MRA Shifts Pressure to MPs for Action in Tax Stamp Standoff

John Biziwick

In response to recent calls for the suspension of excise tax stamps, the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) asserts its role as strictly regulatory.

MRA Commissioner General John Biziwick emphasized this stance during a media training session in Blantyre, underlining that their mandate is solely to implement laws passed by Parliament.

Biziwick clarified, “These laws are taken to Parliament by the Minister. And the Parliament approves these laws and once the Parliament has approved the laws, we as an agency are asked to ensure that those tax laws are enforced. So we don’t think it’s right that anybody should target the MRA for enforcing the laws.

“If anything, they (people) should go back to Parliament to say, you lawmakers, you MPs, we don’t like this law. Can you have it repealed? We don’t promulgate the laws. We just enforce the laws. If I don’t enforce the law, I can be arrested for not enforcing the law as Commissioner General.”

In addition to cigarettes, MRA has expanded the use of tax stamps to include other taxable items like bottled water, energy drinks, malt and opaque beers, spirits, cereal-based beverages such as Maheu, and carbonated drinks. 

The Authority contends that these stamps improve the traceability and authenticity of products, safeguarding against illicit trade.

However, human rights activist Bon Kalindo has threatened protests if the excise tax stamps are not suspended within ten days, citing potential adverse effects on local businesses.
