Players in the tea industry operating under the Tea Association of Malawi (Taml) have agreed to increase the daily minimum wage for workers in the sector from K600 to K850.
The increase which will see workers receiving a minimum of K25, 500 per month started this month.

The rate in the tea sector surpasses the government minimum wage which is at k687.70 per day.
Taml Chief Executive Officer Clement Thindwa said the sector always strives to pay its workers above the government set minimum wage.
He said that the association took longer to increase the wage as they were waiting for government to announce its new minimum wage.
“We review our wages every year and government was supposed to raise the minimum national wage in June but that did not happen so it delayed our decision as well,” said Thindwa.
He added that when increasing the minimum wage, the association also takes into account issues of inflation, exchange rate and cost of food within estates.
“Looking at the current economic situation where inflation has gone up, food costs have gone up and the Kwacha is depreciating, we had to come up with something,” said Thindwa.
Tinadziwa kale ife.
at least u can manage something
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Akuba amenewa zabodza basi! Anthuwo sing’ombe zangolo mwamva anyapala inu! Ndalamayo ndiyochepa kwambiri molingana ndi ntchito amagwira anthwo,GOD Will punish U bosses ok!
S.africa its batter you mn 650rand per mounth? What ashame
you r jst explaining that money have increased but why not telling pple that ma kgs mwawaonjezera kuchoka pa 44 kgs per day kufika pa 50 kgs per day ?? Zachamba basi muziwapusisa ndani mwaonjezera ntchito ndindalama yomwe pomweposo chotape msonkho wanu mopanda manyaziso go to de hell anthu akuvutika awa kukhala ngat sali kumalawi osamapasa 1 000 patsiku bwanj?
Zikhala bwino
zinthu zinadutsa kalekale kumaziyankhula tsiku lalero, timawona ngatitu ndi nkhani inanso yatsopano.
R20 a day
Mukuti amalandira K600 pa tsiku? Koma ku Malawi…munthu ungachitepo chani ndi kandalama kameneko ndi kudula kwa zinthuku….
Izikwa 100grand kuli akadaulo odziwa kutchela k5k
zoona ntchito ndiyowawa yitola tea