Pope Francis has said even priests and nuns give into temptation and watch normal pornography online. The Pope is urging priests and nuns to delete and block porn apps and websites to avoid what he described as a temptation that “weakens the priestly heart”.
“It is a vice that has so many people, so many lay people, so many lay women and also priests and nuns. The devil enters from there. I tell you, it is something that weakens the soul. It weakens the soul. The devil enters from there: he weakens the priestly heart” he said.
“I’m not just talking about criminal pornography like child abuse, where you see live cases of abuse – that’s already degeneracy – but of the more normal pornography”
The Pope asked the priests and nuns to delete the apps and websites from their phone “so you won’t have the temptation in your hand…The devil enters from there and pornography weakens the priestly heart”, he said.
The Jesuit pope has condemned pornography before, most recently in June, when he called it “a permanent attack on the dignity of men and women”. He pleaded to have pornography declared a “threat to public health”.