Deputy Minister walks 9 kilometres to appreciate road network challenges


Deputy Minister of Transport and Public Works Nancy Chaola Mdooko has promised people of Chaone Village in the area of Traditional Authority Chamba in Machinga district that government will find means to solve the road network problems they are currently facing.

Mdooko, who walked for a distance of 9 kilometres through four hills including passing part of Chikala hills to Chaone village in Machinga which is totally disconnected, said the situation is hindering development activities in the area.

“Lack of access to roads which people are facing is an indication that there are no any other developments people can enjoy in the particular community. This has made me to promise them that government will do something to make sure that these people are reached with what they need,” said Mdooko.

She is the first Cabinet Minister to walk the 9 kilometres distance to the area passing a number of hills including Chikala where Malawi Defence Force soldiers conduct trainings.

The area was previously visited by the then President Dr. Bakili Muluzi in 90s.

The deputy minister said she is aware that there are areas in Malawi where access to roads is very challenging.

She added that government will make sure that all such challenges are addressed.

“Government will make sure to reach out to such areas where access to roads is very challenging so that transportation of goods including farm produce is possible,” she said.

Mdooko walked using a walking stick to climb the hills on her way to Chaone village where she interacted with community members.

Communities in the village appreciated her visit saying she is their hope.

The area is much similar to Anansimchipanda village located on top of Chikala hill in the area of Traditional Authority Chikowi in Zomba district where the first government official to visit the area from Zomba district council was District Commissioner for Zomba Emmanuel Bambe in 2018.