UTM regional secretary for South resigns


UTM regional secretary for the South Henry Gonani has resigned from his position saying the party does not help its members when some catastrophe befalls them and it is also failing to implement campaign promises.

According to a resignation letter seen by this publication, Gonani said UTM top leaders including party leader Saulos Chilima are careless to members of the party which he said is evidenced by unresolved challenges being experienced by people who voted for the current government.

In the letter, Gonani gave an example of himself that since he was involved in a road accident while on party engagement in December last year, the party has given a blind eye to his problem and so too a regional committee member.

“Despite the degree of my injury, losing some intestines and crushed foot, not even the SG can call to check how I am faring to date.

“A case in point is one of Mrs. Rose Nthala, a regional committee member, who lost an eye whose problem emanated from an election monitoring exercise. As I am writing, the lady is failing to access eye glasses but the party is quiet, pretending everything is okay,” worried Gonani.

He further said it is gospel truth that life is hard in Malawi for the majority of Malawians except the elite class as the prices of basic necessities have skyrocketed beyond the reach of majority of Malawians.

Gonani continued to say it is sad that implementation of the UTM Manifesto in this Tonse Government is almost zero a thing which said will see the party not doing well in Malawi’s next elections in 2025.


“Flowery campaign promises that made Malawians vote for the current government are being implemented retrogressively or in reverse mode which will make it harder for UTM to do better in 2025,” he added.

He further said that he feels bad to see his kinsmen who financially funded UTM region campaign travels losing their jobs for being deemed pro-DPP simply because they are from Chiradzulu while the party leaders are not intervening.

Gonani continued to say: “I feel bad to see my brothers and sisters who supported this Tonse alliance in Traditional Likoswe having their farm lands for over 37 years being confiscated by the very government they voted for and consequently offered for sale through a newspaper article to favour the rich and Burundians whilst there is equally idle land at Mikolongwe veterinary. This is painful.”

He lastly thanked Hon Masangwi, Hon Newton Kambala, Hon Anita Kalinde and Hon Bright Kawaga for arranging to cheer him and offering moral and financial support.