UTM aspirant for Salima Central Constituency Joshua Chisa Mbele has promised to forms an independent statutory corporation to help the district council in the implementation of big projects if voted into power on 21 May tripartite elections.

Addressing the residents of Village Headman Ngolowindo in Traditional Authority Maganga on Saturday, Chisa Mbele said Salima as a district is capable of financing some of the projects through revenues collected within the district.
“Salima has natural resources that can help facilitate meaningful development and sustain them such as water from the lake, assorted citrus fruits like baobab, masau etc and different kind of fish found in the lake,” he said.
He further said apart from government funds such as Local Development Fund (LDF), Constituency Development Fund (CDF), District Development Fund (DDF) and other funds from development partners, the district has a lot of natural resources available that can be used through an independent statutory corporation to add value to the natural resources and produce more revenue for development projects in the district.
The aspirant also added that the initiative will be in line with UTM’s manifesto because the innovation will create employment among the youth especially for young people in the district.
Speaking on the issue, VHM Ngolowindo said time has come that politicians must make sure they concentrate on developing their areas rather than development themselves.
He then advised his subjects to patronize rallies slated in the area from all political parties so they are able to choose candidates with meaning manifestos.
The VHM however discouraged the use of the youth in perpetrate violence during the campaign period saying this tendency hinders people patronizing political rallies and capture different manifesto and make an informed decision on whom they can vote to.