time in these issues coz even in those islamic countries gaysm is there,if it wasnt there sibwemzi akumapezabe anthu akupanga zimenezo,it is everywhere and no matter how hard we may condemn this it will still exist so it is just a waste of time,be wise enough,akuba akapezeka amaphedwa koma kubako sikutha
Mukakamba za akuba alipo ambirimbiri ……koma amene agwidwa ndi amene amalandila chilango……Nyasi zawozo mu dziko lathu lino ayi adzikapangila mudziko lomwe amaloleza m’chitidwe onukhawo.
Ndichibwana cimeneco
Jst reffer it with the word of god n we wll knw the trueth n that trueth will set us free!!
mchiyani kod amalawi?
Amenewo azingo mphedwa asalitenge kupusa dziko angakhale opusa mulungu kulenga mamuna ndi mkazi inu mkumagonana amuna nokhanokha zopusa bas afe ndithu
wa nzeru akhale tcheru masiku otsiliza ano , lapani siyani tchimo kuti patsiku lobwera ambuye adzakupezeni muli olungama
2 gays have errested while having sex in Malawi and thy have admited? Kkkkkkkkkkkkk yaaa thats malawi 24. Dont judge let them do what thy want only God is responsible for the judgement
hehhehe thy r crazy chickens. I hate this?
sanalengendwe muchfanzro cha zamoyo amenewo,zowona tma insect,worms,zweto nd nsomba kukhala nd nzeru kuzwana chachkaz nd chachmuna iwo wosaganiza?nchyan kod amalawi?
Anthu amenewa atumizidwe ku Iran kapena ku Syria akaone chinameta nkhanga mpala.
Hahahahah . Kumeneko amagenda mpaka kupha anthu akhalidwe lopusali
kusazindikila kumeneko
Opusa Nd’amene Amagonedwayo Wapindulapo Chani.Zochitisa Manyazi Kwa Amene Anawabeleka.
Last days, simunati! Mpang’ono pamenepo.
Atumidwa awa testing powers of the gvt
Leave them alone. They did not rape your kids or wives.
very true
Ife tidanena dzikoli lisainile Sharia law ,anthu ngati awa akanyongedwa pompopompo
To Hell
Lol yakumbuyo
lucky of humanity
Stone those DOGS 2 death!!
do you arrest anthu ochitila mwano makolo awo? as far as I know lamulo lachisanu liti honor your parents .do you arrest pple that don’t follow sabbath? do you arrest pple who don’t honor God? stop being assholes and be fair
Kill them
Ndiye ngati awamanga 90billion adalandira a boma ija abweza eti?
inali kale malawi
zao zimenezo
Kill Dem O……Like Da way hw dey duin’ t in Uganda.
Please let their case be handled in Zimbambe,for fair hearing.
Last days!!!mmene timazunira ti mabebi munthu nkumalimbana ndi tonde nzako,devils workshop
tusaweruze anzathu poti nafeso nthawi yatha ili nkuza yomwe tizaweruzidwe
zaziiiii ndizoonekeratu izii and that doesnt make any sense…tisamabisalire pamulungu tikafuna kuchita zoipa and think before you comment though there is silent freedom of commenting.
mesa ndalama tinalandira kod kkkkkkkkkkkkk
olo malawi atakhala paumphawi mpaka kumapanga znthu ngat izo zonse akuziwa ndimulungu.
I think the bottom one needs to be impregnated
through them in #crodile dam,where is my kamuzu to deal with gayz like apm and those two fools!
Iiii koma
Is that news?? Who cares.. Distracting Malawian..this has been there and people do more indoors…irrelevant news
Work on poverty issues
Amalawi Chimene Timatha Kulemba Ma Comment, Koma Kuti Tipange Action Timalephela. Ofunika Kuwawonesa Adzunguwo Kuti UFULU Sikugonana Amuna Otha Otha Or Akazi Otha Otha… Malawi Stand Up And Be Wise!
God Bless
okha okha
koma anthu ena ndizitsiru ndithu kuchita kuposedwa kuganiza ndi zinyama??
akanakhala kti bambo awo anapanga zomwezo agalu awiliwo bwezi alipo ?.
zachamba basi
Awatuma azungu awa
ndye mwati amakwatana kotulukira manyiko?koma addaaaah!!
kkkk et amwene mpaka kukwatana kuthako et shaft potuluka nsete zokhazokha
nde amamvapo chani iwowo????
Kma adha! Showeza ya backside? Amamwa stout amenewo n ku bar analiko kunalibe mahule
tisamaiwale kt tcimo limatha kubwelesa matembellelo mziko m banja olo pamuthu tisamasekele zopusa alangidwe amenewo
Malawi dziko langa ndichani?
Arrested and admitted kkkk koma Malawi
“‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
i wish it iz a fear God nation,these things bwez kulibe komabe let it be happen as it is,,,koma to arrest them no problem thats wat God want(yehova amati sazalanga munthu asanadzudzile).ukapanda kumva walahii yembekezela moto wa suphur,,,mamuna nzako ali ndi chikoka cha mtundu wanji guys,cant you see beautiful ladies God give us.ooooo,,Lord Jesus pray for our country Malawi.
i wish it iz a fear God nation,these things bwez kulibe komabe let it be happen as it is,,,koma to arrest them no problem thats wat God want(yehova amati sazalanga munthu asanadzudzile)
Behead those satana,we don’t want to hear that news anymore,shame on them!!!!
Muzaweluze Amuna okha okha kungwindwa ndi chingololo Mmh mmh
Peter told f-em 2 dd dat watch my prfl
Awachita bwino.
Even animals don’t do that
fire bon pon dem
Asiyen azigonana okha okha, mene amakomela akazi mkumalimbana nd mamuna mzako
Ndiye muwone kupusa kwa boma lathu madonors akalamula kuti amasulidwe amathanyulawo,muwona Peter Mutharika akulamula apolisi kuti awamasule ogonana amuna okhaokhawo chikhalirecho madonors sakulithandiza dziko lino.kupusa ngati angavomerezedi zimenezo.
Ndizoonadi mzanga sunama tinakakhala timaopa mulungu bwezi zikuoneka macitidwe athu mzungu akagot no it means no if they say yes it remains yes it means tinakali muulamuliro wa msamunda wat was de different nw
nthawi ikubwera zonsezi zidzavomerezedwa nanga atati sadzaperekanso ndalama kuno tdzatani?thoz that hav money akufna zmenezo nanga titan?bax last days,
Secretary general wa UN wakwera ndege akubwera
abwele azawamasule amange a cashgate coz awa sanalakwile munthu
achita choipisitsa pamaso pa mulungu anyongedwe basi
Mungowaboola pamimba ndikuwaika bomba mmimba. Afe imfa yowAwa ndithu anthu opusa, zidzichita kuoposa nkhuku kuganiza ? Sindinaone. tambala akukwera tambala nzake, afe ndithu
Paja Malawi ndidziko loopa azungu osati loopa Mulungu, anthu amenewo akwapulidwe zikwapu 72 aliyese zopusazaozo azikapangila kwa zungukonko,Kabungwekalikose kasatanic kasalankhulepo kanthu ndi sa ve cso,cso mumangofuna bread basi foolish
kkkk mwakwiyatu madala
Zoona man nanenso zimandibowa
Zoona zake
zisatikhudze ife,limbanani ndi milandu yeniyeni osati zoti amuna ena awiri atagwirizana awapezelela akugonana,musataye nthawi ndi za zii,musati malawi is a God fearing nation,koma aliyemse payekhapayekha aziopa God,anthu akuphedwa onsewa,ndalama zikubedwazi,anthu mukungosaukilasaukilabe,limbanani ndi zimenezo,zomwe zikukhudzani osati izi zomwe sizikukukhudzani,ngati chili chilango aliyense azaweruzidwa yekhayekha tizalangidwamso yekhayekha
zisatikhudze ife,limbanani ndi milandu yeniyeni osati zoti amuna ena awiri atagwirizana awapezelela akugonana,musataye nthawi ndi za zii,musati malawi is a God fearing nation,koma aliyemse payekhapayekha aziopa God,anthu akuphedwa onsewa,ndalama zikubedwazi,anthu mukungosaukilasaukilabe,limbanani ndi zimenezo,zomwe zikukhudzani osati izi zomwe sizikukukhudzani,ngati chili chilango aliyense azaweruzidwa yekhayekha tizalangidwamso yekhayekha
Uh amene sanachimwepo awagende ndi mwala, tonse ndife ochimwa koma sindikutanthauza kuti zomwe achitazo ndi zabwino, anthufe takhala pa mipando ya woweluza kuwawona iwo wochimwa pomwe nafeso ndife olephela.
This would not had happened if magetsi akanakhala oyaka
“The two suspects are yet to appear in court to answer charges of sodomy.”
We need a lot more detail to this article! GoM has stated and documented as much that it is no longer interested in prosecuting consensual, same-sex acts.
Have these two men been charged with any offences? Have they been detained, or are they out on police bail?
“Nkwanda further said in condemning the act, residents invaded Gonani’s house.”
Have these “residents” been charged with their illegal invasion of private property?
Akawapime ngati sanapatsane pathupi kapena pakati, ndunenatu mimba kkkkk
Kekekeke nawenso2
Hahahaha kut mwina ngat zatheka za minbazo awasiye kkkkk maternity leave
Paja iwe ndindani amvekere ine ndi bottom ungodziwa ngokweredwa akangoti ndine top ameneyo ngwa pamwamba
Hahahaha kulimba mtima inunkhe manyi no problems, koma abale.
Kkkkk anaonapo atonde naakwera okhaokha? Munthu nde bolanso galu
babylon shit-steam
zotumana izi. apolice wo anaziwa buanj? akufuna kuichoshashaso azunguwa through ma ngo’s
Mmmmm Sizachilendo Izi Fanz!
So the other one who acted as a woman is a prostitute amafuna zokamwera kkkkkkkkkkk.
ndiufulu wawo alekeni poti tonsefe tizaweruzidwa ndiye ngati chilichilango azapereka yekha mwini moyo
Inu Akulu Lankhulan Mwazeru Inu Kuti Mubadwe Zinakhala Bwanji? Mukumtenga Mulungu Kukhala Opusa Polenga Mkaz Nd Mwamuna? Nde Apa Muzit Ndiufulu Wawo Kma Ndinu Amoyo?
ufulu wawo chani? ndiwe chitsilu, mulungu analenga mwamuna ndi mkazi, musatchule zina la yehova pa izi mwanva??
ufulu umenewu @ munautenga kut osokoneza chilengedwe cha Mlengiwo mpaka kumakwatana konyelerawo??
dont blame him for his remarks coz nanumxo mukhomza kungochimwa chifukwa chakuxayankhura bwino kwanuko
Kekekekekekekeke mwandseketsa
hahahahahahahaha, ndakomoka.
Leviticus 18:19 Mamuna asagone mamuna nzake
ufulu eti
mbalame iwe kodi mayako kapena bambo akasankha kukhara gay iwe ukanabadwa? penapake taziganizani pochita coment
iwe ndichitsilu kwambili
fack any one akuti ufulu, ana anjoka,Nanu apolice anthu ofinika kumapha anja ali ngati awa
iwe chitsilu chamunthu kobasi zinalembedwa kut zimenezo oloko baibulo mulibe bwanji mukufuna kutsogoza satana
UFULU??? zankutuuuu bac !! mene zkuonekelamu iweso nd gay!! mbelele yamuthu gwape wacabecabe bakha mbuzi muntengo nde iweyo
what does the word sex mean
its there choice, they will be judged by God .
Shame satana tisamulole analuza makolo kubeleka anthu ngati amenewo
Wathemba n Herbert patumbo pa amanu ndi bambo amene anakubelekani kuti muzasokoneze dziko la mpasi
Musamabakile zopusa
Musamabakile zopusa
Musamabakile zopusa
I Wonder Why U Even Call That Sex Aash
sex is btwn positive n negative
they have their own good reasons of doing that,it may be good if u ask them,dont waste ur time on useless isues,they havent violeted any1’s rights,inu mukutukwananu mukungochimwa za zii,mukutaya nthawi yanu kuwatukwana anthu oti sanalakwile munthu,iwo ngati anagwirizana kupanga zimenezo inu chikukukhudzani ndichani? Gwiritsani ntchito nthawi yanu moyenela anthu amagonanawo sanalakwile munthu,enanu titati tikufufuzeni mwagona ndi akazi osiyanasiyana,mwataitsapo atsikana mimba,mwabapo,ena kupha kumene,do u think these are not sins? From these sins i’ve just mentioned and tchimo loti amuna awiri amagonana,which one should be condemned first coz these two guys sanalakwile munthu?
ambuye musaotche moto mudikre mwina anthu anuwa asintha
Khalidwe Opusa Umenewo We Are Not Mamerecas So If U Live Them Free Which Means U Are Agreed With This Stupt Habit Amalawi Chiyani Chikuchitika Plz
Alipo amene awatuma akufuna ayese Boma laMalawi kuti linena chani pankhaniyi paja angelezi akulimbana nase…
this is bad, Muima dziko pamayesero oipa. kusakonda dziko lathu
nde choncho mvula igwe?? Usilu wache umenewu
apadi mvula ivuta basi
koditu zinazi tisamangoti climate change nkutheka machitidwe athu saakumukondweletsa
Amangidwe basi muona maiko akunja akulowererapo kutiona kusauka.nanu amabungwe ndinunso akulu akulu amipingo koma chifukwa cha ndalama mumasiya zintchito zamulungu kusata ndalama kodi pakati painu ndimulungu pakakhala chani!
Kill them one by one, they want to make our holly land dirty
Why following them to their house? Hidden and closed door? We have more problems to solve I believe! The more we confront such behaviours the more we promote them to the public!
Wise saying
thats true
Watch ur fucking tongue u moron! All these gays around de world r lomwez? Potato brain.
Is Timothy Mtambo Alhomwe? @ Nkandawire.
who accepted it plainly and what tribe is he? who are you can Tchulani be a Lhomwe? water brain
Asatana achikudaaaa
demn it
signs of endtym
Abomination! Hey!,, #signs_of_time, Say Yes Or No
just kill them
Which tribe belong that guys? Midyomba or mtumbuka’s? Ndatukwana munthu ngati wina achite reply zopusa ndimutapa nkhwiko
alomwe awa inu! akumasatira mkulu wawo wamziwa
Kkk ok
Akazi kukana amuna 2much dats y?
Asaaaaa man to man having wat??? Mwikhoo!!! :'( :'( :'(
Bloodclaat fire burn pon dem
Where you there…????
i don’t want to hear any CSO/NGO saying amasulidwe.Mchitidwe Wauchitsiru Ngati Ife Sitikuufuna.Even Maiko Ena Akunja Asayankhulepo Pa Nkhaniyi Coz Kuno Sikwawo.Mind You “we are not gays in Africa”
Time Mark, Fire Burn!!!!!!
Tianyonge amenewo shupt.evil spirit
Mmmmmmmm, God shud heal our sick land,
a satana
They faked up how can man have sex with another man are they mad