James Kadadzera
... People swindled Malawi Police Service has distanced itself from a bogus advert that has been circulating on social media calling on interested Malawians to apply for recruitment into the service. National Police Spokesperson, James… ...
National Bank of Malawi
A National Bank clerk at Nchalo in Chikwawa has been arrested for swindling a visually impaired customer K2 million through dubious transaction. Chikwawa Police publicist, Foster Benjamin, has identified the employee, who was arrested on… ...
Rape Malawi
Police at Gola border in Chikwawa have arrested a 26-year-old man on allegation that he defiled a 13-year-old primary school girl. According to Chikwawa Police publicist, Foster Benjamin, the suspect, Kamuna Pelera, was nabbed on… ...
The United Transformation Movement (UTM) has sent a message of ‘condolence and goodwill’ to the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) following a road accident that claimed one life while four others sustained injuries. The accident,… ...