Four women in Dedza have been fined K30,000 each for selling alcohol at around 10AM.
The women are Juliet Tobias, 20, Caroline Henry aged 18, Sofireti January aged 63 and Stella Falamani 56 both from Chimlambe village all in the area of Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in Dedza.
State prosecutor Sub inspector Mariot Kamaliza told Dedza Senior Resident Magistrate court that the women were arrested at Bembeke Market on 19th January at around 10AM when they were found selling locally brewed alcohol.
The women pleaded guilty to the charge of opening or operating beer premises during restricted hours contrary to rule 20 (2)(a) of corona virus containment.
In mitigation, the women said they are usually notified by the market chairperson but they did not get any communication regarding the Coronavirus from the chairperson. The women asked for leniency from the court.
But Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda ordered the women to pay a fine of K30,000 each and in default serve a three months jail term saying the court wanted to make an example of the women.
The women have since paid the fine.
Government last moths re-introduced regulations which states that drinking places should open from 2PM to 8PM.