Malawi24`s song of the week


There is no doubt that in the meantime, excellence is reigning in the Malawi music industry with top class production of songs.

Malawi24 is proud to bring you song of the week after another tough task of selection.

Piksy’ Umakwana wins Malawi24’s song of the week.

His name is Piksy, a musician with a good reputation when it comes to registering hit songs on the market. One of his 2018 releases titled Umakwana has earned Malawi24`s song of the week honour.

The song keeps sounding new every single day, albeit it came out in February. It is one of those songs which one can play on repeat mode for the whole day without losing aroma.

“Kunditchula sweet ngakhale titayambana/kuoneka pretty utangozuka mammawa (you still address me as sweet even when we are at war, you look pretty even when you have just woke up),” sounds part of the song.

It is beyond reasonable doubt that demand for the song is relatively high. Some may argue that high demand for the product does not mean it is good, but it is a different story with this music product.

Piksy whose real name is Evans Zangazanga is therefore a deserving winner for Malawi24`s song of the week recognition, given the hype surrounding his Umakwana.
The story continues, who will grab the crown in the following week?