Sparc MD voted best corporate leader

Sparc Systems

Sparc Systems founder and Managing Director, Wisely Phiri, says the recently received Most Inspiring Male Corporate Leader award says he is thrilled to have won the award, describing it as a special award based on the consumer’s feedback.

Phiri was awarded the accolade at the just-ended Consumer Choice Awards in Lilongwe last weekend.

“I am thrilled to have won this award. It’s great to note that the consumers chose me as the most inspiring to them amongst other great corporate leaders in the country.

“I am humbled and appreciate the honour and the recognition. It’s a special award as it is based on the feedback from the consumers through their votes. I take it as one way in which we get feedback from our customers about the services we are offering them and how they value not only Sparc Systems as a company but also me as its leader. I appreciate the trust which makes us do what we do,” he said.

He also revealed the secrets behind his success, saying integrity, dedication, and perseverance have made it possible for him to be where he is today.

Wisely Phiri
Phiri receiving the Most Inspiring Male Corporate Leader award.

“Integrity, dedication, and perseverance. It hasn’t been easy, but with dedication and perseverance, I have reached where I am today. Also, learning and unlearning. Knowing that the more I know, it’s the more I don’t know as things are changing way faster, especially in the technology sector hence investing more in education not only for me, but also for my team. They say the chain is only strong as its weakest link,” he added.

On why he was voted by the people, the former Polytechnic Electrical Engineering student (now Mubas) alumni said people were swayed by how he has run the company.

“Maybe they are better placed to explain as I inspire them the most. But I think some of the reasons might have to do with how I have run Sparc, taking it from a small startup I created to where we are now, operating across Africa and inspiring my team to greater heights.

“Most people connect with who I am and what I have done and now I am pushing back into the community supporting them using the resources I get.

“I have designed and implemented strategies that have helped us be where we are today. We are creating several innovations that are helping in several ways, not only in Malawi but across Africa. 

“I have also created an education department within Sparc, which has been training several entities and individuals and also promoting girls in STEN amongst others. Also, I have been involved in several charitable works,” he revealed.

He was also quick to advise all the aspiring corporate leaders to ‘just do it’.

“Just do it. The world has enough talkers, and we need doers. We need people who have a vision and are eager to take the first step. We are leaders of today, and let’s go for it and show how it’s supposed to be done. But you have to work for that success. I just want to thank all those who voted for me. Thank you. It gives me more motivation to keep on pushing,” he concluded.

Born on February 12, 1984, in a family of nine and raised by a single mother facing severe poverty, he excelled in his studies as he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Polytechnic before obtaining numerous ICT certificatications from South Africa and India.

He recently obtained a Doctorate of Philosophy in ICT and entrepreneurship.

He founded Sparc Systems Limited in 2013, a company with offices in Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia, operating in ten African countries with over 100 permanent workers across Africa and over 300 temporary workers in the continent

He also helped to revitalise the industry and established the ICT Innovation Awards as a former president of the ICT Association of Malawi.

Apart from leading Sparc, he also serves as a president of the Board of the Malawi Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) and President of the Mubas Alumni Association.

Consumer Choice Awards Africa Managing Director Diana Laizer says the awards are meant for companies and businesses to promote companies and businesses.

Minister of Trade and Industry Sosten Gwengwe lauded the awards.
