Creck Benches Head Coach Mtetemera Amid Review

Creck Sporting Club

Rockies Creck Sporting Club, currently in 6th place in the TNM Super League, reacted to their recent dip in form by suspending head coach McDonald Mtetemera.

The decision, outlined in a letter signed by the team legal advisor for the Lilongwe-based outfit Donovan Silungwe, cites the team’s recent poor results.

Mtetemera, who signed a two-year contract in February, was suspended shortly after a disappointing 2-1 loss to Civil Service United at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe yesterday.

Last month, Creck’s board set a target of collecting 7 points, but the team managed only 5 under Mtetemera’s leadership. 

The coach’s future with the club will be determined after the first round of the Super League, with Creck Sporting Club currently holding 19 points from 13 games.
