Girls Empowerment Network (Genet) says a two year project being implemented in Mzimba has reduced school dropout.
Genet started implementing the project in 2016 and it will be phased out in July this year.
The organisation works with teachers and learners to curb sexual and gender based violence.
Last weekend, Genet held a two-day training in Mzuzu that attracted participants from 30 schools from the areas of Traditional Authorities (T/As) Chindi and Mpherembe in Mzimba district.
The teachers were drilled on laws, policies and other relevant pieces of legislations.
The organisation’s project officer Fred Nyondo said there has been a big improvement since the project started.
“In the two and a half years we have seen a reduction of cases of school dropout. Even the pass rate increased and learners now know how to protect themselves from harmful sexual practices and other gender based violence,” said Nyondo.
District Commissioner for Mzimba Thomas Chirwa said even though Genet project is winding up, the participants should it keep going.
“Let me thank Genet for implementing the project in Mpherembe and Euthini. To the teachers, let’s work together. You are like ambassadors in your community and please don’t give up,” he said.
He added that there has been a big reduction in school dropout in many areas where the gender based violence project was being implemented as people now know the negative effects of the malpractice.
Genet started implementing the project in 2016. In the north Genet is working in Nkhatabay and Mzimba.
The project is funded by Oxfam, Comic relief and Cavoc.