There are times when being silent is the best answer you can give. This is not silence out of being rude but silence out of wisdom.
These are times when you know that if you speak then people will accuse you out of every word that comes from you. They won’t appreciate and accept what you would say. These are times when an answer would land you into trouble.
Times when you know what to say but can’t say it in a particular environment. This is the best time to remain silent.

Our Master Jesus did the same at one of the occasions when they were accusing him. He chose not to answer anything although the allegations would lead him to death.
Matt 27:13-14 ” Then Pilate said to him, “Don’t you hear how many charges they are bringing against you?” But he did not answer even one accusation, so that the governor was quite amazed. ”
Its not wrong to air out views but everything needs to be done in a proper way and with wisdom. Other people love to talk too much to show off that they know things.
They dominate the conversation and make all others listen to their views.
Sometimes the more they do that , the more they expose themselves how unknowledgeable, how cowardly or how foolish they are.
The Bible tells us that in such circumstances, it is better to remain silent. Even a fool when he remains silent in certain cases would be perceived as a wise man. So discern the time and circumstances and act accordingly. Not every time is suitable for your speech. Prov 17:28 “Even a fool who remains silent is considered wise, and the one who holds his tongue is deemed discerning. ”
What you need more is listening. Listening is one of the greatest tools to live well and be successful in life. Learn to be quick to listen but consider if it is proper to speak or not. God gave us two ears but one mouth, do much listening and little talking. So learn to be attentive when people are speaking and discern whether it is right to speak or not. Jam 1:19 “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters! Let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.”
In addition, as a believer, too much talk can lead to sin, so be careful with what and when you are speaking. Pro 10:19 “Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”
Pray with me this prayer: Thank you Father for reminding me of the responsibility I have when uttering words. I will always discern the time and act wisely with my speech. Through the leading of your Spirit, I will discern the right time to speak or remain silent. In Jesus Name. Amen
Ver truth, APM’s outburst wl land him in trouble bcs he woke up sleepng dogs going by wht th MCP & PAC said.
Amen, wokonda kulalata ndi kubwebwetuka mkulu uja wazivera yekha
Talk or not talk they will use your passed words to intermidate you.
Very true. But How many can dwell in these words?
Amen I was used to do that now is a thing of the past thanks writter
asa alipo umunena iwe mw24 umuchula kukacha!
You mean to be wise. It is God who gives wisdom.
yaa and u dnt rush to post,you push people to the extreme
…………a best answer 2give…
tell the truth
What Do You Mean?
Kkkkkkkkkkkk mukuzembela uyutu teleku? kkkkk dzuwa ili toto ntopola ine.
Wat happen?
Well said
God b we us amen.
I am very touched with this message, this is a very important message to every believer. groly be God