MWK700 million TB Ward opened at Balaka District Hospital 


Deputy Minister of Health, Halima Alima Daud, has on Thursday officially opened a MW700 million Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis Ward at Balaka District Hospital.

Daud said the commissioning of the state-of-the-art ward will help to reduce the burden TB patients face in the district.

She said: “The government is committed to raising health standards for its citizens. This is the reason why we decided to erect this structure top in a bid to enhance health standards in the country which is crucial for the nation.” 

Halima Daud
Daud: This will reduce the pressure on district hospitals.

“This is also the reason the Government is currently constructing health centres in various areas with a motive to reduce the pressure on district hospitals,” she said.

Director of Health and Social Services at Balaka District Council Dr. Chimwemwe Thambo says the ward will help the institution to cut on operation costs as it previously used to refer multi-drug resistant TB patients requiring admission to either Bwaila Hospital in Lilongwe or Zomba General Hospital.

According to Thambo, the facility serves a population of around 600,000 patients and annually receives 12 cases of multi-drug resistant TB patients.

Speaking earlier, the Chairperson for Balaka District Council, councillor Osman Mapira commended the government for the development, citing that, with the proliferation of the mining industry in Balaka, the district stands to benefit a lot.

“The ward has come at an opportune time because, with the mining companies that are set to start their operations in the district, chances are also high of the rising number of people at the risk of catching the disease,” Mapira.

The ward has been constructed with support from the World Bank.
