The United Nations (UN) has raised its concerns with Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) regarding food problems in the region, particularly in Malawi.
A report that was carried by BBC Radio’s Focus on Africa on Monday night indicates that Malawi is currently UN’s country of great concern, among other affected countries.
According to the UN, the SADC region has fallen victim to food shortages more than any African region and the three most affected countries are Malawi, Zimbabwe and the island nation of Madagascar.
Malawi has been singled out as a country which is going through tough times considering that it has more people sleeping on empty stomachs.
Environmental changes which lead to inadequate rainfall are said to be the main hindrance to the country’s agricultural sector.
The UN has mainly cited the floods which the country experienced this year as the cause.
Malawi received high rainfall during the previous rainy season early this year which led to floods that destroyed property and crops and displaced people. The Lower Shire region was the worst hit.
United Nations reports that in Malawi, about 3 million people are experiencing food shortages. The situation at hand calls for global intervention according to the UN since food problems incite a worldwide call.
The environmental villains that ‘befriended’ Malawi early this year also had a negative impact on the country’s economy as companies were not able to meet their targets in producing due to damages to infrastructure among others.
In this light, the UN says it will take action through its World Food Program (WFP) branch which partially provides answers to global food issues.
Countries that fall main beneficiary to actions of the WFP are those that are in a state of emergency or war as well as those countries which play host to refugees.
According to environmental experts, this rainy season is going to be one of the greatest in as far as the fall of rain is concerned.
Malawi is going to receive adequate rains, and this has potential of restoring the country’s glory days in food security.
Solution: don’t recycle parties
zibare zinatha cifukwa canjara ya 2002.
Sindingawale zanjala ya chaka cha 2002
Kudalira UN sizitithandiza kalikonse wake up old nyasalande wake up malawian
anthu enanu ndinu alendo ku malawi, , azikuposani ndi mwana wa zaka five kuti nthawi ya Muluzi anthu amafa ndinjala, , chakumwela uku athutu amadya ma roots a mitengo, , mwaiwala chimanga cha yellow kumawanamiza anthu ,,,, chimanga lero akachionesa ku lumphi mawa ku chitipa, , nyanja anagulitsa ankhafuna kugulisaso anthu kuti tikhale ma moslims ….muziganiza kaye kawiri kayatu musanalembe coz first born wanu azakukuoozani mu talemba mbwelera apa.
Even the runningment of UDF,with #MULUZI our cntry never faced in big trgedy like this’Our ADMARC was full,ngakhale Nkhokwee Za Boma ku MANGOCHI n’some parts of cntry we hd food, Bt afta #LOMWE took over posstiton he started hiding Tones of Maize hiding 2ZIMBABWE & same his brother we started facing lot prblms,{1}Failure of Kwacha. {2}Food Scarcisty. {3}Establishment of fees in primary, {4}CASHGATE scandal. {5}Trip 2 #UN which cost Mult-Million of Kwacha. {6}Lack of Drugs/medicine in our Hosptalz ‘n’ FIRE IN goverment intitution and Local Mrkts which lft our fellow Citizens Poor,Idnt think our Coutry will be better place 4_#YOUNG GENERATION