President Peter Mutharika and the First Lady Gertrude Mutharika have expressed deep sadness following the death of 18 Malawi Defence Force (MDF) cadets and soldiers in a road accident in Mzimba on Thursday.
This is according to a press statement from the Chief Secretary to the Government which states that the First Couple has condoled the bereaved families and has wished those injured a quick recovery.

In the statement, Mutharika has assured the bereaved families and those affected that government will do everything within its means to support them during this trying moment.
MDF Publicist Paul Chiphwanya said those involved in the accident were recruits and instructors.
Chiphwanya said the recruits and instructors were coming from training sessions in Mzimba district.
It is reported that the vehicle in which they were traveling in overturned at Nkhamenya in Mzimba district after its front tyre burst.
Some injured persons were referred to Mzimba District hospital and Mzuzu Central Hospital for medical attention.
we children from the Malawi diasporans pays our heartfelt condolences to the government and commander in chief of the MDF and the families of the believed members who died in action may our lord take care of their souls
we children from the Malawi diasporans pays our heartfelt condolences to the government and commander in chief of the MDF and the families of the believed members who died in action may our lord take care of their souls
Ause muntendere
RIP Soldiers
So sad I have lost my best friend Limbikani Andrew Nandolo whose body has been laid to rest today on 4 November 2017 at Kumpasa vge TA Mwambo Jali Zomba. May his soul and souls of his friends rest in peace.Zopweteka kwambiri kwa anakubala omwe anayamba kukonzekera za passing out on 24 November 2017.
Its agreat sympathy to loose such amultitude of pple,may their soul rest in peace.
Not good.
God help
These guys werent going to war why use a lorry instead of a bus? How many years are we in democracy that we are failing to take good care of our soldiers and citizens? If we cant manage the country just annex it please
rest in peace our soldiers who lost their lives
Sorry for that
Anasuta chamba
May their souls rest in peace.This is sad.
So sad,rest in peace our soldiers
Only God knows, I sow this accident happening just at the first corner on the place. RIP friends, to survivor s I wish quick recovery.
what happened?
The driver failed to negotiate the corner while the on speed. And it ended up going into very bad slope ,soldeirs were thrown out from the from the truck in the process, and the truck which was still in motion rolled on them. Fortunately there were some buses soldiers on their trip coming behind who stopped and attend to the incident. So the bus took casualties to the hospital. It was very bad moment guys. The soldiers from after assistance, they were left on the scan sitting all over the place under the trees shelter s .oh bad moment.
mukatero mulakwitsa ingolirani maliro ndikulakwa kumeneko kutchula munthu.koma munamva uthenga anawelenga pamaliro amenewa?basi chilichonse chingachitike muno ntchito kutchula munthu bwanji?mmalo mopemphera muzikatchula munthu.mukumuganizirayo anali nawo kumeneko?winawu ndiumphawi ndithu.mukapsyere ziti.
mulowererepo mbuye
Sad .May their souls R.I.P.
too bad God help the bereaved family
Kwanga ndikulira mizimu yawo iwuse Mtendere
Amalawi tichenjele dzikoli lawonongeka ndi zawusatanic amene tikumati atinthandiza ndiwo akufuna kutitha
Im so sory about this sad story
Malawi soldiers! They can’t jump off a truck. Anyway RIP our dear brothers
That’s not good so sad
Very sorry
very sad indeed
Unserviced, unroadworthy trucks and bad drivers is a combination of tragedy. They have died before their time. May their Souls Rest in Peace.
Condolences go to the MDF soldiers
utsogoleri wamkuluyo tizawukumbukila ndi ngozi zapa nsewu zochuluka zedi ,( why Mr President why)Malawi chinabalala ambuye mulungu zatioloseni amalawi wabooka uyu .mizimu ya azibale anthuwa iwuse muntendere (why so soon my dear brothers)
utsogoleri wamkuluyo tizawukumbukila ndi ngozi zapa nsewu zochuluka zedi ,( why Mr President why)Malawi chinabalala ambuye mulungu zatioloseni amalawi wabooka uyu .mizimu ya azibale anthuwa iwuse muntendere
Wayamba ndale
nah but this is too much
Are these cadets or Recruits Nyasa times responds to me before I loose my senses,where’s accurrate reporting in this country.
My their souls rest in peace
Announcing to the OPPOSITIONS to avoid questions tommorow What did the Government do to the victim families followin the dealths of their relatives? Yet it is well known that these issues ar handled by the government plainly But Since nowadays everything is politicised go ahead tell us everything which is goin on
anthu oipa awa,amakonda kumenya anthu osauka adzikolao.Ambale athu akumvutika kusowa chithandinzo,chifukwa cha khumba zimenenzi.Atimenya,kutionongera zithunzathu kunkhalango yamazamba,chikangawa ndingoti vipsa yonse. kudandaula kwathu angapeze mtendere? pang’onopang’ono kulira kwathu mulungu akutiyankha,ndipo kwaine sindingamve chisoni kwakhumba zimenesi ,ndiposo akafikire kumoto wosatha.Kundichindisa pasi zoona? mulungu si mdf, yense anapangapo zimenesi adziwiretu emen!!!
Osamayankhura choncho ayi bwana mwatani kodi??Perekani ulemu ngakhale anali adani anu,,Mavuto mwakambawotu okawayimba mulandu ndi CHAUTA basi.
Tikupeza mphwanga tikayika maliro uziona
Mmmmmmm 2 much Blood flowing in Malawi why???? Kapena uyu mkulu wa SATANIC uyu amatchedwa kuti. …………..ali Busy kukolora zake? MUNALANDILA THANDIZO LAKE INU MU NTHAWI YA NJALA Lero akutenga zake zimene amafuna INU MUKULIRA CHANI?
Ndikupepesa mabanja oseamene akhudzidwa ndingoziyi mulungu akugwilenidzanjalamanja ndikukutonthozani mwachilimbikiso pepani tikulililalimodzipepani pepaniiii
Sorry sorry
Has Nkhamenya moved to Mzimba district? Our reporters my foot.
KU Malawi zambiri zalowa pansi. Makamaka reporting from atolankhani.
mbolo yamache ichi chisilu badi
Analumbila azafela zkolawo
Wake up call to us all that our men in uniform need special personel carriers, (armoured personel carriers) (APMs), on such trips not cargo trucks.
Too bad for that Mzimba accident
circumstances leading to this accident need to be investigated and treated seriously. I have a feeling the accident could have been avoided.
Mmmmmm maybe but sometimes we have to accept the situation
I hope it poor roads
Uzaipewenso ikazakuchitikira ayise
Dats so sad but Peter inde sivuto lako komaa dzikoli simukulipatsa chilimbikitso as a father of the nation piz 54 yrs now zikuthaa koma dziko silikusinthaa transportation z still poor
This government is funny. Everything can’t be politics …even death? We already know that it’s the duty and responsibility of every employer to take care of such issues without even announcing it . In this regard the government is fully responsible we all know. Put politics aside. Please respect our sons and our heroes. May their Souls Rest In the Eternal Peace.
I hope the problem z Malawi Media they dont have something to announce
guyz lets take thinggs positivley this accident yakhuza ziko lonse and ndikudabwa enanu mukulowesa ndale pa nthawi yomwe amzanu akulila and as president of the nation akuyenela kupangapo kanthu guyz plz muzikhalako ndi umunthu zinazi enanu mukamba za kuzima kwa mages zikukhuzana bwanj ndi ngozi ya galimoto? ngoz ya pa nseu siyoti enanu muzinyadila it can hapen to yu anytim plz guyz tiyen tiziyakhulako bwino
guyz lets take thinggs positivley this accident yakhuza ziko lonse and ndikudabwa enanu mukulowesa ndale pa nthawi yomwe amzanu akulila and as president of the nation akuyenela kupangapo kanthu guyz plz muzikhalako ndi umunthu zinazi enanu mukamba za kuzima kwa mages zikukhuzana bwanj ndi ngozi ya galimoto? ngoz ya pa nseu siyoti enanu muzinyadila it can hapen to yu anytim plz guyz tiyen tiziyakhulako bwino
Zowona amwene kungoti anthu ena anabadwa moyo ngat zinyama! Wopanda umunthu!
Thts True Martha N Kadzuwa.We Need To Feel Sory Ourselvs About De Death Of Our Belovd Frnds.Tien Za Ndale Tiike Apo.R I P.
Inna illah wa inna lillah rajiuna
Mizimu yao ikause mu mtendere zowawa kwambiri
R. I. P.
Sad indeed. May their soul rest in peace. But what cause that accident?
Very sad , but government its their responsibility to do that , there is no need to announce , they will call this a development me, dont politicise such sad moments like these
So u wanted the president to stay silent?
We all know that its their responsiblity , there is no need to announce as if they politicising the deaths , in fact its not his money its our taxpayers money
Do you believe there is an herbal doctor who cures HIV? I was HIV positive for 9 years and taking ARVS until I was cured completely by Dr Tiam. His herbal medicine is very powerful and reliable you can get him on call or WhatsApp: +2348037284837
Its only God who can do it
Don’t die with ignorance
Stop this nonsense and post your shit somewhere else. Not now. Can’t you see we are mourning the loss of people and you bring your shit. Get life
Y rest in piece
My condolences to the grieved families. RIP
Mizimu yao iwutse ndi mtendere.
Rest in peace
R I P Guys. Mbendelayi Mr president muitsitseko kaye polila abale anthuwa.
Very tru
So sad…..my condolences
wat about athu azmai aja ana mila pa lake malawi osawapatsa chipepes bwaj nanga ma MYP muwapatsa lit zao aa muthalika is selfishness indeed
Myp yatani
Awuse muntendere
R I P.
Inna lillayi wa innalillayi rajiuna
Very sad. But government why announcing something that is obvious. What we want to know is how are we going to stop this incidents not to happen again. Eg make our road wider. Survey to work on all funny blind curves. Visibility of road warning signs. From the picture it show the road is narrow and with the line on centre shows its a blind curve. Cars of today are wider than the one when the road was designed. Please if you are serious about life do something. Its not only speed that is causing accidents but poor road conditions
So sad. Mizimu yaotisiyao iuse mumtendere. Chauta ayendere mwapadera mabanja onse oferedwa ndikuwalimbikitsa. Chauta akhudze ndi mkono Wamachiritso abale onse avulala ali muzipatala.
May we all as a Nation cry to God Almighty to heal our beautiful land, Malawi. Ngozi zodabwitsa chonchi zanyanya abale.
Sad story
Ha ha ha zochita kukamba thus ur responsibility
This happens worldwide to announce such things……
Y announcing .already we are waiting patiently to see how they will handle this . Benefits. Otherwise a case of vicarious liability may follow.
What about electricity he Is not sad with blackout coz azimayi akumagona ku chigayo kusiya ana akulila ndi njala because of this bwampini
Stupid quetion you cant compare death to electrity
Idiot how can you compare kuchigayo and death
He is right and it’s not stupid question! Ngozi ngati zimenezi zikupangika kamba ka overspeed. Nkuthekako driver anali wadya gwayi heavy.
If the president is bwampini, who r u? Swiswiri locally known as suntche
#levison and #Mceddie mboli zanu.. kumaganiza musanayankhule.. anthu kale amasinja nde kumaonerera mwana akufa ndinjala ndikufuna… and winawe uziwe kuti zachitikazi zikhoza kunchitikira aliyense..
You’re right VI Ngo kma kutukwana no boh
#vl Ngo and bwampinin ndinu mbuzidi et ndinkawona ngati bodza akundiwuza athu zowona muthu ndikumalimbana ndi zithu zoti zapita m’malo mokoza mavuto amagetsi akuthandiza athu ena
Guys izi ndizachisoni zikatha izi tirakhule zinazo
Umuziwe Yesu
Mapaz opotokaw ungafanzil ngoz ndimages finye iwe khope ngat kumanda galu iwe
iwe usamale mayakhulidwe..machende ako
Mceddie Square usilikari simukuudziwa
Ukulmbana nd munthu ot zake znayera kale iwe ukungokanda shaft mkabudula basi
Let’s respect our president fellow country men
Their death was not natural causes these people where having fun and over speeding so why sponsor them when we are having electricity and he is saying nothing and doing nothing about it
We r not talking about that you with yuor big aasss hole just back off of hear
I Hope Something Is Wrong With Yo Head U Shld Go 2 The Hospital 4 Check Up.
martha…umunthuu muzikhalaa nawo chemwali..muzitengee kut panali balee wanuu mukanamvaa bwanji
Bax guys wamva, apite kuzomba ameneyu ku mento
Kmabe Martha chimwazayo pamsana pake
Lutepo Precious whom are referring to??I’m waiting for your response then we can see the way forward
zandikhuza kwambiri mizimu yawo iuse mwatendere
zandikhuza kwambiri mizimu yawo iuse mwatendere
Very sad
Wina aliyese zamukhuza mmalo mote John Tembo anakapha anthu pa Demos traction yake ija apa mwachiziwikile kuti ndi 50, 50
Kodi ulikuti chani??
kuchenjera erpamaliro I think ure idiot kwambiri and u don’t know how much it pains the relatives
Remember that 18 people b4
RIP, .may th Lord comfort the parents & relatives of this guy
Good gesture!
Sad story