Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Member of Parliament Felix Jumbe has said he did not go to the meeting organised by the party’s president Lazarus Chakwera because he feared for his safety.
Jumbe who is also a member of the MCP National Executive Committee (NEC) said he did not receive any invitation letter to the meeting which took place on Sunday afternoon.

Speaking to the local media, Jumbe said he couldn’t go to the meeting without being invited.
“I cannot go to a place I am not invited to, you know those people are dangerous,” said Jumbe.
He added that Chakwera decided not to invite him to the meeting because the MCP leader is planning to boot him out of the party.
Jumbe however said he does not know the crime he has committed to be removed from the party.
Other members of the Malawi Congress Party’s (MCP) executive committee who were not invited to the meeting are Secretary General Gustave Kaliwo and Jessie Kabwila.
Commenting on the matter, Kabwira who is the party’s publicity secretary told the local media that the meeting was unconstitutional.
It is alleged that the meeting was organised to find ways to deal with the inside battles in the party but other reports indicate that the meeting was meant to fire the party’s Kaliwo.
Kaliwo tried to get an injunction to stop the meeting but it was not granted by the date of the meeting.
He should have gone.
Oipa amathawa yekha ndipo ndi mavumbulutso a Mulungu kuti nkholokolo zonse zisefedwe chifukwa boma likubwerali lidzapindulira a Malawi ngati la Kamuzu
This is the traditional flavour MAP is associated with – INTOLERANCE!!! Good we get it before elections!!!
Afelix Jumbewo sadakwitse kusapitako ndipo palibenso chomwe chikadasintha kupita kapena kusapita kwawo, ndiye akavuwe vuwe okha okha amene sakufunika kuchipanichi amenewo ndipo. Ngati madolo mungoyamba chanu mwamva? Thandizo azikupatsani amene mukumawatumikilawo. Anthu osayamika inu mumaiwala kuti mukhale pamene mulilipo ndichifukwa cha chipani chomwecho chomwe lero mukuchiikila kampeni kumphasacho lero mwaona patari mwakhala ofunika kusokoneza chipani chomwe chidakuikani mmipandocho potengengeka nditindalama tomwe takuchotsani Umunthu wanu.
Munthu uyu satsutsika…ndumudziwa…pitani mwene…zakumakolo
Auzeni makape DPP sigulu lachilomwe limeneli chipani chimaimira dziko osati dera mafumuso akulandira maulemu ndiaku to mj basi
Emusipi, pipi, yudiyefu, dipipi, ayi donti thirasiti yu olo. Palibe wabwino apa.
Mdani wako akamati wachita bwino dziwa kuti walakwitsa akadzatiso walakwitsa udzadziwaso kuti wakhoza
Chipani Chankhanza Ichi Inu!Muli Mimba Gwaa Kumati Chakwera Angadzasinthe Malawi?Kupusa Eti Chakwera Munthu Wamakani Ngati Ameneyi Omva Zake Zokha Mcp Inapita Ndi Dr Banda!Kumuswaya Richard Msowoya Uku Ndiye Kusankhana Zigawo Ndi Mitundu!Chipani Chapa Central Region.
The battle is not Chakwera’s it is the Lord’s
Fake news malawi24!
aaaaaa jumbe ndi mbuzi siwa mcp akanapitako bwanji?
Chakwera will make Malawi great again
But Malawi has never been great… How can he make it great ‘again’
2019 udzaifuna mcp iwe jumbe
2019 udzaifuna mcp iwe jumbe
Oipa athawa yekha
izi nde nkholo kolo zija timanena. ndani sawadziwa nkhani za ajumbe?
kkk cadet tenga nyasizo takupatsa ukawalandire :
Jumbe ndi wa Malawi crocodile party not dpp
Amene amafunila zabwino chipani apita zomwe ndi nkholokolo ndizomwe sizinapite mcp boma
mcp sidzathekanso , ndiye wina nkumati 2019 boma kkkkkk dyera lake limeneli, ubusa ndi ndale sizimagwira mulifunse bible
Tell that to Rev Billy Gama as well…a new catch by the DPP
Kodi ali mcp a Jumbe? Thought ali ddp..
A dpp awa!
Ndi a crocodile party awa.
Ngat mukukangana no khan okha mungalamulire boma
Vuto la dziko lanu mukulidziwa,and mukudziwa bwinonso kuti ngakhale mutati muwayike kachiwiri Pitalayu palibe chomwe achite kananji uku adziwa kuti after 10 yrs chake palibe ndiye angasamalenso za amalawi???? Umbuli sizinthu ndithu and amalawi kupusa uku nkumene kutipezetse vuto lalikulu. DPP under Peter mutharika palibe chomwe titole.
Wadya za DPP uyu
nanga anena ndi a dpp zinenezo
Him is the remaining confusion maker
Chatha chipani ichi
Is Jumbe felie still a member of mcp?
Apite Palibe Chovuta
MCP ndiyomwe Ija ya nkhaza.ngati okhaokha akuopana nde kulili outsider.MCP is dead
Munthu wa kwathuyu
what kind of safety, MCP simayenda Ndi zikwanje ngati DPP
Malawi crocodile party of death
Cadet party dpp
Dausi is the one keep crocodile and now he is in dpp
kkkkkk aphanatu awa
Koma nkhondo ilipo.