Local organisation says Village Banks have improved livelihoods of women in Zomba

Women in Zomba

Local organisation Harmony for Families and Communities says Village Savings and Loan (VSL) groups have improved livelihoods of many women and their families in Zomba as women have been able to use savings to start businesses.

Harmony for Families and Communities, Executive Director, Landani Masingati, made this observation after touring Chisomo Women VSL group at Mtima Village, Traditional Authority Nkagula in Zomba.

He said through savings, women were able to engage themselves in small scale businesses that provide income to their family.

Masingati added that Harmony for Families and Communities will in future engage Chisomo Women VSL group to discuss ways and means to address challenges the group is going through.

He therefore encouraged the women group to remain strong in the face of challenges and to continue to meet and discuss ways of progressing.

“We came to see you and to encourage you to remain vibrant. We appreciate how you’re faring in savings and business,” he said, while encouraging them to send their children to school.

Zomba District Gender Officer, Ruperth Kamtsendero also encouraged Chisomo Women VSL group to be visionary.

Kamtsendero advised the women to report any form of Gender Based Violence to human rights organisations and  relevant law enforcers .

The Gender Officer appealed to the women to discourage child marriages which are common in most areas in Zomba.

Chisoni Women VSL Chairperson, Jane Kamowa said the group has done well in savings and loan such that it received a K400,000 boost from Susan, a lady from overseas.

Kamowa added that the women were discussing to invest in groundnuts farming to  enhance their savings.
