Zomba Traditional Leaders appeal for introduction of Senate

Zomba Traditional Leaders

Some traditional leaders in the Zomba district have suggested that the country establish a Senate, saying that this would encourage their full participation in decision-making and shield them and the citizenry from political manipulation. 

The sentiments were made at Kayera Madzi Primary School in the district during an interface that the Assembly for Democracy and Development (ADD) organised with local leaders under Traditional Authority (T/A) M’biza. 

Zomba Traditional Leaders
Zomba Traditional Leaders

On behalf of T/A M’biza, Sub T/A Idana conveyed his regret that politicians persist in deceiving Malawians by promising unrealistic things during campaigns, which he claimed leads to problems after they take office. 

“It is us Local leaders who are at the forefront of development activities, even selling political brands, but when we put these people into power they don’t count on us,” stressed Sub T/A Idana. 

Sub-T/A Idana believes that a Senate would contribute to the abolition of political manipulation and added that their involvement in the process of making decisions may expedite national growth. 

ADD Treasure General, Khan Iman, said decentralization will be its priority when ushered into government. 

The 1994 Constitution provided for a Senate but Parliament repealed it and until now Malawi therefore has a unicameral legislature in practice.
