White (C) at the church
Lawyer Seodi White has ignited a discussion on noise from churches after she stormed a church in her neighbourhood to protest against noise coming from the prayer house.
In a video that has gone viral on social media, White is seen shouting at church members over the noise they were making. The incident reportedly took place at Sunnyside in Blantyre and the church is near White’s house.
“I want this noise to stop, it’s too much,” she says.
However, one member of the church describes White as “the devil” for disturbing the church’s activities.
In response, White says: “You are also a devil, stupid man.”
Social commentator Onjezani Kenani posted the video on his Facebook Page and some commenters said there have been several complaints against the church.
“This is Sunnyside residential area , kungoti vuto munthu akayankula choncho mumuona ngati ndiosapemphera koma (the proble is people think she is not a religious person but) she is simply exercising her right . it’s not the only one complaining only that it’s her who has been seen on the camera,” said a commenter.
Another commenter said: “My hood….the people at the church do not listen this is not the first complaint so the approach was fine antnuwa samamva…the church is at a certain lady’s house and she behaves like she owns the hood.”
Commenters on Kenani’s post have praised White for taking a stand against noise pollution from the church, saying many people are afraid of taking similar action for fear of being labelled as evil people.
“These so called Pentecostal Churches tend to use huge PA systems that indeed makes alot of noise in the neighborhood,,and unfortunately with our poor planning that we accommodate institutions in residential areas it really becomes a very big budden ,, I am a victim of the same someone has opened his fellowship just in our neighborhood but these people will make noise up until 12pm and later by 4am they are awake again back to normal,” one person said.
Another commenter said: “I support her, the noise is too much, churches everywhere, after the church services, in their homes as well, same noise, drums, trumpets, ati Praise and worship.”
Some people have urged councils to close churches and bars which are operating in residential areas.
“It is because we are a very disorganised country. Under normal circumstances churches are not supposed to be together with residential places, similarly with entertainment places. Residential places need to be free from pollution of any form i.e noise , air, etc. Koma basi muona ma church, ma bar mkati mwa manyumba. Kwinakunso China chikumanga warehouse kapena factory. Zopusa zeni zeni (you find there are churches and bars in residential areas and someone is building a factory in the same area ,” said a commenter on Facebook.