Sleeping Chakwera not good for Malawi

Lazarus Chakwera

There is a unison outcry over the failure of DPP leadership to deliver or at least to inspire hope for a prosperous future for our Nation.

Lazarus Chakwera, Malawi Congress Party President
Not an alternative

Many that are objective enough are already confessing that the failure of DPP is a prophecy enough that MCP will form another government come 2019 Elections.

Now, I totally agree with this prophecy, but what bothers me is that should it come to pass, how safe will Malawi be in the hands of MCP and Lazarus Chakwera? I mean how good is Chakwera?

Personally, I do not think Chakwera would be a better leader than Mutharika, because he is already failing as leader of Opposition.

What has Chakwera done as a leading opposing figure to prove to us that he is the Messiah we should look forward to?

I think it is high time Chakwera gets to work and show us something. Otherwise, we have more reason to be concerned, because neither Mutharika nor Chakwera seem really fit for that office, and our future is getting darker.

*Views in this article are those of the author and not Malawi24.



  1. Henderson Chimbeta, Lazarus Chakwera akadzangokhala president wa dziko lino ndiye kuti Ambuye Yesu akubwera. Take my word. This fool you call Chakwera is no better than Peter. Chakwera had a place in the church which he abandoned and not politics. In 2019, Peter is getting the presidency and we Southerners plus Ntcheu have already agreed on this. If you have an ear, hear what the spirit is saying to all political parties in opposition including MCP.

  2. azungu akudziwa kuti ndi GALU president wanui sangamupatse chithandizo maiko onse amafuna chakwera. Mudalira ndi uja okodzera paipi uja MULUNGU atamva kulira kwanuko anakuchotserani. Atakupatsani mwai kuti musankheso munasankha GALU onyantha pokhalira ngati ameneyu, ndiye mukuliraso mukufuna MULUNGU akuchitireni chain? Achotseso monga muja adachotsera wapaipi uja?

  3. Nkhani ndiyoti a malawi chanatikulira ndi nsanje ,mabodza,ugugudi ndi kupephera mwa feki.achakwera anali mtsogoleri wa Assemblies Church more than 20 years anakanika kumanga chipatala,sukulu,kuyang,anira ana amasiye .za chuma ngati pali mpingo wodziwa kupereka akhristu a Assemblies Are good.achakwera sanakweze salary ya abusa anzake

  4. I hope Peter has got his advisors so what principles do they give to him in running the government,everything they put forward is just being opposed.I hope the oppositions can help you running the Gvt,it cannot be wrong to ask for some good advice before you put it in action..

  5. Guyz this man chakwera sangathandize dziko anakakhala kut akufuna kuthandiza a malawi sibwez atasiya za ubusa zija nkuyamba za ndale ndiri ndichikhulupiri kt atakhala pansi anaona kut njira yabwino yomwe angawadyere a malawi ndi kukhala presdent kod guyz kusogolera athu kunzera mu ubusa kapena kunzera mundale chofunikira ndi chiti??? Ine ndaona athu obadwa mwasopano ndipo ambiri amakhala kt chirichonse chokhuzana ndi chochimwisa apangapo ndipo amazasiya zonsenzija nkubadwa mwasopano koma chakwera akut wasiya ubusa nkumapanga ndale pamenepa nkuluyu ine ndikuwona ngat akufuna kulemera osati kutumikira athu, a malawi tiyen tikhale ochenjera pa athu ngat chakwara

  6. Inu a news 24 musamangolemba muziyamba mwaganiz “. CHAKWERA IS A BEST LEADER yekhayo ali ma policy abwino kma boma la ku thyolo li kusavera anthu a oposition

  7. 2 John 5:19 read it plz and meditate .

  8. I think the one who wrote this post is many things has chakwera & the opposition oppossed in parliament then govt followed?the one who has hired you i think,has misled you.let me give an example of msb,what did the opposition say?don,t sell msb but after aday they sold it.

  9. asiyeni abusa man,,,aliyense azngokhala oipa kwa inu..?sangayankhule pazmene zachtka chifkwa iyeyo sakuonapo cholakwika vuto mukuliona ndnu pot mumafuna chlichonxe mudzingotsutsa…

  10. to b a malawi mkulimba mtima.I wil never trust any president coz akalowa pampando mitu yawo siigwira,amakhala ngati amisala .Lord z the only one who can ruled the who country.

  11. Maganizo anga tisiye kutozana zara bcz monga ife ma citizen tigwilane manja kuchosa uyu pa pando then up coming president azakhala wa mantha popanga zinthu bcz naye azaopa kuchosedwa pa pando just imagine #tabo mbeki anachosedwa why not us kuchosa pitala or peyala wat eva musova

  12. Aphokonyole inu mmafuna pita,ndiyemweyotu tiyeninayo mnabera mavoti chakwela kuti mzisolola ndrama anthu ankhanza inu lero nkhanimbwe zopanda nzelubasi

  13. Malawians life is getting tougher each and every day mwina addp wo akudya bwino but thiis is a punishment for rigging elections last year just imagine floods, dry spell, then bad tobacco sells it never happen before ooooo God for give us

  14. Dr Chakwera multi atani ?inure mmene munkavotera Peter munkayesa chani ?iyeyo poimira u president mesa adadziona kuti akwanitsa? ankadalira Dr Chakwera ? zaziiiiiiiii aisovenge ….zamukanika basis angovomera

  15. What do you want him to do? we are all quiet, so do u think we should all wait for chakwera to fight for our own freedom no no no,we all have to do something for good of our country.

  16. amalawi nthawi zambiri sitikonda zabwino thawi yovota timakumbukira kuti tarakwisa munthu atayamba kuramurira ndi vuto limene amalawi tilinalo tigwirane manja tichonse lawyer u akutiononge dziko lathu la mkaka ndi uchi anthu ake opanda nkhondo amtendere aufulu.

  17. dont talk about Hon Chakwela lets talk about apm wolephelayu.

  18. Anthuni vuto ndi constitution yathu.Mmene adailembera mphamvu zonse zili ndi executive.Ngakhale nkhani za Ku parliament imaloleza ndi executive yomweyo.Ndimadabwa kuti anthu mumangodandaula zina mmalo moyangana zoti zingadzetsedi kusintha.

  19. Those access FB and dont like chakwera r a minority,those dont access FB the majority love chakwera hence tisanamizanepo apa okonda chakwera salongolola adzalongolola time ya mavot omwe chakwera akudzawina 2019,kamtundu kakang’ono musapange matama ndi gulu lakutulukilan mudzavetsa chisoni kuposa ma oppostion ose,dikiran amalawi simungawapusitseso.

  20. Mulungu siwama sewera mwini wagolide anthu amulungu akhoza kuoneka osauka lero ndimaso anu aumunthu koma nthawi ikakwana muzadabwa

  21. Comenti yako Amosi kenjie yandisangalatsa kwambiri. 2019 MCP ndi Chakwera Boma!! Osati zinazi.

  22. The post seems biased to me. We can’t blame other people for our sins. Chakwera’s voice would be meaningless to a government that knows democracy ONLY on paper but failing to practice it. The only reasonable thing Chakwera would say in my humble opinion would be; “STEP DOWN MR. PRESIDENT, YOU HAVE FAILED”.

  23. The Malawian Will Affected By Bamph Problemz In De Peter’s Time He Is Not Kindly Person He Is A Fiti Number One In Malawi.U Should B Live In Chakwera Best One In Malawi

    1. Mmmmmh l doubt it. Bola a Tembo amati akayankhula zimamveka. Today every politician wants to enrich himself.

  24. What Iz De Aim Of Your Message?.What Is De Relationship Btween M C P & Dpp ?.Let Hon Chakwera Alone Bcause Ths Is Not His Time Bt De Time To Peter.I Make Sure That Load He Is Not Prefer With Ths Govenment.Chakwera Will Delivering Us From This Matters In De The Yearz After 2019 Provided We Shall Vote 4 Him.I Mind U That Chakwera Iz Best One Over Peter.Mcp Iz Also Best Paty Over All Paties In Malawi.Chakwera Says Nothing On Matters By Peter’s Govenment Deliblatiry He Is Aware 4 What He Is Doing.

  25. malawi is also like zimbabwe when it comes to choosing leadership. Peter is not fit and is underqualified to lead Malawi. Very soon yu will witness chaotic land redistribution and chasing away of white people. That will be the beggining of disaster in malawi

  26. Iweyo ndi Chule wa chabe chabe. ukuona ngati kusakonda Chakwera iweyo ndi ife tomwe? why pple are talking about Chakwera not JB or ATUPWELE,NYONDO,CHIWAMBO and the others?Iwe ndiye mphawi weniweni sizamwana, mind your toungue my freind, Do not mislead ppo ndimaganizo ako aupanduwo, is it because mwapeza mwai wogwira ntchito kolandila K30,000? pamenepo aznu kumudziko akulira,ndipo akumadandaula voti yawo poona mmene zinthu zikuyendela ndipo akaganizako za Chakwerayo kantima pena kunvako ziii iweyo ukulankhula mopusa why? i repeat watch your toungue.

  27. dont yu hve cerebellum`s????…………. Mukufuna amuletse president kupita ku un.?? Mukufuna chitukuko??? Amalandila ndalama iyeyo.?? Alibe mphavu si president……….. Your brains have to be updated with the letest version………….. Jah bless yu all

  28. But how can you trust someone by just seeing his appearance? The politicians are the same dear brethren. Who do you think about welfare of people? Only God cares about you. And believe me you spiritually blind people, do not expect any worldly messiah to save you until the owner establishes His own kingdom.

  29. Leave chakwera ma home bvoy he is playing a civilized politics !After all Peter is his friend don’t be surprised to see Peter giving power to Lazrous kkkkkkkkk

  30. even atakhala chakwera palibe chilichonse angachite dzikoli latha basi lofunika formating palibe munthu angathe ndi Mulungu yekha basi, vuto mmalo mosala kudya ndikupemphera zolimba kuti Mulungu atichotsere masautsowa tili busy kuchita zilizonse mopusa. Moti Chakwera sakulakwitsa mmati achite chani atangoti dzikoli wapatsidwa lero mukuganiza nzeru zochita kalikonse angakhale nazo? Tiyambanso kuyankhuila zambilimbili kumunyoza coz chimene tikufuna ife ndikusintha kwatsiku limodzi, sabata imodzi, mwezi umodzi kapena chaka chimodzi pomwe laonongedwa dzikoli kwa zaka zambili. So live Chakwera sizaminyama izi.

    1. Thus true,being the children of God we have thank Him,Malembo apatu akukwanitsidwa choncho tiyeni tikonzeke Yesu akubwera posachedwa.

    2. Chimwemwe dziko silikutha iweyo ndi amene ulisiye and lidakali ndikutsimikizile and our current problems do not need spiritual solutions…those in power are not doing their job we entrusted them to do. Learn to analyse issues critically

    3. Ur Not Far From De Trueth Dziko Lino Linaipa Kale Momwe Tinawalandilira Matpaty Sinacitenawo Bwino Kuononga Kusamvera Pomwe Cithu Comweco Kamuzu Amat Akalamula Cimamveka Pali Zambiri Zot Kale Timapanga Koma Pano Zingatheke Anthu Ake Ndiomweo Ampangisa Mzawo Kut Awoneke Olephera Amapasidwa Dola Comco Mpovutad Kut Wina Azithe Ndipo Palibedi Olo Atalitenga Pano Mawa Tiyambapo Kumutukwana Maiko Onse KuziwaAkat Atelo Kutukwania

  31. Malawi you must be very stupid why are talking shit agaist Hon Chakwera yet you know kuti he is not on the driving seat Peter iz the one who iz controlling tressurry, fokofo mkamwa mofiilamo!!!!

  32. It is important that we know that we have only one government which is currently been lead by APM and his DPP. I do agree with you that the DPP led government is failing to deliver and inspire hope for a prosperous nation, I think it is wrong to blame Chakwera and MCP for this acute maladministration. It will be ok to share the blame on UDF because they are in government but lets face it, our governing systems offers the leader of opposition very little or no powers to influence polices of the central government. It was not until we gave the DPP led government close to two years to assess their performance and how unfair it is to assess Chakwera even before we give him a day to govern this country.

  33. Mululiranji Lero Mudakana Chakwera?Enanu Mululira Koma Mudawavotera Alomwewa,muzionetsetsa;a Malawi Kodi Ndichiani?

  34. I think it is high time Jesus Christ gets to work and show us something,,,,,,,its time to look forward to the coming of promised Messiah

  35. I hav dscovrd kut nose mukumunena petr za ku UN ndinu a opposition .. rmember zkuwawani mpakana 2020 wooo…. DPP will neva go down…..

    1. APM is a sell out, dont you say that coz u dnt hv eyes on wats happening in the govermnt…instead of uplifting thingz, likuponderera zinthu za amalawi kumaziika mphechepeche. He has completely collapsed the education and the healthy sector jxt becoz of saving money koma he is spendi k350million on one single trip which at the end can be useless. more over akupanga zinthu ngat osaphunzila, we voted 4 him bcoz of manofesto but his actions are completely parallel! sit down and think crealy on the nxt malawi 2 years coming, udzalilila kuutsi nkudzitukwana wekha chifukwa cha mau ukunenao other wiz ngat uli ndi nzeru komanso ukutsata mmene pamalawi pano zinthu zikuyendera u couldnt hv said such things

    2. lucius if u kp yo eyes clozed de way u r then u will see ukazagunda khoma….. We need to accept zinthu zikakhala sizikuyenda osati poti ndife achipani bt coz u hv a feeling & desire 4 change

    3. William u are a beautiful stupid fool. probablly a headless chicken,infact insane & u dont deserve to be a Malawian since u luck patriotic go to hell u idiot.

    4. Lucius ngat umbuli wakowo khala nawo,ndcyan ungatiuze kut chili bwno nd muthu wanu mukut professor,education & leadershp r 2 dfarent thng shut up ur mouth if u dnt hv anythng 2 say rather makng our temper 2 rise rubish.

    5. komano ndikuganiza kut iyeyu(Lucius) sadalakwe kapena kuchimwa sizamajudgetu izi koma maganizo ake tisamakakamizane maganizo sangafanane kuweruza ndikwa mwini Mulungu.

    6. @ Chikuni Philosofa Kin, dnt jxt push everything to God! anthufeso tym inayake timakhala olakwisa and timaziputa zinthu dala ngat mmene tinamuputila APM! we have to correct our mistakes first b4 facing God otherwiz there wil b no change

    7. I hope this lucius z jst out of his mind. Mubale sitimayifera choncho uzakalira wekhanso ukuwona only that u r a DPP cardet

    8. #Chiku_Syson,ine ndikufunano mphamvu yeniyeni ya Mlengi osati zopanga tokhazo, remember Prof.Bingu asanamwalire amabungwe anamupatsa 60 days ayankhe zomwe anamufunsa or either atule pansi udindo then anamwalira isanathe 60daysyo kukhala ngati nkulowano Joyce Banda kunali ma mixed reactions ena kusekelera mmabungwemu komaso anthu wamba kunyadira oyipa wapita tinawona zinthutu ndi amayi zoti eee ena mpaka zaka ziwiri zinakhala ngat 10 amabungwe omwe aja mwanseri anayambapo aa bola Bingu koma kut…………..ine ndikuganiza kut ngakhale titachita force zinthu zina zilizonse palibe chingatithandize. let them Peterz government govern the way they know and vote against them or for them in 2019 if we wish. Coz ngakhale tingatokote bwanji apa sizisintha zinthu. ndizoonad kut timaononga zinthu tokha koma mukuganiza tingasinthe zinthu? Pamene amene akutitsogolerawo ndi omwewo atibera munthawi ya UDF, adzatiberanso nthawi ya DPP 1 nde akakanike kutiberanso nthawi ya DPP2? Malawi will never change if we continue sidelining the power of the Most High.

    9. thanks guys… u sim to know it all…. u thnk Peter is headless kupanga akupangaz ….. inu omwe muli azibabo apa nyumba mwanu mot munalibe money zovala and the like mumakanika kukonza in one year u nid more than two years kut zonse zkhale bobo nde muthu ot akulamulira dzko asithe zithu just like waking up from a dream? grow up Malawi…. change starts in the Family not at national level…. mumakanika kukonza nyumba yanu bzy kumunena presdnt…. imeneija s job yo phweka know….

    10. lucius ngat uli oxindkira siya kuyankhula motero cox wina aliyense akudandaula chfukwa cha tsogoleri wathu akupanga zayekha instead of kufunsa maganixo a Malawi

    11. lucias siya kutokota za bwampini wako umamuti profesor,yo being a profesor doesn’t mean he is wise enough to govern the warm heart of africa amene uja {peter} ndi mtchona wakulira kunja mavuto amalawi sakuwadziwa koma iva izi zeru zayekha adaviika nsima mmadzi.

  36. stupid malawi 24. y chakwera today? u casted ur votes against hm and u need his hand today? mxieeeeww musandibowe. mesa mumafuna proffessor

  37. umbuli wakukwanani mumati atani chakwelayo munthu olamula akamalakwitsa amangomusiya kaya agwera mu mdzenje aziwona yekha. chakwela is a gud leader iweyo ndiye ogona siukuwona tsogolo kupusa pamodzi nfi wakutumayo

  38. I thought the author is a journalist or somebody who follows the media best. Chakwera as opposition leader has contributed concrete and promising views during most of the debates in parliament. Jst think of how he instructed govt on exporting maize. His ideas were brilliant that even if our govt would listen njala tikunenaniyi kunalibeko. As a media person get harsads from parliament publications and check how our parliamentarians have been behaved during thier session before u write this nonsense.

    1. nde kupepela tikunenako Chakwera wangokhala phwathalala koma tonse tikuona kuti sizikuyenda,munthu oyambilira kuyankhula ndiyeyo.

  39. Nde mukuwona ngat ku MCP ko ndindani amene wapeleka mfundo yopempha peter kt atule udindowake? Ine ndimaganiza ngat ndi chakwera amene wapanga mfundo imeneyo nde he z nt sleepng if z dat!

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