Morning devotion: Add value


Proverbs 12:27 “The lazy person does not roast his prey …”

The scripture above shows us that the lazy man would not process or roast his prey. He would rather sell it raw and make some little money. However when you compare the price of the roasted and unroasted meat, you would appreciate that roasted meat sells higher. It can even be three times higher than unroasted.

As believers we need to ensure that we process what we have before offering it to the public.

-Pastors should roast the Word by meditating before delivering to the congregation. Put the Word in a consumable state. Make the Word palatable to your congregation.

-People in employment should add some value to their superiors by ensuring that whatever they work on is put in a state which the superiors are happy with. If your place is shabby, roast it by making it look better.

-Businesspeople should ensure that the products are well packaged and well processed before selling them. You can make easy money by putting your products in good packages.

In everything ensure that you should put it in a better state than how you found it. This is roasting the meat.

The virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 is another example of someone who adds value.

Prov 31:24 “She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.”

The Bible shows us she was collecting materials and processing them by making linen garment before selling to the public. She never sold the unprocessed.

Jesus came for the same. He found us as sinners who were in death but left us with eternal life. He transformed us. He made our price to be higher than how he found us.

Do the same and enjoy the results.


Thank you Father for the Word. I will add value to someone or something that comes to me. I will never allow them to go the same way they were before. In Jesus Name. Amen

