Thyolo council passes 1.7 bilion budget


Chiefs, councilors and other government sector representatives on Saturday approved the MK1.7 billion Thyolo budget for 2021/2022 financial year.

This was done during the council budget presentation meeting held at DEM’S conference room. Thyolo acting District Commissioner Arnold Jumbe commended the council for passing the budget.

He said: “let me appreciate the house for letting the council budget pass without much argumentation. This is a clear indication that the budget is well prepared and match the benefit of all stakeholders.”

During the council budget deliberation, Thyolo district  finance Chair  councilor Cresco Likwezembe said they used District Development Plan (DDP) as a reference when formulating that budget saying DDP contains all the development  needs of the district.

“This budget include both local revenue and fund from the central government. And on allocations of the developments, we rely on DDP considering that it is a fundamental or a backbone of Thyolo in as far as development is concerned.

“Additionally, we have set interventions  in order to enhance local revenue with the aim of improving public service delivery in the district. These interventions include revenue campaigns, formulation of Local Revenue Strategic plan, institute Liquor Licensing Board, exploit new revenue sources as well as facilitating private public partnership arrangement,” said Likwezembe.

In his remarks, Vice Chief’s council chair Senior Chief Chimaliro welcomed the budget and urged transparency and accountability in the implementation of the projects saying Chiefs have to be updated willy- nilly.