A Primary School Teacher in Balaka district has been arrested for raping a 11 year old pupil, Malawi police say.
The suspect Bartholomew Ignasio 44 who is a teacher at Mpilisi Full Primary School was arrested on allegation that he has been sexually assaulting the girl who is in Standard 3 at the same School.

Balaka Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector Joseph Sauka confirmed about the arrest saying an incident came to light after the victim revealed to her mother that the suspect had been defiling her on several occasions.
According to the victim, the suspect had been taking her to his house on several occasions where he was defiling her.
“She said at first, the suspect called the victim to his house to watch films but instead he defiled her.
“Since then, the suspect had been defiling the victim and was told not to reveal to anyone. She said she thought of revealing the ordeal after seeing that she was tired of the torture”, he explained.
Medical report shows that the girl had lost her virginity.
Meanwhile, the suspect is still in Police custody and is expected to appear before court soon where he will answer a case of defilement of girls under the age of 16 which is contrary to section 138(1) of the penal code.
The suspect Bartholomew Ignasio comes from Dailesi village, Traditional Authority Kalrmbo in Balaka district.
Admin just on point of correction: It must read “Defilement” and NOT “rape” based on the age of the victim. These stories are on the higher side I don’t just do know what is happening to this noble profession.
Ogwilira amangidwe lyf imprisonment basi.
adaw sakulipidwa nde amasowa yokapasa hule nde anangoganiza kt angopanga ndmwayo kma waphera mwana sogolo. Ameney tisadzamuoneso akafele komko kmax makolo mamfanawa akamapta ku xool osamangowalola kt azipta ndtmasiket tammwamba
Bratholomew Ignasio………ndi mzika ya Malawi koma? Achotsedwe chomwe amapangiracho plus 100 yrs ali kundende. Life imprisonment angayambe kufera komweko
Kumeneko kuphunzitsa Mwana? Zaka 44 akazako Ali kuti? Mbuzi ya munthu iwe
Anatani kufunsira amayi ake a mwanayo .such pple should just be sentenced to death by hanging
castration must follow him
Eiiish Too Bad
its the same as saying a 33 year old raping a new born child…. or a 32 year old raping a one month old fetus… eish lucifer!
Koma Zinazi! Mwana wang’ono ungamvemo chani?
kape ,kodi anthu amenewa kwa ana amafuko chani.ameneyo akafele kundende basi.
He mst lot in jail
Eishiiii mwikho
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why alway BALAKAAAA, azimayi osewa simukuwaona?
What??balaka again?heshhhhhhh!!
Chitsilu maule onsewa
He deserve to end-up ln jail…
Eeeeee koma koma ku balaka kumeneku satana anapolamilako ndithu
Uti bwanji mbuzi iwe, ugwilizana bwanji ndi mwana wamng’ono kupanga naye za chiwerewere, rubbish @Stanely
jst give him wat he want….chilango chokwanira bwino!!!
Guyz mudzisiyanitsa pakati pogwililira ndi kugwilizana ukundikuyamba chabe remember me.,
Kodi boma limeneli lotchedwa ‘Blaka’ lili m’malawi momuno?,
why why why at balaka pipo|
Amangidwe basi
kodi balakayi ndi chani
ufit, chan?
Choncho, ana azipitaso kusukulu? Nde fees yake mwina anachita kugulisa mbuzi,TIZIZALANGA TOKHA IFE MAKOLO.
Balaka balaka eish dis district
Chemical Castration should be required as lesson 4 those who hve the same altitude
He is very stupid man, why raping child of 11years instead of sleeping an old woman of his size, shame to him, police do your job.
Afulidwe basi sinanga zimamusowesa mtendere
Chitsilu chamunthu,galu mapazi ake.mpaka kudya mwana
Mbuzi ameneyo eti
Thought Malawi was a bit safe unlike other African countries but now??
Amadyera mchere kodi?
Mmmmm ameneyo shaliya law basi
mbuzi ya munthu
Wayenera kudya mwana piye ameneyo. Kwakachere kapena ku Lunzu samakuziwa ngati amafuna zapompopompo
Apande kumuphatu mwana,,chonchongati alindi Aids sibasiampaka mwana..
Wayenera kudya mwana piye ameneyo. Kwakachere kapena ku Lunzu samakuziwa
Ayayayaya mukana mwana wa std3,chidyamakandachi chaonjeza
Anthu ena ndiziwanda chabe zobadwa nazo koma ndiye amawononga dzina la TEACHER. Ameneyo 16 yrs kugwila ntchito yakalavugaga kundende
Amangidwe aaah mpaka kuthimbwizira mwana????
is this a way of protest against bunishment of standard 8 exams? kkkkkkkk
mmmhhh km anthu akubalaka mwawonjeza mpaka ndi mwana wa 11yrs yemwe…ufitiiii kapena chaniii
Ngati uli mpikisano ayindithu Balaka itha kuwina
Why always Balaka? Zikukhalabwanji kumeneko?
his name sounds like a mozambican
44/11=4 koma ndie wadusira konko dyabulosi
Pomwe aimangilira kkkkkkk nanu makolo mwana apita kuxool koma cket yoonetsa songa za matako mumati atani sirao
Mmh koma wawonjeza, mpaka wa std 3.
Anaganiza bwanj dyomba
Anapondako Ndimapazi Satana Ku Balakako Akupita Ku Zomba Kwa Mponda Bwino
Abwere pa Kamba alawe b4 trial.
in Blaka????
Akumawonjezaso anawa mamin katundu adyedwe basi
every time rape its Balaka, whic demon is operating in that district.
kodi alibe mkazi ameneyo
wazipalamula nsambi kwanamalenga ameneyo
Im ashamed of my home town Balaka.Many teachers are doing this in Balaka.God should really redeem Balaka.
asatulukeso ameneyo adzake atengelepo phuziro.
Anyongedwe apatsila ana matenda.
All Teachers Are Taller Than Everybody.
Amangidwe basi ameneyu ndi mbuzi
Asambisi mwachita vichi? Kulije mahule kwenekuko?
Teachers Treat The Learners Just As Stationery! Stay Away From Such Mulpractices
Is he Italian?
Koma zogwililira Ku Balaka mwaenjeza
Kungova kuti madzi ozimitsila moto sanyasa basi mwati muzitsile pa mwana……mukagwila ukaidi
Kodi mesa mahule anatchipa? nanga bwanji??
akazi onsewa?ufti chan? Angomuthena amenei
Why Balaka full of indecent stories. LORD please redeem Balaka
Kkkkkk kodi ku Balaka kulibe mahule oti mphuzitsiyu mkutsila mpaka mwana wazaka 11 amayenera kukhala ndimanyazi ameneyu ndi galu zedi
Kill him now.
Koma ku Balaka nako? Boma ili likufunika mapemphero apadera dera ndithu,
He must face the law
Mavuto awa
Kkk njala yina iyi kma…osangobunyula bwanj..?? eeish kma south nd masuzgo2
inali practical ya life skills?!
Did you say 44yrs. What is the sentence for defiliers in Malawi?