Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) has said the dismissal of Constable Esther Chiunjiza as a police recruit by Malawi Police Service (MPS) after her nude pictures went viral on social media was unjustified.
In an investigative report that MHRC has released on the matter, the commission says it is legal for anyone, either a police officer or a civilian, to take pictures for private use.
Deputy Inspector General of Malawi Police Service responsible for Administration Duncan Mwapasa told MHRC that Chiunjiza was dismissed for taking nude photos while at the barracks as a police recruit.
But the MHRC says such a ground is unjustified since Constable Chiunjiza had not committed any crime under the laws of Malawi either as a police officer or private citizen.
MHRC observes in the report that the fired police officer took the photos for private use in her phone but unruly people who are fellow police officers shared them first on the WhatsApp group called PTS GIRLS.
MHRC has in the report asked Chiunjiza to exercise right of appeal against her dismissal and that Inspector General of Police should find the police officers who shared the nude photos on various social media platforms.
The commission has since recommended that Chiunjiza must exercise her right to appeal against her dismissal to the High Court of Malawi in accordance with section 65 of the Police Act since she has exhausted all internal appeal mechanism set out in sections 63 and 64 of the Police Act.
“The Inspector General of Police must thoroughly and impartially invoke his powers under section 54(2) by ensuring that the investigations against all Police Officers who participated in posting of nude pictures of Constable Esther Chiunjiza on various social media as recommended by the Police Standards Unit are carried out and those responsible are dealt with in accordance with the law expeditiously.
“The Malawi Police Service Commission must take appropriate action against the Deputy Inspector General of Police for acting ultra vires and abuse of power in relation to his directive to the National Police Disciplinary Committee dated 8th March 2017 contrary to the clear provisions of section 58 of the Police Act,” says one of the recommendations in the investigative report.
Ife tamungonda ameneyo
No!!!!!!! apa chilungamo chasowapo mAlawi24 ### namber yake akuyenela kupitaso kukasuma ku bwalo la milandu ,iye amatumiza kwa chibwezi chake wolakwa siiyeyo wolakwa ndiwinayo
Kikkkkkkkkk Zochitika ku Malawi ..
Where were they MHRC…. Kudzidzimukira
She was wrong as apolice woman she suposed to be arole model to young girl who r dreamng of becomng apolice.Bt also her job is to bring peace n order in tbe country.Therefor she was not atrue police woman
kodi masten akulilongwe akubafa aja anawachotsaso ntchito?
Kkkk mwangomulakweratu, komabe kalibho tatipaseni zima # zake thichitenako apa, nanga zanuzo or mutapanga ndi pic edit zingawale??
Kkkk a police officer athunutu mukanakhalako nthawi ya Adam and Eve mukanawachotsaso mudziko just because anali malichoncho hahahaha
Yesu atampeza mzimayi wachigolo uja akufuna azimugenda miyala anati chani ? Anawerema pansi ndikulemba nati amene sanachimwepo ayambe kumugenda mkaziyu.anthu ambiri masiku ano akukhalira kumatumizirana zinthu zolaura mma phone kuyambira ma minister,ma CEO,ma secretary, a police ndionse koma kusagwidwa ndiye mwanayu lake linakwana kuonetsa katundu wache obisika lero ntchito take ya uma nanga enanu..
Nd ufulu wake amubwezere kuntchto bas…onsewa akumaonesa maliseche mmaoffcwa sakuwaona?
Hahahaha not that with police! Come rain come sunshine sangamubwezeretse pa job!disciplinary action s are not qestionable! Mulaira basi pano! MHRC employ her! But with this so called organisation of police mmmmm ataaaa mweneee! UBE basi Kkkkkkk
Mmmmmm nanu inu ife tikulira mu line ya police, taonako ife anthu akuchosedwa job ku police then ndikuyitengera nkhani ku court then athu aja ndiku bwezeresedwa job
tili kuno komkuno tili kuno ife.ooo..otidziwa amatidziwa….kkkkk ..no comment..
Finally, chilungamo chiyende ngati mtsinje.
every Malawian he ddint go to school man that’s the problem
A police analakwa kumchotsa ntchito. Akanamanga munthu amene anapanga kuti anthu aone nyansizo. Sanatumizepo yekha pa social media those photos. It took somebody with evil intention to do that. The police would have dealt with that one. He was displaying porn in public ..Pls. reinstate her now now now
Kona yaaaah zovutatu
By sending her nude pctrs, dd she violet the code of conduct 4the MPS? And the pictures went viral, was it her fault? And wht abt the related issue spoken by one of the commentees here? Can some1 answr me these queries plz, othewyz… Mmmmmh.
Kodi nanga enawa akungo onetsa umaliseche ntown muwatani kulakwa musamuonelere mzimayio.
Zithuz ankatumizira chibwez chake koma mwasoka mwamuna nayo anali ndi mkaz wake amene anazitenga zithuz zija nkuzimwaza m’ma social networks,, This officer she didn’t wrong ndpo amubwezere pa ntchito
Umalisechewo ndiwake siwamunthu koma sanayere kumuchotsa ntchito nanga enawa bwanji sachotsedwa alipo amene sadziwa kuti apolice onse akazi ndimahule?
Mwana ali ndi mudzi uyu eeeee
Ineso ndimamufuna
esther wandanange cha uyo akatumizga maphoto ndiye ngwakunanga or angati kukwiya uko mnyamata uyo wakwenera kuwa nanjuyi nakulemekeza munthu mwanakazi ivo akachita apo walikulengeska esther pera chaa alikulengeska munthu yose mwanakazi
Yangokhala nkhani ya kasokoneza.
for the sake of probation,,may be we can say she did this prio to imprematurity in the service,,,how about this other high ranked female officer of #area30,who did the same but was just transfered,,esther anamuonelera poti ndi recruit?
Malawi at last
Nothing wrong to take nude pictures of yourself keeping or sending them to your beloved one and that’s how many people are doing in nowadays relationships. The devil is her friend who leaked it for violating friends rights and could be the one losing her job not Chiunjiza. I guess Malawi police’s decision is worthy condemned
Umaliseche ndichinthu choyasa kwambiri nkuona chinapangidwa kuti chikhale chowona awiri basi,ndiye munthu oziwa malamulo ngati ameneyi ndikuika maliseche poyera kuti aliyense aziona ngakhale wamisala ndiye kuti panalondeka??.Tangoganizani atapita pamsonkhano wa Pulesidenti anthu ndikumuona ndiye kuti anthuwo azamva zomwe ayankhula apulesidentiwo kapena azizaganiza zonyasa zomwe wapoliceyu anawaonesa??.mzimayi oipa osafunika.Ameneyutu apepese komanso alongosole chinampangitsa kutero kenako abwezelesedwe pantchito koma apite department ya Prison akazachitanso azangoponyedwa mu cell ya anyapala kuti zizamkwane zomwe amafunazo.
Ndi privacy yake and wolakwa ndi amene anatumiza zithuzi pa public
Dziko ndilokondera ndimakomera agalu ndi akhwangwala! Wina ataonetsa maliseche anamuchotsa ntchito pamene wina ataonetsa zomwezo anamupatsa Nissan tiida ati ndichiphadzuwa
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk……man mwandisekesa hvy, comment of the year man
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ndakomokaaa ndikusekaaa but indeed thats comment of the Years
U think big Mr,but all in all u r right,kkkkkkkkkkk,comment of de year indeed
Komatu anayenda malonda azibambo amachita kusakasaka number yake nsungwana ameneyu I hope panopa anapeza mwamuna wavindalama
Koma ali ndi katundu
Mulembeni tchito sizachilendo
Any one with her number inbox me
amubwezeletse pa ntchito
Analakwixa kumuchosa ndipo akuyenera kumulipira miyez yomwe samagwiray…
She’s beautiful though
Uhule umeneo amuzwe yesu
Yesu wa ambuyako?
Don’t you have vacancies at MHRC? You can equally hire her. Give her employment.
Pali anthu Ena amapanga mwadala kuti anthu aone palibe chimachitika koma sichnali cholinga chake mgati anakukanani sichifukwa simunali size yakendiye chisakhale chifukwa chifukwa ngakhale mwakwatilawo si ma type anu anakulolani chifukwa cha cash koma zikavuta azakuthawani ndiye amakupwetekanibe koma sibho ndipo wapanga zimenezo kaya ngati sanachimwepo zili bho koma ngati anachimwapo nayenso will follow thanks ur not God to judge, but God gonna judge u.
these armed organisations, the police and army have disciplinary code of conduct.the constitution even empowers them.once you break a set rule and you go through the inside disciplinary court as set in their standing orders and they fire you then its final.the Malawi human rights body can meddle into other institutions but not in these armed organizations.if one wants to be a police officer then follow the rules as set in the police act.this young lady was on probation.wasn’t fully re enlisted in the Malawi police. she took nude photos in a police hostel with police uniforms all over near her.she disregarded the presence of other police women. this was beyond private life but shaming the organization discipline. whoever sacked her did police a nice job.that woman is not fit to be a police officer.if she failed to discipline herself with the camera , do you believe she can follow a gun discipline. I doubt. she deserves to be in a motel or hotel
In fact she deserves to be in a brothel
In fact she deserves to be in a brothel
she deserves to be at bwandiro or kuchigwiri
She’s agoer
What about the one who was distributing those nudes? Have you ever think of punishing him / her? Both sides of the story could also face the justice
The deputy IG,distributors of photos be fired,bring her back in service,pay her all what is due to her including compensation,plus promotion, that will be justice.And act now before she goes to the court coz otherwise u will pay with costs of lawyers. Kkkkk
She can’t win that case. She was on probation and that she took photos with police regalia
Taking photos in police regalia, is that a crime? Mwina pali nkhani ina bwa…Mmmmmh.
Who leaked the photos in the first place? That one is wrong.
Kkkkk.let’s wait and see brothers, I think we all felt sorry for her.kkkkk
Eeeee koma alindikatundu wabwino ndithu mkazi ameneyu ine kusilira ndithu
Malonda mkusatsa poti maso sadya komaso paja chidaona maso mtima suiwala koma eeeee ziriko kkkkkkk
aaaaa aseo ndiolakwa
Anamulakwira kumuchotsa , kumeneko ndikufa kawiritu , unakanipo kawiri , lingalirani Ali wanu mwana
That was her private life she should have been transfered to a remotest area who in police service never make mistakes its unfortunate that the photos were leaked to public and went viral
Ai munthuyu amubwezere pantchito yake,akuleka kuchotsa opha ana asukulu osalakwawa ndye uyu wowonetsa choti aliyense amachizwa,,,Amene amuchotsawo nawoso azachotsedwa mmalo mongomutengera ku displinary.Zandinyatsa.
Inutu ndiye munthu kulongosola mwachinvenvenve achibale komasotu nthawi imeneija amamujambula kuipa koma taonani mmene akuonekeramu ndi super
Ndingengetu iyi.
munthu sachosedwa ntchito popanda disciplinary committee kumva mbali yake.
The lady took nude photoz while in uniform which was wrong
I said it already that, her human rights was violeted, it was not herself who publicise those nudes on social media, you could have arrest the one who distribute those nudes. You better bring her back in office, her dismissal was really unjustified, human rights was violeted there, you only saw one side of that story, but you forgot to punish the one who distributed those nudes on social media!
there are no human rights in the military or police. there is discipline and orders. once you break a set discipline or you dont follow orders you get fired.even eating is part of discipline. dressing is part of discipline. posing nude with police regalia around you and paying or disregarding other officer with the pose is total indiscipline. that woman who was on probation failed to fully qualify to be a police officer. she was not dismissed but she failed as a probationer to be a police officer.even here in london they sack officers who misbehave
#Phozongo_Phozonga , whatever but human rights was violeted there, the one who was distributing those nudes was also a police officer, a high rank officer, but what did the police do to that person?….police did nothing to that person, they only saw one side of the story. It could be fair if both of them could hve been dismissed, and the one who distribute those nudes on social media could have been arrested and open a case against him / her, atleast we could have seen justice in both side of the story!
# abubakar ,what kind of human rights hv they violeted pa mkazi ameneyu???,ku military kulibe za human rights zopunsanzo ayii!
I agree with what Mr Mdeza is saying, all three pple involved could have been punished regardless of probation issues.off cause what this Chiunjiza dd was wrong but all three needed to be deal with
#Khoo_Kondwani , human rights is everywhere but in other department they is limitation of that human rights, but here Iam talking about the right to justice and equal treatment was violeted there, just look at the story, only one side is regarded as a wrong side, but what about the other side of the story?
Amulakwiradi mwariyu, man simukunama… Mmmmmh.
Nkhani yakalekale mukulemba lero?Malawi journalism at its best!
Nawenso uyimvetse nkhaniyo
Aaaaa. Let police have manners as per their work.
which picture ? share me plz! lol
Wa mpesa akufuna maliseche,muziweni yesu
Watichitisa manyazi iwe sintha dp yo ndipo umudziwedi Yesu iwe
HAHAHA wagwidwa wins uyu
Ooh lord!!!
Wampesa ndichani kodi ngati lero unasala mawa usalenso
kkkkkkk mipingoi tingobisalamotu
aaah kkkk mwandikhaliliratu. kufuna kumudziwa wapolice yo nkulakwa?
A MHRC munalikut nthawi yosei!?
mwayamba kupanga ma phokoso 2018 mmbuyomu anthu m’mangowaonelela akuvutika..
Et….? O thiz tym azindikira panopa…. Sometime thez MHRC am tempted to cal them stupid..
Anamuphwanyila ufulu
Aaaaa!Za Ziii inuyo mulembeni ntchito!