Maybe I am the kind of person who has too much guard. But the tendency of some urban music artists, spreading the news of their project before it is ripe, is killing the music artistry. Call it a pre-urban music hangover, but as the Chewa people say, ‘Bongololo samadzolera mafuta pagulu’ (The Millipede comes out with an already oiled body); there is a reason why the arthropod does that. People do not have an idea of where and how it oils its body. They only see it passing by with a shining body, and more, when people try to ‘ask’ it by a touch, it coils. It does not want to give too much information about its beautiful body.

It sounds funny. But there are several lessons urban musicians can learn from this. Gwamba: After successfully coming up with his first gospel song a month ago, he is now embarking on a project for his second gospel song, ‘Alleluyah’. As good as he has always been, one can only assume that the song will be a reflection of his exceptional rap skills and a more improved sound as a gospel artist. People widely accepted his first gospel song as a gospel one, but it lacked in several ways. It was sung by a person who had announced that he was now a gospel artist but the message of the song still sounded secular, somehow. He still had a secular music hangover and as time goes by he will be going deep into his faith and coming up with tracks that can safely be called gospel.
We are all waiting for ‘Alleluyah’. But it seems he has chosen to do it in a different way. He announced that the video for the song will come first then its audio will follow later on. There are reasons why he decided to do it that way. But the way he is treating the video shooting leaves a lot to be desired. He is all over the social media sharing backstage pictures for the upcoming video. Maybe he is doing that as a way of promoting the project and creating anticipation in people. But what he does not know is that, in urban language terms, he is killing the vibe for the project. There is a reason why in a performing hall, for example, there is a curtain between the audience and the artist. The latter comes out only when the costume is ready on him and the audience gets to see everything for the first time. Artistry is about creating a wonder in people’s minds. They need to have questions in them of what is going to come out of the performance, or the studio, in this case. When the project is out it should be the answer to their wonder. It ends up creating a satisfaction within them.
But when the artist, and the production team, is all over releasing pictures of the video shoot, it kills the element of artistry in it. The behind the scenes images, if not well timed, negatively affects the project in a number of ways. Just like the Millipede, Gwamba and his production team should control how much is being revealed from their project. When they all post their pictures, they say, ‘Alleluyah video coming out soon’, as if the whole nation has stopped whatever it was doing and waiting for the video. Things are always on the move, and the moment people have had an idea of what is being cooked behind, or are tired of waiting, they will lose interest in it and move on to the next thing on their minds. The element of surprise is always good. If for promotional purposes, it does not have to take every one in the production team to be posting pictures about it. So guys, cool a little bit. Focus on the project behind the view and knowledge of people, and come back to us when everything is done. You will take us by surprise and we are going to like that.
*Wonderful Mkhutche is an author, a political scientist and a manuscript developer and editor.
No music pamalawi
mwasowa2 cholemba bwana. tikanakhala ndi page yathu ifeso tikanati “atolankhani akumalawi siyani kulemba zoduka mitu” zikomo.
You don’t go into public life If you’re not ready for the public! They are called public figures because they life is prone to public observation! In as far as celebrities are concerned don’t tell people to mind their own business! One goes to a newspaper talking about his being born again as is later pictured drunk you want people to Ming their own business? Thought it was publicized for the public to know?
jah bless gwamba
H0nestly i hate ths page mumapanga update nkhani z0pusa bwanj kod bas mumafuna kung0nyasitsa the warm heart of africa ryt?? D0nt y0u have anythng to do kukacha wat u thnk of is updating stupit p0sts mmxiiieeewww mumatit0petsa ife u d0nt even hav aqualificati0n of j0urnalism
No problem here mw24 gone crazy
I don’t see any problem here, its just a part of promotion. Fast & Furious idzatuluka April 2017 koma pano timawona zambiri zokhuza filmyo
Kodi maQualification autola nkhani zopusazi mmawatenga ma Collage akuti? Nchifukwa chani aMalawi mmatengeka nkufotokoza zopusa kusiya zanzeru? Nyimbo zabwino timaonera pansika sitiyang’anira mavalidwe. Kudziwika ndi anthu sikutanthauza kudziwa kuyimba…………Talongosolani izi akulira Alimi Boma lakonza njira yowabelera mbeu zawo. aGwamba carryon feauturing and featured zabwino zonse…….
Malawians ur fond of jelousy bt mmmh apa nde mwaonjeza amalawi 24 mwasowa nkhani bzy kulimbana ndi amene akut nda Mulungu? shem upon u!!!! leave gwamba alone musatikwane nditinkhani tanu topanda mutu
Koma gwamba sakusamba gyz mukuona bwaaa oyimba chochi gyz mmmmm
Amalawi amalawi nsanje kuchuluka ngatinchenga kunyanja, kukondakiyamika munthu akamwalira inu mati amalawi aimbesobwanji kuposaapa???? Matafale matafale mesa matafale mwaikweza mbiriyake atamwalira. Mukanamutchukisa alimoyo akanalemela bwanji???? Akanasiya ndalama zankhaninkhani. Nsanje isakhalengati mfunda wathu amalawi !!!!?
Eti inu ena akuti nzolapisa zothawisa kkkkk
Ndayima pa chulu …………..musova oyimba aku Malawi mbola yeniyen man…
Eeeee mwana amakwata uyu
musickwa onse a fmusicree net
Malawi 24, it seems you are going crazy now how come you just upload any thing. aaa plx upload things that can give people mind of comments and rate them know how things are going in the country but that doesn’t mean you should upload averything
Kkk Kumalawi Kulibe Oimba Chmwalilireni Akachamba,matafale,saleta Phiri ,amicheal Patali,allan Namoko Ndi Anzawo Ena.Enanu Musamazinamize Si Inu Oimba Kma Oyankhula Kapena Kulalatira Anzanu Mumakalatilidwe Ngati Oimba.Amene Ndingati Anasala Pano Ndi Chalamanda Kmanso Kamwana Aka Amakati #yaxbwayka Ndikhulupilira Mwakadziwa.Kma Enanu 0 Pa 10
Ndiphuzila karaty kuti kwaonse odelela awoona m’mene zithele.
I like this mr wonderful.
Ndatopa ndikunva za gwamba ine , Anyamata a miracle sin
Oimba wonse palibe wabwino wazelu ndimulungu mbasi
kod gospel yake mumafuna ikhale yotan? http://nyimbozathu.com/play_song.php?songID=0.19812300z1455293826
Kodi music pa Malawi ili pati ndinasiya kuvera music Evison Matafale atamwalira poti pano nde palibe yemwe akuimba bwino mukungoimba mbwerera basi kumangoimbana nokha nokha zazi RIP Evie
Kodi music pa Malawi ili pati ndinasiya kuvera music Evison Matafale atamwalira poti pano nde palibe yemwe akuimba bwino mukungoimba mbwerera basi kumangoimbana nokha nokha zazi RIP Evie
Malemu alutso
Kwabasi bro bwenzi ali wa international pano
Nzoonadi moti ndimatsilira lutso lake lija
Eish bro nyimbo zosakola uone kuimba 1 and 2 English ili mmene muja and uthenga aaaa achina Anjiru anaononga band ija
Mukunena dzoona man achina Anji akanapezeramo anthu Ena dzikanakha bho
Ndukuuzani bro bola musamude amayesetsa man
Gwamba Ndi One Enawa Ndimafana Sakudziwa Kathu.
Gwamba Ndi One Enawa Ndimafana Sakudziwa Kathu.
I do not see the reason why this entire article was written in the first place.
1. First question to you Amkhutche, Why do you say better is not widely accepted by people as a gospel song? as far as I am concerned better is as gospel as gospel can get.
2. It is fallacious to claim that scenes from the music vids spoil artistry. In fact it may be a way to promote it. Take movie trailers for instance
Kukhuta eti music music yake iti zaziii, kodi mukamatukwanana ndiye mumaona ngati ndinu madolo zopunsa eti, only Lucius Banda in malawi iz agreat musician osati mbunzi zinazi ayi
Chilungamo koma chimenechi..Lucious Banda ndi 1
PHIRI salozerana….hahahhha ka Gwamba katchukabe…mpaka mafanzi mitu yabalalika……
Does gospel music hav a tune of its on?
Vambula phindu adada zgambo
Koma oyimba akwathu akusekesa pena nyimbo zawo mademo okhaokha nde akumanyozana komanso kuzipopa ngati amayimba zenizeni.Akatulutsa kademo basi avutitse nfichingerezi choti download kkkk amaona ngati timafera zirizonse.
Mu didi wako!!!!
hahahaha ahahaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kusowa zochita…… demettttiiiiii
Uyunso mkumati woyimba aaaa!! tikuona ngati ungagulitse Better wakoyo to international, Onesimus ndiye deal
Can somebody define secular music pliz.
Kkkkk I think its a typ of those music with obscenity lol
Gwamba is the best no matter what?nothing we will get from Gossiping, Lets try to mind our bznes gays
You don’t go into public life If you’re not ready for the public! They are called public figures because they life is prone to public observation! In as far as celebrities are concerned don’t tell people to mind their own business! One goes to a newspaper talking about his being born again as is later pictured drunk you want people to Ming their own business? Thought it was publicized for the public to know?
Ya you are true but some people its too much
Malawi24..Where’s the tease here??he gave out a date that he’s nxt song will drop all u hv to to do if u r a gwamba fan is to wait Nd dwnload the song when that day comes that’s he’s marketing strategy giving ppo the heads up nd we’re nt there yet!!!!kd utolankhani wamasikwano bwanji ukusowera luso??don’t u think its too early to attack Gwamba on that??tabalembani za njalazo kaye…phumatu ndi nyere sizigwirizana mudikire kaye bwa?????
Iwe panga za gospel usatikwanepo apa,,,
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS.
Guys ine music ya kwathu kuno imandidabwitsa kwambiri Oimba akwathu kuno amangotukwanana okhaokha basi kkkkkkkkk.Sizingatheke kuti malawi yonse ingokhala ndi Oimba mmodzi yekha ayi,kaya ndi ufiti kaya ndi sanje kaya ndi chani chomwe amanyozerana.Komwe choti muziwe Anna anu mumanama kuimba inu ndi ichi:Mmalawi muno muli Oyimba alunso kwambiri kupotsanso inu koma Osati kusatulutsa nyimbo musayese ngati ndalama tilibe tilinazo tangofuna tikupaseni mpata Kaye munyozane Kaye mukamaliza Ifeno tiloweno tiphuliseno music yoopsa ija.zoimba zanu zachikappe ngati izoo Wina aliyense akuti Dolo Odziwaa kuimba,kodi messa anthu ndi amene amakuyamikila nanga umachita kuziyamikira wekha
dolo ndi maskal ndi chifukwa samaimba ndi tianthu tangoti mbweee ti
Zoona zimenezo Constable
kkk nanuso2 mwanyozako bwana taimbini tili pa mbuyo panu boss
Mwayakhula2 bwana amve mssg imenei ma musianwo
Kodi apart from writing stories about Gwamba, what else do you guys do?
I think is what you sighned it for…
bra ur too exposed and ur a celebrity fo dat mata so dnt get annoyed wen people talks much about you! #zangoyenela
How can someone claimed to turn his career into gospel yet he/she is not born again??
Which comes first,kutembenuka mtima ndi kutumikira mulungu,answer me Gwamba???
#Sylvester Singing Gospel Music is not equal to being born again. There is a difference.
hop the advice haz not fallen on stony ground
cndkuonapo nkhan apa za chamba bax!
awa mesa ndi a gospel?!
gospel my middle finger
wamziwa gwamba?
Uja adaimba niima pachulu,
Aimba inayake ndikuuzabe pano nipagulu
Anganga anga anandiwuza ndikusewa bawo
Munthu ndi munthu amafuna uzimunyoza kkkkk
Akako si amene umadya nawo kumadya ndikumakhuta koma amene amabwela kuzakuthandiza zikakuvuta …hahhahahahaha
Mwana salangiza motchola khosi…Hahaha enjoying tha song
Mwana salangiza motchola khosi…Hahaha enjoying tha song
mbuzi yamunthu
Kunena zoona gwamba sunabone iwe wangosata ndalama . Video ya gospel imaoneka chonchija? Si gospel iyi
pointless piece of writing
Eeeeh kma red eye yokhayo a gwambawo ganjatu imeneyi
Zoona Gwamba Sukunama
Mkhutche, u posses what I call Stone Age hangovers, u want modern day acts to replicate your Dads, our artists are not there yet but by being innovative theyre simply tyring to create something for Malawi, they belive the mkhutches standards will not take them anywhere. Wake up and clean ur face Mkhutche, you cant cobtinue using a hoe in a 100 HA maize farm.