Zomba City Council says the Zomba City Festival has potential to boost tourism in the city as it has attracted international and local tourists.
Councilor Rams Kajosolo made the call on Friday at Pakachele during the opening of three day Zomba City Festival which aimed at promoting tourism in the city.
The City Councilor cited Chingwe’s hole, Queen’s View, Haille Selasie View, Mulunguzi dam and former British Governors Sir Alfred Sharpe, Sir Glyn Jones and Sir Robert Armitage’s residences as some of the sites worthy visiting.
“As Zomba City Council, we’re very grateful to host this festival and we believe that tourists will visit many places of interest, ” Kajosolo added.
Public Relations Officer for the Zomba City Festival, Shallon Kadangwe said the festival was meant to promote tourism in Zomba.
Kadangwe added that tourists will be entertained to poetry, music, dances adding that there will also be curios for sale.
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