Hilltop Academy Makes Generous Donation to Tidzalerana Shelter, Children with Disabilities Benefit

Hilltop Academy

In a heartwarming display of compassion and generosity, Hilltop Academy, a prestigious school located in Mpingwe-Limbe, has made a significant donation to the Tidzalerana Shelter Organization. 

This non-profit organization is dedicated to taking care of children with disabilities in Ndirande, providing them with essential support and resources to improve their quality of life.

The donation from Hilltop Academy included a range of much-needed items, such as plates, cups, bales of sugar, cartons of soap, cooking oil, flour, spoons, clothes, and more. 

The total value of the donation is estimated to be over two million Malawi kwacha, reflecting the school’s commitment to helping those in need within the community.

This act of kindness is not the first time that Hilltop Academy has reached out to support those facing challenges. In the wake of Cyclone Freddy, the school extended a helping hand to victims affected by the disaster. 

Additionally, they organized a fundraising effort to assist Palestinians suffering from the impacts of war, demonstrating a global perspective on humanitarian aid.

Akhter Mohammed, one of the directors of Hilltop Academy, expressed gratitude towards the parents, guardians, and students who contributed to these charitable endeavours. 

He emphasized the importance of showing love and support towards the less privileged, highlighting the spirit of compassion that the school promotes among its community members.

Frank Overton Banda, the director of Tidzalerana Shelter, expressed deep appreciation for the timely support provided by Hilltop Academy. 

He noted that the children under their care often lack necessities and that the donation has significantly alleviated their struggles. Banda praised the generosity of the school and asked for continued blessings upon them from a higher power.

Tidzalerana Shelter, founded in 2007 and based in Ndirande-Blantyre, is a vital resource for children with disabilities in the region. 

Through partnerships with churches, schools, and local chiefs, the organization identifies and supports vulnerable children, ensuring that they receive the assistance they need to thrive. 

Notably, the institution also covers school fees for disabled children up to the university level, opening doors to educational opportunities that may have been otherwise inaccessible.

Hilltop Academy, known for offering the Cambridge syllabus and boasting a team of highly qualified teachers from reputable local and international universities, continues to demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility and community service.

Through their ongoing support for initiatives like the Tidzalerana Shelter Organization, the school sets an example for others to follow in making a positive impact on society.

The partnership between Hilltop Academy and the Tidzalerana Shelter Organization exemplifies the power of compassion and benevolence in creating a more inclusive and supportive community for children with disabilities. 

As we celebrate this act of generosity, let us also be inspired to extend a helping hand to those in need, following the example set by these dedicated individuals and organizations.

By Twink Jones Gadama
