Concerned citizens launch investigation on plane tragedy


In a quest to find answers to many questions surrounding the plane crash that claimed the lives of nine people including the vice president late Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima, a grouping of Malawians under the banner “Concerned Citizens” has launched an investigation into what caused the accident.

In a statement signed by Edwards Kambanje, Oliver Nakoma, and Osman Dagia, the group said Malawians have numerous unanswered questions as regards the way the entire Malawi Government Machinery handled the whole situation.

Among others, the group wonders why President Lazarus Chakwera took almost 12 hours to inform the public of the missing plane and why the search and rescue operation started in the evening when the plane went missing at around 10 a.m.  

The Concerned Citizens said, “The secretive nature at which the issue of the missing plane was handled is also leading us to speculate more on whether this was a mere accident and or orchestrated move.” 

Against this suspicion of foul play, the group has launched an investigation into the tragedy and has since advised all Malawians who have true information as regards what happened to furnish them.

“This means that as Concerned Citizens, we have therefore launched our investigation and will be able to release our report to the public in due course. We would also like to assure all citizens that will give us information that their identities will be protected and they may communicate to us through the following numbers,” reads part of the statement. 

The Concerned Citizens have also called upon the US Government to come in and provide their expertise and lead in conducting an independent investigation, saying it has sophisticated technology and means capable enough to uncover everything that happened on this fateful day.

The group has also assured Malawians that soon the truth as regards the circumstances that led to the plane crash and the deaths of Vice President Chilima and eight others will be known.


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