Greedy Phalombe chiefs warned


Chiefs in Phalombe have been warned that they risk losing their positions if they continue swindling money from beneficiaries of cash for work programmes in the district.

The caution comes after it was revealed that some group and village heads have been swindling money from beneficiaries of these said programmes locally known as ‘Mtukula pakhomo’ with a lie that if they do not share their names would be deleted.

Speaking after the revelation was made by non-governmental organisations at the district’s 2020 Indaba last Thursday, traditional authority Namasoko confirmed that he has been receiving such reports and he said soon he will react.

TA Namasoko

“My people have been complaining about what has been said inside, I have been summoning some of these chiefs and warned, next time I won’t hesitate but remove their chieftaincy because they don’t want to serve people,” he said.

Traditional Authority Kaledzera also confirmed in an interview that some of his chiefs have been involving themselves in this act and he said he will never tolerate such conduct in his are again.

He said: “This time I won’t entertain such chiefs again, the way it has been said there it’s so touching and I am disappointed, we need to protect our people from these unscrupulous chiefs.”

Meanwhile the District Commissioner for Phalombe, Rodrick Mateauma, has commended the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) for coming forth and briefing the stakeholders in the district on what projects are they implementing.

“These leaders during this two-day Indaba have learnt a lot on what projects are being carried out in this district, let me thank the CSOs for supporting this as it is part of promoting transparency and accountability,” said Mateauma.

He added that there is need that such meetings should be held every year twice so that local leaders should be tracking progress of different activities and projects being done.

On her part, district’s CSOs Vice Chairperson Linda Alimoso commended all the organisations present at the event with a plea that they should continue supporting it every year.

Among the attendees of the Indaba held at Nalipiri Eco Resort were Councillors, traditional authorities, area development committees’ representatives, special groups representatives, council sector heads, among others.