20 year old Nyasa Big Bullets and Malawi national football team defender, Miracle Gabya is currently under-going trials at South Africa’ Absa Premiership side Kaizer Chiefs, Malawi24 can report.
According to the Amakhosi’ website, Gebeya alongside Gustavo Perez, Pedro Henrique and Ismael Olivier will spend the rest of the International Transfer period at the club as they will be attending the trials.

“Four players will be on trial during this period. Striker Gustavo Paez (26) from Italy and defender Pedro Henrique Dias DeAmorim (24) from Brazil. Defenders Miracle Gabeya (20) and Ismael Olivier Toure (19) are respectively from Malawi and Ivory Coast,” reads the statement on Chiefs’ official website.
This will be the third South African team interested in the former Under 20 defender who was a marvel to watch when he was playing for the senior team during Cosafa Castle Cup last year.
Bloemfontein Celtic and Mpumalanga Black Aces were all looking for the services of Gabeya who flourished with Malawi under the guidance of Ernest Mtawali.
If successful, he will join number of Malawian players playing for South African clubs.
However, he faces competition from Olivier and Dias DeAmorim for a place if he is to be considered by the Soweto giants.
Meanwhile, Football Association of Malawi (FAM) has advised local clubs to seek guidelines in the current transfer period in order to avoid being fooled by foreign clubs.
The FA’ Transfer Systems Manager Casper Jangale advised teams to firstly consult the association in order to benefit from their players if they are sold abroad.
“For the past years, local clubs have been complaining to us that foreign clubs are always reluctant to pay them transfer fee for a player they have acquired from them so it’s always difficult to assist when the FA has no idea of what was happening between the two clubs.”
“We are advising our clubs to consult us first so that we can be moving towards the same direction as far as the transfer issues are concerned,” he explained. With the International Transfer Window
ndiye azasewela liti? kapena tsiku lanji?
Good lucky
all the best gabeya but I dought if he can stay longer in this club one mistake he will endup on bench chiefs and pirates does that better other clubs
All the best brother
Mlungu ndiyemwe amusogolere ,O de best Gabeya
Zachabe zinthuz akadapita ma team enawa monga Celtic ,en etc but ukuku eish sogolo lija litha kukhalaso lazigamba,
And ku Chiefs vuto simadefenders koma coach ndi mastrikers ndiyebe tingomfunira zabwino koma its a hard way
Good luck my player
From Neba
Team imene akupitayi eish azikakhalira pa beanch
all de best palibe cholephelesa gya mmanja bas
All the best. Bola asakupangenso zomwe anamupanga Sulumba Mr. Chikaphonya
Okadya mabench sopano
Mafuno abwino mani
Sounds good! All the best fellow…
Mabedi was there for such a long time give Miracle a chance. Akamutenga it is well and good for him and Malawi football.. Neba nsanje ndi kuma trials komwe.. VIVA RED ARMY…
All the best..
Gud news 2 all soccer loverz
Zabwino zonse, welcome madala
Good news, All the best Gabs..!
Wapita liti ??? Ndakumana naye dzulo madzulo ntown inu
Good lucky mchana
Komatu musathe mau ine ndikuuzani kupita ku RSA wapala
May God be with him akakwanisa opanda vuto lilironse kma plz anthu amene mumakonda kukhomelera ma player nd amene mumalodza ma player musakhuzepo kut akalephere…..holy ghost fireeeeeee
Kkkkk ngati angamutenge ndimwayi team yakuka kwambiri
I know chiefs ticket tiyo akanangogulitsa munthu wina agule chimanga azidya ikanakhala bidvest or ajax kapena koma chiefs yoøo!
Ife b forward simagawa kamba kunyerere kkkkk.
Good luck
Kokather kumeneko amakhosi ilindim star and Squad yawo imakhala nd zima player 52 zimadolo zokhakha sangakamenyeko kumeneko akungotaya nthawi
you are most welcome ,uzakharaso siubwereraso Malawi
Is Gabeya 20 yrs old?
good lucy
Walemera basi!!!
Mmmmmm koma iwe ukunama
Nkhan ya bhoooo ife kumva ngat akubanja la maule woyeeeeeee
Good Luck! just work hard #AMAKHOSI 4 LIFE
God be with you
Chala chamulungu chaloza
Good news
Its your time, make use of it.
Kubullets Kuli Njira Yopitila Patheba.Bigup Gabeya.All The Best.
Mwai umeneu umapeze kuchokela kut teame yaikulu ya nyasa Bulleys basi simanyaka ama teame enewa kumango menya mpila opanda sogolo
Welcome gabs ticheze jubeki muno zako zilibwino iwe
Gabeya ndi dhili mwana amatha ndipo mulungu amusingolera dziwa nebour sanje singamange mudzi wamwai ndi wamwai chala chikalodza chaloza nanu any azatengedwa ife sitichita sanje ndi aliyese amaona luso nt maonekedwe
Good luck young man
Zili mushe
Breaking News: pa ma player asanu omwe amapanga ma Trials ku mmawa lero awiri ndi amene alembetsedwe kutengera ndi Foreign quota mu team ya Kaizer Chiefs ; so keep following timva kuti pa awiriwo ; #Gabeya alimo
All the best Gabeya , hope you ll make it
Pitani mukakumane ndi benard paka
All the best miracle
Ndiye timati product ya #BULLETS imeneyo welcom #Fwe2_Gabeya tidzadye volóos basi
20 year mwat
Welcome to RSA boy,feel free.
Musapikisane ndi chikonzelo cha Mulungu inu anthu…..pita ase nthawi yako yomwe Mulungu anakukonzela yakwana basi
musamuopseze munthu, iwe mnyamata usaope bwera ku chiefs ukapange ma trials ako, enawa akudana ndi BULLETS chabe
Iknow this guy his gud . Isee him in cosafa bt chiefs is 2 big 4 him.
20 yr old shaaa,,mmalawa sazatheka basi,,
Thats gud Gabeya but would hv been better with ma team anewa komabe poti chiefs ndiye yakuona, gud luck kadye ma rand
Iwe kazembe we hav king Kamwendo amene wayenda,kumene akuku nyongeraniku ndi kotopa uku,whos bullets player who has plyed four or five countries vuto lako neba ndi kuiwala,koma umuuze Gabe kuti angoonongako mbiri ngati Sulumba yoti analephera ma trials,
You talk shirt.Nkhani ili apa ndi ya Gabeya osati ka leg ai umenewo ndi umbuli mother fucker.
which five countries, you talk of Mozambique, Ku DRC amakhalila Thabwa, Ku Denmark adathawakonso cz Zimavuta
Even atakhala kut anasewera mayiko one thousand koma ine ndiwa BB mpaka kufa
n sulumba zimavuta nd khan ya dora osat kulephera ma trials
shehe ngt mwasowa zochita kazingeni nkhuku
Iwe gabeya usayerekeze kupita amakhosi siungayerekeze kukamenya even bench,ngati umakanika kuimitsa chande oti sanamenyepo profetional size yako ndi kumoshiko uko mukangoonongako mbiri yoti munalepherako ngati Sulumba
Ukunena Chande Womenyera Mpira Mankhwalaa,,,puleya Osaoneka M Ground Anthu Kumangozindikira Wachinya Iyaaaaa
He can do well but not Kaizer chiefs but anyway all the best
Welcome Ga
good.luck Miracle
Be serious guys who is gabeya to join chiefs??????????????stop day dreaming pls
Kaizer chiefs and Orlando pirates simatimu omanyadira kuti angakapange tsogolo akhoza kumutenga koma azikangomuika pa bench zotsatira after season no more contract amachuluka tsankho
Zabwino zonse
Tiyeni timupemphelele kuti amutenge
Koma ku Kaizer Chifs kumbuyo kulibwino, mavuto ali ku mtsogolo ochinya
Amakhos 4 Life
Zabwino zonse Gabeya ndikhulupilila zikayenda.
Zaninge wakaa kwithu kuno takupokelerani a Gabeyaa ,akwaaaaa
Kikikiki Mabedi yekha enawo sasewera bola akanapita kwa Amazulu wabetsa ameneyo
All the best&may God bless him.
Ndemwati 20years hethi
so good
Welcome to amakhosi, kaizer chiefs.
Welcome to Amacows Kaizer chips
@Kabelo you are just a cow your self .chips is better than gundwani
Pie rats
Orlando Expirets Lol????
Vry bg mstk
bola asamukhomelere a bullets
pitan mutisiile yafodyai
he gonna west his time
Ha ha ha ha koma Neba umandiseketsa nkhaniyi wayimva bwinobwino koma? Ati akukayesa mwayi sikuti amutengeratu, nde ukuyima pa Chulu mkumalalata ha ha ha ha ha… Koma abale zinazi, inu tikuwuzeni chilungamo kuti awa sakamenyako coz team imene ija tikuyidziwa ife bola akanakhala kuti akupita ma team enawa, amufunse Ng’ambi yakhala ikumufuna koma samapitako chifukwa chani?
Neba ndi chisilu umbuli ndiwomwe wamuchulukila mau oti kukayesa sanziwa kutathauza kwake kkkkkkk
Kukayesa mwayi kusonyeza kuti wawonedwa ndi chinachake
Ng’ambi Plutnum imakanilatu kumugulitsa, ma team nde akhala akumulira
dzowonadi Anawona chinachake especialy paja! anagwa ndi njomba ya manyozo then Chande kumaliza ijayo scandle ya 5-1 ija!. komaso Steve Komphera coach wa Chiefs ndi wa Blaind po sankha ma player ndipo masapota Sakumufuna ndiposo ndizokayikisa ngati Angamenyese ma game okwa 5.
Tawasiye awa sakudzindikila chidzikangokhala pa bech paka chizatopa chokha muchionela inu mphe mudzandikumbuka mau angawa
Welcome to johs Mwana
Zabwino zonse bigy man
Big up all the best.
Chande wanyamuka naye waku Mozambique paja ndikomwe Neba amanziwikako wezi kkkkkkkkkkkkk team yosatchuka iyi thats why ma player ku RSA amangonziwika kuti achokela ku BULLETS coz zoti ku Malawi kuli ma club ena sinzimanziwika kkkkkkkkkkj
Tandiuzako Dzina La Player Mmodzi Wa Bullets Amene Anakasewerako Ku Europe.
Zikuthandiza chani ndikakuuza?
kkkkkkk wakumoshiko eeti? neba sazatipezadi ife ndi joni nbb woyeee!!,
Thats good news to BULLETS as a team that shows how perfect team is.Kodi nanga awa atenga ma scrap-wa sapezeka amene wayeselako season yangothayi??.Paja kwazaza zobwelela kumalonda zokhazokha eti kkkkkkkkkkk
iiiiiii ndiku meseaum tu. kamwendo. wadabwa. rejects. and Madala kamzere
Kkkkk koma Stevie Kaliati Mukapata mpaka meseum? Kkkkk koma nebayi.
Miracle hehede asekelela gogo wako.
Dzomwe dzobwelera kumalondadzo kukuphwasamulani mpaka 5-1
Dzomwe dzobwelera kumalondadzo kukuphwasamulani mpaka 5-1
Chiukepo and Sulumba also to man u
For the sake of his career he must stay with bb, in south africa teams like chiefs , bucs and sundowns there is too much fevouritisim and it wil be hard for him to get game time, it was better to other teams not this big 3
2ru buddy
Chilungamo man awa ngati zikawayendele ngati ziliso zoona aliputadala THABWATU
players must grow please don’t have negative comments every time. let’s him try his lucky .don’t we appreciate if malawian players are recognised somewhere? he must take the challenge and compete with the best then he will be the best as well. so stop your negativity
Even Pirates nayo imakondera heavy
Ndzotheka zaiye
Xukulu palibexo bax
Opanda sukulu omwewo akumazaonesa zinazake
Bolani akanapita Ku matimu ena koma for am not happy to see our players joining absa teams like chiefs and Orlando cause it will be very difficult for them to have game time. Anyway all the best miracle gabeya
I wish you all the best Gabya
Kumalawi kuli mpira?without a single player playing in england/Germany/Spain even in France and Italy,so born in Africa ended in Africa.see nigeria,ghana ,Zambia,Algeria,Kenya,ivory cost,Senegal,Cameroon and many more plays outside of Africa.kkkkkkk
20yrs old ????
All The Best Our Best Defender
chief defender kumawulle akuyenela palibe cholesa ,komano mpaka ma trialz anayenela kungoyamba ntchito ndi makina awa
Inu mumamuona ngati ndi player wabwino??? Kkkkkkk neba siya kusuta kanundu
kkkkk kod akhale mbola ndiye bwenz akumakhala frst choice kuNational team? kuwina kwanu kwa bonanza ndikumene kukupangisa chizungulilo et? mukumbukile mbuyomo mwamenyedwa kangat ndi the pplez team ? kod bus munat ytan ? nanga zii pt pano? ameneuja zake ndi stanly sanud amaitha uja mundipelenso mon
Kkkk mwachita manyazi pa stadium yatsopano
kkkkk mwawina bro koma za bas simukuyankhatu apa munat vuto ndichan kod
Ndimaganixa it asakhako mozi kwa khumba fc kkķk mesa anawina chikokod?
All the best Braaaa
Since you said it’s just trials! But kaizer he far mwina free state
He is most welcome to my side team at Naturena the home of chiefs
ma best wishes@Gabeya…bg up
those who watched him pls tell us is he good or its jst an ordinary player?
He is very good
tnx man I hope he wl sign
He Does Gud, He Plays A Very Big Club Am The Fan!
thanks Bertha lets hope he wl sign for my team cs we r struggling at da back
Am a Nomad but dis player z very gud but he finds it difficult in running after players coz his pace z dat slow…gud at man-to-man marking,but i wish him all d best n hope he improves where he z weak
sho Innocent
Wow my bst i going gud lucky bro dnt 4get to score coz we knw u re gud at all
best wishes
Pita Gabeya osachita mantha, kukulano ndiye kumeneko iwe watengedwa basi sukabwerera.
all de best
Welcome miracle gabeya
All the bst
Good news! Good luck!
He is going to play for abig team in mzansi if he make it
All the best
20 years
Tisamve Za Sulumba Zija Good Lucky Miracle Chinga
Gac morefire n sa
All the best …..
I wishing good things to u
All the best Miracle gabbs Gabeya.
Kuli zenophobia kuno khala kumudzi komweko
Chiefs,” not gud for him
All the best young man
Ol de best..
Mbuz Za Noma majerousy musiye All the best Gabbeya ntchito zako kukuchitira umboni
Abwelerako awa inu akafunse che sulumba.
20 years aaa! Ha ha ha ha haaa!! Osamanamizanapo apa a 20 timawadziwa! Ok anyway o the best!
Ndi zoona ali ndi 20 years sikuti ndi za bodzayi,, wakula ndikumuwona mwanayu,, inuyo mumamudziwa koma?
Nde adzisewela nawo mu under 20!
Nde akukalamba alimwanatu! Kkkk
Ma Red Cad Mkachepesa Angakuombelen Paja Ku Joni Mfuti Amaenda Nao Paliponse
Komanso sizokut zaka 20,chamba et,nkhalambayi.
Nanga bwanj ma player a phapha fc samawatenga kunja?
Plz Gabeya team imeneyi imayanja anthu ak Zimbabwe plz sankha ina club kaya ngati ukufuna ku joni bila Polokwane
Asakha bwanji team pomwe wachita kufunidwa kt akayese mwai
u welcome but uzisazika m^bale pobwera
All de best Gabeya, amalawi jerasi muzasiya liti kkkkk
Zabwino zonse gabs
welcom to johs
ma redcard ake ameneaja kaya, all de best.
Gud luck Gabeya
Ine Sapota Wanoma Ndingoti All The Best MIRACLE,,mfana Umatha..Ukanakhala Puleya Wanoma Bwenzi Pano Tunena Kuti Wapita Kukapanga Ma Trials Ku Mangochi Ndi Timu Ya Mangochi Police
Kkkkkkkk your comment puts your ignorance bare. Your name is”Martin wa bullets mkonda” yet your comment says you support Noma. Tikamati a bullets ndi mbuli apa zawonekeratu
Kkkkkkk I Don’t Want To Show U My Vintage Brilliance Coz U Re Still Going Thru The Learning Process!
All the best Gabeya
Jealousy burn
Zipatso zamalawi
Ntchito zako zimaotsa kwakhala ku England
o e best
Noma fan ,wishing him all the best
Gabeya akunama sangatengedwe never, kaizer chiefs ulendo uno ikuyenela kutenga akatakwe okha okha pozindikila kuti sadachite bwino season yangothayi
Nsanje zikuphani amalawi
Nsanje zikuphani amalawi
Nsanje zikuphani amalawi
Kkkkk!nankha akamutenga muzamva bwanji madala?
pena kumakondwela mwayi wa anzathu he is malawian and u are also malawian bwanji nsanje plz change your altitude
Ndikapange nsanje ndi gabeya hahahaha vuto ndilakuti iweyo sukudziwa kuti kodi ma player amene amamenya ma team ngati kaizer chiefs, orlando pirates komaso mamelodisundown amakhala ali akatakwe motani? Amenewa ngati mu south africa muli ma club akulu akuru amanena atatuwa, Limbikani mzava pano ali ku golden arrows chosecho orlando pirates inkamufunaso kwambiri ataona kuti akhoza kumakangokhala panja adaganiza zopita komwe ali panopa Golden arrows fc
Ndiye mutangoganiza pomwe mulipo kuti kodi Gabeya ndi limbikani mzava katakwe pa soccer ndi ndani, nanga mchifukwa chani Mzava adasankha kukasewera team yaing’onopo Golden arrows?
Kaliba,umvetse Gabeya akhoza kumenya team iliyonse ya mu Africa muno koma vuto ndi mwai.komanso china ungaziwe ndi choti anamuonapo akusewera mpira.
Ndiwe Mbuzi zampira sumazitsata@Kaliba Ofatsa
Ndikuona kuti ndasunga ulemu pozindikila kuti awa ndi macheza nkhani za mpira ena akufuna kukhala kanthu pakati pa tinthu kufuna kukhala ochenjela pa kankhanika komwe kuli kusazindikila, Gabeya mwai akuyesa koma dziwani ichi sangamutenge kapena ngati angamutenge ndiye kuti game time ikhoza kukhala yovuta kwambiri kwa iyeyo ndikukamba izi chifukwa ineyo ndikuiona kaizer chiefs kuti sanachite bwino season yangothayi ndiye aonetsetsa kuti atenge akatakwe, atakhala Gabadinho mhango komaso Robert ng’ambi sindingadabwe chifukwa amenewa ndi akatakwe komaso akukwanila kumenya khosi
Kaliba,kodi ukudziwa kuti Malata nayenso akuchoka?
Nsanje basi amalawi kodi tinatani?chala cha mulungu chikaloza chaloza palibe angachisuse.
Just wait and see, ihope you wanna see the result
iwe kaliba ndwe CHITSILU mpiraso sumaudziwa.
Good luck adzizakhala pa benji
Vuto ndi game time kumene kuja basi
Kaliba i am on ur side. Gabeya sangafanane nd katsande. Sangatenge malo omwe amasewera katsande. Komanso atenga ma defender okwana atatu nd 1 striker. Nde akalimbkra atha kutengedwa koma sangatenge onse atatu.
kkkk,Gabeya sangapeze place,,mu xi ya amakhosi,,Erick mathoho mukumuziwa bwino bwino inu mukumubakila gabeyanu?,wilard katsande madala madala pa chimbale,,,masilela,,Gaxa,,,gabeya sangamake place ya these pple,,,anyway akangomuyesa mwina koma chances Are 40% yomutenga,,
Kaliba, mpira umautsata. Am a Bullets supporter and one of Gabeyas fan, mpira ndikulimbikira plus chisomo chikakugwera zonse zimatha kutheka komano IX ya Kaize sizophweka… Truth be said
@ konde phiri, iweyo bolani zikuonesa kuti amakhosi ukuiziwa ndithu, kuyesa mwai choncho zili bwino kwambili ngakhaleso ineyo ndikhoza kukhala osangalara atamutenga koma vuto ndi lakuti game time tsopano eeish ndikukaika ngati angamamupase ma game tikutitu kuli akatakwe ku kaizer chiefs pamene ena sakudziwa zimenezo musayelekezeletu Nbb iyi ndi club imene player kuchoka mmenemo amapita straight ku europe
Hahahahaha!thinking of miracle money!
Unthinkable @kin
Kaliba mbudzi yamunthu sakudziwa musiye miracle ndimwayi wake inu kamwendo kulephera ndipa Mozambique pompa apa eishiiii
Gud luck to gabeya am sundowns supporter here in jozi
Kaya uli kuti koma ineyo sindikusamala chomwe ndikunena inechi ndichilungamo cheni cheni ngakhale akadachokera ku team yomwe ineyo ndimaisapota Silver koma makambidwe anga akanakhalabe omwewa basi
is miracle gabeya 20 years old?
zipatso za nbb
20 years old you say huh!! hahahaha
Don’t you know footballer’s age count once in every two years.
it has an implication to the game of football specifically in our setting.”Africa”
He is 20 sizabodzanso ayi,, wakula ndikumuwona mwana ameneyu.
Uuuuh, 20! okey!