Two years without market toilets


Business people have expressed disappointment with the conduct of market authorities in failing to construct standard toilets at Chipini Market in Chingale, Zomba West.

The disappointment came in after noticing a two-year failure to construct standard toilets for the market.

Speaking on behalf of the businesspersons, Brenda Chiwinda said the market authority has failed their agreement to build standard toilets for two years now despite collecting market fees from them.

“We are very disappointed with the situation at the market. Our authorities promised to construct two standard toilets for the market, but for two years now, there has been no tangible infrastructure built,” she said.

“The situation is worse at the market considering our health and businesses; we are using a substandard toilet,” she added.

Commenting on the matter, market authority representative Matias Nangalaka said despite collecting market rates from the businesspersons, they have not raised the needed amount to construct the toilets.

“We are trying our best to address the situation, but we collect a little market fee, and the market only operates for two days every week.

“We are therefore pleading assistance from our Member of Parliament, organisations and well-wishers to at least build us standard toilets and a borehole,” he explained.

In his remarks, a health practitioner for Chipini Health Centre, James Mcheka, said the situation is devastating to both the customers’ and marketers’ health.

“A market without clean toilets can force people to behave otherwise, which can contaminate food, water, and surroundings, thereby the spread of diseases like diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid that are dangerous to their health,” said Mcheka.

Other business people are leaving the market for other markets due to substandard conditions of the facility.

By Cosmas Bwanali


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