Malawians defend meat-nipping woman


Malawians have defended a woman who was caught on CCTV camera stealing meat from a fridge in a house.

The woman in the video appears to be stealing a pack of meat from the refrigerator in a house and has been caught on the house installed cameras by the owners.

After discovering and seeing the woman on the CCTV, the owners posted the video on social media telling everyone what had happened.

Reports indicate that the woman was invited to a party at a house and that is where the incident happened.

The video was posted on Mikozi Facebook page where commenters defended the woman.

“eshh pali kuba kwina sikukhala kufuna koma ukalingalira mavuto omwe uli nawo kunyumba eshh Amakuganizitsa maganizo oyipa anyway zovuta (Sometimes people steal not because they want to but because of the problems they are facing at home),” one person said.

Another person said: “Musiyeni munthu akanakhala analinazo kwao sibwezi Ataba umphawi sizithu mmmmh (Leave the person alone. If she had meat at home she would not have stolen. Poverty is bad).”

Some people also attacked the family for leaking the video on social media.

“For a family that seems well to do like that kuyalutsa munthu coz of 2 packs of chicken parts is pathetic. Akanangomupanga confront (They should have confronted her),” one commenter opined.

However, some commenters have backed the family which allegedly leaked the video saying the family did nothing wrong by installing cameras in the house.

“Ma camera amakhala paliponse mmanyumba a anzathu olemera (there are usually cameras in RI h people’s houses) it’s for security purposes sizachilendo (it’s not strange). Kodi akanati she is poisoning them mukanadziwa bwanji kuti wapanga ndani (What if a person was poisoned, would the culprit have been known?) .its not wrong to have cameras in your own house, let’s call a spade a spade. Awo analakwitsa kubako akanapempha (The woman was wrong, she should have asked for the meat). Lets fix this country for once.” one person said.

Another commenter said: By the end of the day the maid could have been accused kuti waba ndiwo (accused of stealing meat) ……..she deserves to be exposed.”

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