Management of the Malawi Polytechnic has rubbished a false examination paper which is currently in dissemination on social media.
Last week, the examination paper claimed to be from the Faculty of Engineering started circulating on cyber space. What is arresting people`s attention are the intimidating instructions on its front page.

The eight instructions read: “(1) brace yourself, this paper is not for the faint hearted (2) all questions are compulsory unless specified (compulsory is bad, I know) (3) marks will be given as per depth of your answer, not the length (you are trained to be an engineer, not a story writer) (4) answer without logic is illogical (simple logic).
“(5) if you cannot answer a question leave it, attempt the next one and try not to cry (6) remember an answer without examples is like a smartphone without internet (7) exams are like your exes, try to get over it as soon as possible ( may you know more than what John Snow knows.”
In a press release which was pasted in the Weekend Nation Newspaper dated 21st July, the institution’s management dismissed the paper.
“Recently, there has been circulation of a front page of an examination paper with bogus instructions crafted by an evil individual using a forged University of Malawi logo,” reads part of the press statement.
The college disclosed that it is investigating the matter to bring to book the one responsible. It has also advised Malawians to cross check with the institution any information seen on the social media before believing it to be true.
There has been an increase in the dissemination of information on social media concerning the UNIMA colleges.