ACB appeals against Chaponda ruling

George Chaponda

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has appealed against the acquittal of former Minister of Agriculture George Chaponda on two corruption related charges.

Chaponda was earlier this month acquitted on charges of giving false information to ACB, influencing a public officer to misuse his position and possession of foreign currency.

Matembe has confirmed the development.

ACB Director Reyneck Matemba has told reporters today that the bureau is appealing to the high court on charges of giving false information to Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and possession of foreign currency.

According to Matemba, ACB wants the high court to interpret because they feel magistrate Paul Chiotha’s ruling on the two charges put them in an awkward situation since the law gives the ACB power to investigate and prosecute offences which are not part of Corrupt Practises Act.

He however said the bureau will not appeal against Chiotha’s ruling on influencing a public officer to misuse his position because of the evidence which they had.

Last week, Civil Society Organisations urged the bureau to appeal the ruling on Chaponda saying it is a chance for the ACB to demonstrate its independence.

Chaponda was arrested last year following investigations into the maizegate scandal which led ACB to his house where they found US$57,000 in cash.