The presence of Zibwente cooking and selling points has always been one of the main characteristics of semi-urban areas. When the sun is on the verge of retiring to bed, people gather around such spots to help themselves.

The product in its simplicity stems from a mixture of baking flour, Irish potatoes and food colours.
It has been noted that there is an increase in Zibwente business especially in semi-urban areas as more and more women are joining the business.
Walking across the streets of Mbayani Township in Blantyre, one has more chances of coming across Zibwente zones than doughnuts sellers. Likewise in Chirimba, and Nthukwa in Chilomoni Township.
Women involved in the business have testified about the profitability of Zibwente. According to Mrs Itaye from Chilomoni, the money realized from the business surpasses the funds invested by a handsome margin.
“If more people are joining the business, it clearly shows there are rewards in it,” she happily said.
Mariam Gopani from Mbayani told Malawi24 that she is solely surviving on the business in the spotlight. According to her, she provides for her four-member family with all basic needs thanks to her Zibwente trade.
Growth in the business is healthy for the country`s economy as some commentators have put it. With the country going through tough economic times, it is believed that such small-scale businesses are the way to go for jobless Malawians.
Malawi is among the poorest countries in the world with a majority of its citizens jobless.