Anjiru Fumulani
Social media today was awash with rumours that Malawi's leading reggae group Black Missionaries band leader Anjiru Fumulani has passed away. But Malawi24 can reveal that they were nothing beyond their own name - rumours.… ...
Malawi has once again been caught unaware! Reports reaching Malawi24 newsroom indicate that most parts of Blantyre have been flooded because of incessant rains leaving many properties damaged. More details to follow... If you are… ...
AHL Officials
Malawi's sole, tobacco and other commodity dealing company, AHL Group of Companies, has asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security to consider reversing decision of allowing tobacco multinationals to grow tobacco saying the policy… ...
Alex Business
One of the religious bodies in Malawi Centre for Religious and Public Affairs (CRAPA) has asked the police and other stakeholders to fast-track their investigations in order to find out the root cause of the market… ...