Malawi tobacco farmers go angry: Want new buyers at the markets

Alfred Kapichira Banda

Farmers in the country have asked government to look for other companies to be buying tobacco in Malawi as the current tobacco buyers are not helping them.

President of Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) Alfred Kapichira Banda said government should dump companies which are not buying tobacco at good prices and call on other companies to start buying from the farmers.

Alfred Kapichira Banda
Kapichira Banda: We want change.

“Government should leave the companies which are buying tobacco at a low prices and call on other companies which will be offering higher prices,” said Kapichira Banda.

Kapichira Banda added that government should take action to help farmers so that they make good profits at the end of the day.

He warned authorities against neglecting the issue saying Malawi relies on tobacco earnings and the country’s economy would be affected if buyers continue to buy at low prices.

The demands come at a time when farmers in Malawi continue to produce more tobacco than the amount the buyers need, a situation which lowers prices.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that during the 2015/16 growing season Malawi produced 165 million Kgs of tobacco but buyers bought 120 million Kgs, leaving 45 million Kgs of tobacco without an international market.

The tobacco buyers claimed that demand for the leaf is declining because of high taxes in many countries which have been introduced as part of the worldwide anti-smoking campaign which is being champion by World Health Organisation.