Aspirants told to keep campaign promises


Community members in Lilongwe City South East Constituency have warned political aspirants to stick to their promises once voted into office.

Speaking on Sunday in Area 44 at Nsambeta ground during a DPP political Rally, people expressed worry over some Members of Parliament’s behavious and they  failed stick to their promises after being elected and came back again during campaign period.

DPP aspirant in Lilongwe City South Easr

They said community members are taken as tools for aspirants’ success by being encouraged to vote yet they do not benefit from their positions

One of the community members George Kanjirawaya   said he expects many things from the candidate including fulfilling his promises of bringing various developments in the community

Another community member Matrida Manong’a said having a good MP is very important because people benefit from various developments

Manong’a said so far she expects that the new candidate will provide hospitals, good roads, school blocks, water facilities and other important things because the previous MP failed to fulfil his promises

Speaking during the rally, aspiring Member of Parliament Fuckson Walapa Chipapa who is contesting under Democratic Progressive Party ticket said he will make sure that he provides projects bases on people’s needs

Walapa said he is well prepared to serve people of the Constituency therefore they must vote for him in the coming tripartite elections.

He went on by pointing some of the projects he has managed to bring  in the area including roads, bridges and boreholes saying this is just the beginning hence people should expect more things from him.

In his remarks, district governor for Lilongwe Urban Mussa Saidi encouraged people in the area to vote for DPP candidates.