Government through the Ministry of Education says it is committed to improving the country’s education digitally by making sure that primary and secondary are using technology during lessons.
Director of Secondary School Education in the Ministry of Education Florida Banda said that the minister has set up a directorate which is Open Distance and E-Leaning directorate which is focusing on the issue of education and technology, alongside establishment of laboratories.
On his part, Board member for Civil Society Education Coalition (CSEC) Limbani Nsapato said that they have noted that there is limited access to technology in the schools and limited funding to invest in education technology and they feel that the private sector can fill the gap by making their contribution towards investing in technology in the education sector.
Nsapato went on to say that there is a need to harmonise and harness the initiatives that are there and this can only happen if the sector is well coordinated.
“We would like the civil society to contribute to the government’s vision. That is why we need specific policy and guidelines that will ensure that all the players in the industry and private sector are guided and invest towards common goal, they address where most need is and ensure that we make more impact,” he explained.
Executive Director Employers for Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) George Khakhi commended the corporate world for doing a lot in advancing the education sector.
He said that the corporate world needs educated citizens for their activities to become sustainable and has pledged to work together with CSEC to improve the education standard of the country.