Dedza Police Station on Thursday conducted an action plan meeting on how the police station will conduct security duties and the Officer In-Charge for Dedza Police Station said they are optimistic that the plan will reduce crime in the district.
The meeting was held on February 17, 2022 at Mountain View Lodge and involved the heads of police branches and in-charges of lower formations in the district.
In her remarks, the Officer In-Charge for Dedza Police Station Assistant Commissioner (ACP) Mwizamose Nyoni urged participants to implement a broad-based crime prevention and address social justice issues aligning with systemic problems in communities.
According to Nyoni, the action plan will assist officers in developing “what-if” scenarios which will assist to prevent heinous crime such as some cases inflicted through witch-craft accusations being an example.
Nyoni is optimistic that the action plan will definitely reduce crimes in the district.
According to Dedza Police Deputy Publicist, Sergeant Cassim Manda, Dedza police registered a 17 percent decrease in crime in the previous year. The station recorded 1198 compared to 1438 criminal cases registered in 2020. In traffic cases, 52 people died in road accidents while in 2020 those who died in road accidents were 55.