He might have absented himself in voting over the Electoral Reforms but that did not mean that he was doing it to serve the interests of the alliance of his party and that of the ruling party.
Rumphi East Parliamentarian Kamlepo Kalua has kicked out the claimed alliance between the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and People’s Party (PP).

Strong speculations are indicating that the former ruling PP plans to work together with the current ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ahead of the 2019 tripartite elections .
Reacting to the sentiments and what the media have been reporting on the matter, Kalua has rubbished the claims saying that him being the leader of the party in the northern region is not aware of such an alliance.
Writing on his official Facebook page, Kalua said that the PP in the north is not part of the alliance .
“As the President of PP in the northern region , we are not part of any alliance with DPP as reported by Nyasatimes article quoting honorable Uladi Mussa,” He said.

Commenting on why he was not part of the august house when Members of Parliament (MPs) were deliberating the 50+1 bill , Kalua said that he went to attend his young brothers funeral .
The claimed alliance between DPP and PP has dissected PP MPs whereby others are supporting while others are against the plan.
During the just ended parliamentary sitting some PP MPs were showing strong stance in shooting down some of the Electoral Reforms Bills in the august house.
Recently , PP chief whip in parliament Ralph Jooma resigned his post in what commentators speculate is his first steps towards working with the ruling DPP.
Kampulepo anali kale osati pano,
Ndinaziwa ine Kamulepo mmene amadanilana ndi Dpp mo
asatinamize uyu anamufumbatitsa 150000
Tinataya chikhulupiliro mwa kalua ife anthu a mdera lake pokha pongogwirizana ndi dpp sizinayende chomwe tudikira mchoti atimalizirense chipani ngati mmene anatafunira udf.Kamlepo mwina azinama zina
Mlembi mmesa ndiwe yemwe unati Kamlepo amakumana ndi a president ndicholinga choti jb asamangidwe akamabwera, ,, ndiye izi walembazi zikusonyeza kuti ndiwe wabodza, ,,, Kamlepo nditambwari
aaa he z just telling lies…. We all know that there is a clandestine move between PP and DPP…To hell with your lies Kamlepo… We have lost hope in you and PP
Amafuna azingotibelab amalawi nanga zikuthek bwanj kupang ubal ndi mbava
Day aftr day den wik aftr wik stil in blak out prblems,cash get scandals ,thefting&coruption,so pp&dpp hav bad hstory .
Mbava zapanga umodz do u think dat malaw can develop?ulamurilo uli mmanja mwa asatana tiyen amalaw tiwusinthe ulamulir
Kod nkhaza zimene akucitaz ndi ulamuliro wawo oipawu komaso umbava umenewu ndi amalawidi amenewa apa sakukonda anthu awo
That’s good idea my mp,we don’t need Dpp in northern.
Mwatikhumudwitsa 2019 Ambiri mwainu simubwelelaso Ku parliament
Adamudyetsa Ban uyu bwanji sakusokosaso?
Mulira simunati inu a ng’ona party,kulira kwa akuchikazi kumeneku pepani pepani
You Always Say What You Think Is Right And What You Believe Is A Fact Regardless Of Frontiers.
Ma K200000 Anapenga Nawo Anthu Akulu Akulu Ngat Amenewa. The Power Of Money
Paja anazalowapo mutchire?
Atolankhani mulibe ukadaulo wina wolemba nkhani kupatula ndale tilitu mnyengo yolima,matenda osiyansiyana nanga za Ambuye Yesu
Za Ambuye Yesu ndi mu church? What are you talking about
Zakuwawa eti pepa ufulu wanga kkkk