Malawi police in Mzimba district have admitted that evil spirits that are currently suspected to be reproducing in the district are heavily affecting their operations.
Police publicist in the district constable Gabriel Chiona told Malawi24 that the said spirits are behind the increase in cases of suicide which are characterizing the district at the moment.
He long-established that only this year about 15 cases of suicide have been reported while those of rape remain numerous.
“For a person to commit suicide, it means he has evil spirits because a normal person cannot think that way. Evil spirits are behind all this,” confessed Chiona.

Recently police urged religious leaders to pray for the district with the primary aim exorcising the said spirits that are believed to be behind the rising cases of suicide, ritualism and incest.
They (religious leaders) prayed for that but still more a lot of people seem to be clinging to their evil ways.
Recently this publication has been publishing articles that have been picturing Mzimba as one of the districts where immoralities are the order of the day.
At a time a primary school pupil committed suicide; two men were busy planning to sell an a child living with albinism.
It is in the same district where a teacher proposed love to a girl with albinism with the aim of selling her later.
Cases are many but the police have pleaded with such evil spirits to relocate to hell and leave Mzimba people.
Meanwhile this paper understands that some church authorities from a number of churches are planning of scheduling another day of prayers to seek Gods power and protection for the people of Mzimba.
zosakhala buino.
Thanks Allion Levious Banda and Alina Katemana for your recommendation on my comment.
sorry koma pempherani
Yap, ndizoona guys, bambo anga even nyumba yomwe amakhala kuma officerz ku mzimba police akudandaula nkhani yomweyo, nyumba mukumachitika zinthu zodabwisa kwambiri, nde ndimkawona ngati akunama akamanena, then panopa anachokapo and amene akuyang’anira nyumba yo nayeso akudandaula akuti akuwona dzinthu zodabwisa zokuti sanaziwonepo, and zinthu zikumachiti mnyumba mo ndizinthu zakuti sakuzimvesa kuti zikukhala bwanji, ths is serious guys!
be serios ngati akuti ndiziwanda eee prayer is power
be serios ngati akuti ndiziwanda eee prayer is power
shoot -to- kill those evil spirits..zisajaile muli ndi mifuti…omberani mwamvaaa
be serios ngati akuti ndiziwanda eee prayer is power
kkk mukamuuze major prophet apereke. deriverous. chifukwa apolisi &men of god is. working together now
What a lot of rubbish
zikufunika zizichitika mwina apolici wa angasithe makhalidwe kuba komaso kulanda za anthu osalakwa,kikikukikimukachigwila chiwandacho zaka 7 kondendekikikukukikiki
Zachamba Malawian Police,mantha Basi
mfiti zokhazokha zimaopanaso?
Mmmmm koma zowona?
mental slavery
Musadabwe anthu akuzimangirira kuthawa mavuto akuonjezera Pitala mzikomuno…
Evil spirits mulibe mmalamulo adziko lino kotero apolice aku mzimba akuyenera kumangidwa
ndy malawi ameneyo
Mwagwanayo madolo ndinunomwe mukuti ufuti kulibe nanga bwanji, that is the part of northing guys.go and catch it! if U are police man
Evil spirits frm dpp…
Its Is Very Sad
He has never said witchcraft bt evil spirits. Understand it evil spirits & witchcraft r 2 different things.
Paja u said there is no witchcraft…. Nde muziwansotu kkkkkk this is malawi
Malawi 24????? Afta smokin marijuana den u start givn us reports eeish
Police afraid of evil spirits? Lazy police men, how do evil spirits look like? Go & meet local chiefs & the villagers, senseties them a how they can solve their problems without using a rope; Police working in rural areas spend most of their time drinking beer & forcing villagers to buy them beer or they will be arrested, they end up hanging themselves; These young police men are just after a whiff of money- akakumanga anvekele zipulumutse; Za ziiiii mwakumana nazo ku Mzimba:
Zindodo..uli ndi umbon wanji wt diz false reports??
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mwasowa zolemba eti. Theres no logic and cultural comprehension on this matter. Lembani nkhani zina
ma fill basi bola inu mwapeza chochita….lol
Eeee iiiii basi chikhoswe chija sindikapangaso ndikakwatira kwanthu…aa ku mzimba ziwanda pakana anthu asakhulupira ayamba ku khulupirira eee first mirako two reveration 1:1………..lol
Where did witchcraft came from? I thout the’re no witchcraft here
THe solution is to pray with a broken heart in JESUS name all the evil spirits shall go.
Ak 47 komanso kasinja zithane ndi mizimu yamuntharikayo
Ma Fumu wonse akumane vathu vamarenge .
kwawo kwa ufiti ku Mzimba
kumeneko ndye ku Northern region
Lord have mercy
You are attention seekers…fond of exagerating stories!
kkkkk fear not u meant to Protect the nation
Adziwa Bwanji Kuti Zikupanisa Zonsezi Ndi Ziwanda? Police Help.
Mmesa ndinu apolisi
Mmesa ndinu apolisi
comment loading…….evil spirits??
kkkkkkkk..chamba muzisuta bwino..ngati mwalemphela tcchto tanenani…UFITI KULIBEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
itanani sing’anga!
The difference is”evilspirits are demons which behinds all bad things we do.Whereas witchcraft is the craft of witches or what witches do,like bringing an omen of bad luck,death etc.
Theres different between Evil spirits and whitchcraft
Zasiyana pati?they are both done mwakabisila.
No #msukwa# do you knw kuti pali mizimu yabwino komaso mizimu yoipa? ufiti is separate bro
Ku Mzimba mukuonjeza utsiru, bwanji kodi?
Ngat vuto mwalipeza bwanj osabweretra solution
mmmm nzovuzedi
I don’t know what’s happenıng to my loved country.Malawı ıs defınately come to an end.
Why did Bushiri not called to cast them out? or else any God gifted person.
But Bushiri was there and hired you guys why u didn’t tell him to cleanese the city? Idiots!
u r the same police encouraging this, if continueing saying this, u ll face the law coz there z no witchcraft.
Gwiritsani ntchito tear gas ndi mfuti #via_predator_by_Arnold_Swazneger
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Kkkkkkkkkk @alick sachira umakwanaaaaa!!!!
Musova. ..Evilsprits u say. ..
No wonder! Its the DPP government
Its not true
Thus is crazy. Are they out of reasons or something
By out of rizon wat do u min?mesa thy are on fear?
Of evil spirits??? Really??
Kaya kumalawi madrama ngosayamba.zapita kumizimu kaa?
They shuld know mental illness exists.
The police. To blame these things on evil spirits is incompetent
They are jst out of ideas,attimes thts wat hapenz zikalowa mmaso.
Be Strong Thana Naoni Akumizimuwo.
Where is these evil spirit came from? Coz ur the once said that there is no witchcraft and once we say so he or her will face the low charge, zithileni teargas zithawa
Kkkk, Angothiradi Tear Gas Zithawa
Kkkkk apange zomwezo
heheheh tear gas emweyo agwile ntchito kkk
Kkkkkkkkk english
muzisuta sangakuyandkiren mwnva
There is NO witchcraft!
In other way you want to say there is no devil.IF there is devil,withcraft is part of his ministry.
nuh! u dnt undrstnd thoz tngz ursef
Witchcraft is there and its real brother even the Bible talks about it unless you don’t believe in God’s existence.
Ufiti kumalawi kulibe mesa joji thindwa amatelo?Mwina mutanenako satanic coz pala thindwa wapulika waka kuti mukuyowoya za ufwiti eee,mwakakika imwe.by the way,ajoji thindwa mba dokotalatu so bakumanya vyose.
awaphalire wanthu awa we Msukwa. wakupulika chaaa!
psychosis imeneyo apolice akufunika special care
zawo izo! ankakana okha kut ufiti kulibe kkkk
zabii basi
Is it mirrors part 4 or final destination part 7?…
Kkkkkkk waganiza bwanj axe Huz gonna act Bruce willis here
Aaa ndadabwa,mesa nkhani zimenezi tikapita nazo ku police amatibwenza sayn palibe umboni
sleepy horrow ayiona
Yah ndipo ndie nchiyambi chabe,real tingz on da wae
The only way to break that spirits is dealing with water or marine spirit contaminated the territories, district and nation was done by three thinks: ancestral worship of water spirit, immorality done as a covenant and the killing of the innocent blood that opened the door to that spirit in the area.
Can the police take that guy who said their is no witch craft to mzimba????
Apolice Katangale Anyanya
For real? Evil spirits? Ghost busters are needed
basi ndaona apolisi akusamuka ku mzimba naneso ndikusamuka
Zamisala Basi
basi nasamuka kumzimba ndikupita ku blantyre
iwe mesa uliku southafrica
eya ndizibwerelanso ndikatha kusamukaku kkkkk
mmmmmmm oky fine
tamuwuzeni Bushiri apenpherere mzuzu
za ziiiiii
ofunika bushiri aonepo apa!
Aaaah.. Ntchito yangowakanika amenewo..
koma yetsetsan kumasinthako zithunzi abale inu( kusonyeza kut kwayamba kutukuka ku mzimba)
masiku akumapeto amenewa