The ratings are in: Suffix`s To Whom It May Concern better than Donda?


Award winning gospel hip hop artist Suffix has charmed his way to people`s hearts with his latest album dubbed to To Whom It May Concern.

The 15-track collection was let loose a week ago through different media channels. Since the release, it has proven to be the hottest cake in Malawi`s urban music circles. Meanwhile, positive feedback is trickling in from the receiving end.

Timothy Banda commented: “So far so good it’s my best album of this year.”

Some people have said it is a threat to Kanye West`s new collection Donda. The two albums were competing for the top spot on Spotify soon after dropping.

“Kanye is a legend and by virtue of that status we are obliged to rate his album highly but truth be told To Whom It May Concern is better than Donda,” said Japhet Tweya.

Suffix worked with a number of big names from Malawi and Zambia in the project. Some of the artists he featured are, Billy Kaunda, Onesimus, Kelvin Sings and Eli Njuchi (Malawi) and Macky 2 from Zambia.

The album encompasses the following songs, The statement, Nkhondo ndi anansi, Story, Kale, Neighbour, Mr Suffie, Bwanji, Palibenso, As I grow older, Mesenjala, Ngati dolo, Sat Bally, Happy, Unali Kuti, and Nkhondo ndi Anansi 2.