APM Advisors’ appointments stir debate


The appointment of some Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members as advisors to party President, Arthur Peter Mutharika, has stirred discontent within the party, with others believing the move may undermine the responsibilities of the National Governing Council (NGC) elected Directors.

A press statement signed by the party’s National Publicity Secretary, Shadric Namalomba, reveals that some prominent party members, who failed to retain their seats or were not elected in various National Governing Council (NGC) positions at the party’s elective convention held from the 18-19 August in Blantyre, have been compensated with various presidential advisory roles.

The party appointed former secretary general, Clement Mwale, to his new role as presidential advisor on political affairs, while the party’s former vice president for the South, George Thapatula Chaponda, has been appointed as Mutharika’s advisor on policy development. 

Chaima: The appointments is an appeasement move.

Former organizing secretary at the DPP, Chimwemwe Chipungu, is now Mutharika’s advisor on organization, while the position of presidential advisor on election management has been given to former Malawi Electoral Commission Commissioner Jean Mathanga. 

The former legal advisor for the DPP, Charles Mhango, has been appointed presidential advisor on legal affairs, and Dyton Mussa is the presidential advisor on Youth. 

The appointments have also been extended to Aaron Sangala, who is now Mutharika’s advisor on operations, and finally, Everton Chimulirenji, who is the presidential advisor on the campaign.

While other members from the party believe the move may be a strategy aimed at solidifying the party ahead of the 2025 general elections, some quarters within the party believe the members did not deserve such appointments as their failure to win various positions at the convention is a clear sign that they are not trusted for various positions in the party.

However, DPP secretary general, Peter Mukhito, says the appointments are legitimate and are backed by the party’s constitution.

“According to our Democratic Progressive Party constitution, the president is granted the authority to appoint an unlimited number of advisors. These report directly to the president and do not hold any operational responsibilities within the party structures,” Mukhito said.

He added that the elected members of the NGC have substantive duties in managing their respective directorates and do not report to the advisors in any capacity.

Commenting on the development, political expert, George Chaima described the appointments as an appeasement move on the loyalists of Mutharika and does not reflect the will of the majority in the party.

“The will of the people was done at the convention. If some of them were not elected by the people at the convention, it means that the majority do not want them in such positions of power,” said Chaima.

He added: “If you recall, some of the people were suspected of misleading Mutharika and abusing his office. They were accused of tearing the party apart and behind the mind influencing the expulsion of some powerful members like Nankhumwa and Dausi from the party.”

Chaima further predicts nothing better from the appointed leaders besides causing more chaos, which comes about due to power struggles and strangulation of responsibilities.

The DPP were the second to hold an elective convention after the Malawi Congress Party (MCP). During the convention, some powerful and prominent figures in the party miserably failed to retain or get appointments to various positions.


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