With less than five days to go before the much anticipated Football Association of Malawi (FAM) Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Nkopola in Mangochi, presidential hopeful Willy Yabwanya Phiri says his administration will improve players’ welfare in the country.
Speaking during his manifesto launch on Friday, Yabwanya Phiri said time has come to treat players with the respect they deserve.

He said it was not right to show concern and contribute money to help funeral and burial arrangements when someone is deceased instead of helping him whilst alive.
He gave an example of former Flames and Big Bullets left back late Douglas Chirambo who died in April this year after being diagnosed with a brain tumor but failed to undergo treatment in South Africa due to financial constraints.
“One issue that pains me deeply and won’t go without mentioning is how Douglas Chirambo died.”
“We would have saved him had it been that our association took an initiative to give him the much needed support medically. As such, my administration will make sure that measures are put in place to deal with such issues urgently,” he said.
Yabwanya Phiri will battle it out against the incumbent FA president Walter Nyamilandu and Wilkins Mijiga on 12 December.
Nyamilandu asawine, wakuba::: alibe chitukuko mu sports:::::awine wina:::’:akawina Walter tidzamugenda ku stadium
phini yobwereza imawar…team walter
If i was in capacity to vote Yabwanya would have been the candidate.the reason behind is about him heiping players and teams with his own money instead of applying for donations.10yrs+4.mmmh,its high time concentrate on family now.
If I were Walter ndikanango zitaya izi, nanga munthu upulezident mpana 10 yrs no achievment basi nkhani izingokhala tinasewela bwino kungoti zinativuta kugoletsa!! Nde kukanikako kumeneko. Olo sapota akukakamila Nyamilanduyo ndekusowa nzelu or hv u bn blind folded? Nanga anthu mukuchita kuona kuti munthuyu anakhala kalekale pampando koma ngati dziko palibe chimene taphulapo. Tiyeni tioneko new blood ku FAM Mwina zinthu nkusintha.
Akabela asamaone ku stadium tikathana konko sanabadwe kuti azakhala wa muyaya!!
Vuto ndi ma candidate anuwo ndi ana kwa nyamilandu, mijiga ndi ndani kwa walter? Yabwanya ndi ndi ndani kwa walter? Katengeni ena awa achepa akupikisana ndi munthu wa ma bodyguard awiri sangamake.
Nkhanga zaona affilliate akuzalandila 3 million
Kkkkkkk Tinazolowera izi papepala timatha kwambiri koma comes on the ground mmmmm!Paralell .Now guys mark my word WALTER will carry the day.Too much politics in football.kkkkkkkk
yess we need change its really high time we have that change but now the problem is that we don’t have the guys to compete against Walter these two guys are far much away from what Walter is and honestly they just can’t win trust me. …..they seem not to have any idea about what Malawi football is all about and sports in general. ….they might be good in other fam offices but not presidency they just can’t do a thing in there listen to how and what they were telling the nation.,,..just not impressive @all and then listen to Walter the guy has got the brains guys let’s not waste time and the little resources we have Mijiga and Yabwanya should just give up and now because the outcome of the elections are very obvious even to themselves. …so if they really care about Malawi football let them surrender and stop the elections in doing that we gonna save money and time if anything let these two guys go for other offices and support Walter
yess we need change but now the problem is that these gu
Yabwanya!yabwanya yabwanya!!
Musataye nthawi apaa walter wawina kaleee
anyone can win,this will be okay with my soul but not Walter Ntamilandu plz
Yabwanya is building a stadium in Karonga with his own money… Let us give this guy a chance plz
stadiummm or ground???Mind u kumalawi kuli ma stadium awiri basi kamuzu st &Bingu yosatha ija.Tamfuse bwino bwino ameneyu????
Stadium yeniyeni Memory… Uzabwele ku Karonga uzawone zomwe zayamba kuchitika
its better he should not postpone after losing FAM election.Ndale zapa Malawi is so shit
14 yrs ndiyambiri guys anakakhala wanzeru anakakhala atasinthako zinthu or timpase 4 yrs sangapange chilichonse tiyeni titasegula maso athu guys tiyeni tiyeseko ena. By the way why azikazi a Walter amangomwalira pa ngozi za galimoto? findout why?
Yabwanya ndi dilhu & i hop azasintha zinthu akazavoteredwa,osat manyaka enawa kumatha zaka 10 popanda chochitika
Kukakamila uku
Nyamilandu woyeeeeee! Yemweyu!.
@nyamilandu chonde pelekani mwai kwa mijiga ayeseko inu zakukanikani mwava siufumu uwo
Ife tifele chifukwa unali ku canada.
Ife tifele chifukwa unali ku canada.
If there will be no corruption/votegate, the chances of winning are very high for Mr Yabwanya. God be with him! Yabwanya yomweyo kuli wawawa!!
Kendo ,nyamilanduyo pa bolo yake sitikumufuna
Yabwanyaa yemweyo kuti wawawaaaaa
Beter kings mijiga osat mbavaziwirizo
kkkkkk amalawi tulo silizatha mukufuna kunena kuti malawi yonseyi wanzeru ndi nyamilandu basi anabadwa ali fam president akadzamwalira fam idzathela pompo sichoncho
Olo Zitavuta Motani Sangawine Yabwanya Akungodzitayitsa Thawi
replacement ya walter sinapezeke,ikazapezeka sisizasowa ndipo muzaziwa nokha
Chances are very very slim for this guy
Ife obwera sitikuwafuna, let Fam be run by malawians not obwerayu
ndimmalawi ameneyo,,kucanada anakangoendako or chaka cchinathe ali kumeneko
Palibe obwera apa
obwera ndi ndani?mumayankhula bwanji kodi?
babish thoughts
He does not stand a chance to outs the incumbent. He has to try again in 2019
yabwanya!yabwanya!yabwanya!yabwanya i knw u vele well