Inspector General of Malawi Police Service (MPS) Dr Lexten Kachama has pleaded with well-wishers to donate vehicles to the police saying the cars police has are inadequate.
Kachama made the appeal in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe when he was briefing the media.

According to Kachama, fast responsiveness to various emergencies by police officers depend on motor vehicles that at the moment are inadequate in Malawi.
The MPS boss said well-wishers can donate motor vehicles to the Police to boost delivery service.
Kachama gave a recent example in Blantyre at Chileka where an epileptic man was killed saying men in uniform failed to intervene fast because the car at Chileka police unit was away since the police post has one vehicle.
He said such incidents would have been avoided if the police officers had enough vehicles.
Kachama said people should not just wait for government only since it has a lot of tasks that need financial support.
However, Kachama disclosed that government has purchased vehicles from China that will be in the country soon.
During the presser, Kachama also disclosed that Malawi Police Service is in talks with Malawi network provider Airtel and TNM to restore its 997 and 990 lines for emergencies.
I saw many stolen cars in every police station since I was young can’t u sale those cars on auction then bought new ones!!!
Vuto makampani a kwathu kuno kuumila.
RSA police service ali ndi Ntundu uliwonse wa Galimoto, chifukwa nchakuti;
Makampani ogulitsa magalimoto amati chaka chikatha amachita donate magalimoto ndipo ndi department yokhayo ya government iri ndi magalimoto osawerengeka or ndeu ya tiwana amaleretsa ndi aboma Pamatha kubwera or five vehicles within 5 minutes
Izi ndi Boma la RSA linakhazikitsa kwa makampani ogula ndikugulitsa magalimoto
Ask south african gvt to give what they are throwing to the scrape yard.
Asa galimoto ine ma interviews a police mpaka ka 5 mukundikhomerera ndie lero mwati bwanji????? ndie bola kungoiwombesa mtengotu. Komatu sindinati galimotoyo ilipo kkkkkkkk. Koma olo itakhala kuti ilipo ndie yatunthu kungoti nayo yonse diiiiiiii eee ai
sleeping IG why don’t you demand the vehicles from the relevant minister?our taxes can easly buy those cars..PAYE,INCOME TAX,WHT,FBT,VAT ,IMPORT DUTY all can
Where are the 100 vehicles promised by the DPP govt?
Koma kusamala kumativutilapo….
Woah ! ! Sindinazinveleko nthawi ya Kamuzu izi,nzachilendo.
Dependence burden is still big in Malawi, barely two days gone I read something that two expensive vehicles were bought to two government officials amounting to K270,00,000.00 and now u asking pple to donate , just two vehicles costing lots of millions of which u could have bought several police vehicles.
Kkkk but this world, you can’t understand it.
We are all “big ducks” indeed!!!!
1. Where does all the money that police collect on roadblocks in Lilongwe city go? Use that money to buy cars.
2. Ask your politicians who are filthy rich from corruption to donate money.
Ndalama amatolera a Traffic zimayenda bwanji?
Zomwe ndimafuna ku commenter mwa commenter kale
With all this poverty in Malawi how can IG ask such a question. Just used to begging. Offenders on the road pay too much money, where does it go.
Use taxpayers money, Stop corruption and misusing government resources
. Breakup can really damage your health.. I remember one time my Girlfriend broke up with me via whatsapp while I was on my way to pick my cousin in school, I came home with the wrong kid.. .
What for??? To carry makala?? Damn!!
I’d rather donate medication to the hospitals for sure
I will buy one,timaganiza kuti kukugulirani galimoto muziganiza ngati tikunyengerera china chake.kkkkkkk
Ask chaponda he can buy even 2000 cars
We got money to help our families and others in need of help not to help criminals corrupt leaders
Sell the expensive presidential cars and use the money to buy police cars,buy a HONDA FIT for him,the president(you save fuel costs)!!
This Government is not worthy of being donated to
Kulephera kwa nyapapi ameneyu kwaonekela poyela tsopano, Police ipempha bwanji magalimoto ku anthu popeza ndi ntchito ya boma kupanga zimenezi
titukwane mutimange
Mxiewww ndalama zomwe amaba mmiseu ndi zama bell zitha kumagula magalimoto apolixe
Tikwanisa Zigaleta Ngat Musakufunaso Siyani Tilibe Nazo Tchito!!
That is what we call madnesses.
Kkkkkkkk zaku China zija akunamizanitu kkkkkk
Kabwenzeni zima generator munagula zofoira zija ndalama zake mukagule magalimoto fodya eti tukhala mumdimatu ife
Main problem in government, is misuse and abuse of government property. I do not care, it is for government. So why should I keep it like mine. I can sell Jack, engine, spark plugs out of vehicle. No problem, government will buy another one or repair it. This is the result. No way to improve, even if people donate 3000 vehicles. They will end up in private garages rotting.
zaziiii ndalama mukungoba za amphawife ndi boma lanu lonunkhali APA Ndiye muzitiyankhula ngat anthu azeru??
Kuzolowera zopemphampempha za chamba basi mxi
am ashame to hear this
I will gladly make a donation when MCP gets in government
The fruits of corruption are seen these days ,bearing stagnation ,no production neither progresses
Aku China aja sanafike Kodi?
Shame ask the government, they spend 100million kwacha for mulako wa alomwe
The ruling party has so many cars at disposal y dont they give them to the police for use?Tell Mutharika to give u coz he has just said that other countries ENVY N ADORE MALAWI.Meaning everything in Malawi is in place.
Amangoseka ha ha ha…anthu osalakwa kumanga lero nkumapephe chosecho tax tikulipira even pa singano ya k15.prof ruling the poorest nation the whole universe. Show us ur professional.
Where did you cast yo vote?infact this issue is not sapoz to be sorted by well wishers wht a shame to the government.ur evin pleading and it sounds lik a joke is this true?
Public pays tax, use to buy cars
And where have your annual allocation gone?
Where’s my Tax money going? ????
Malawi24, Tell the IG to pull out his request as it sounds boring. That is the duty of the Government
Go tell the president your police force needs vehicles, you moron!
Use DPP cadets cars. They drag race and drift new cars. Why can’t you ask DPP president to help. Anywhere when investigating cases they have priorities like DPP first so because you are 1 sided so ask that side
is this true story
aaaa zaziiiiii,muziyenda pansi
Azikanyamulira matola
Akachama musandiseketse pls pano mukufuna a Malawi tsopano, anthu Ku mpoto amakhapidwa anyamata anu ali mpopo, Ku Nsanje anthu kumakhapedwa khuku zanu zili pompo, komaso khani ya Chasowa, Njaunji, 20 July 2011 killings, blue night-gate, Maize-Gate Escom generator-gate zonse mutu wake sukudziwika kuti zili pati ndiye magalimoto achani
Ask yr minister of security he/she ll buy one .where is dat mane for dat ministry
Sasamala awa….Zina zili phwii ku Limbe Police zongofunika ma tyre….uve…
Kusamalanso nkumene kukuvutadi, galimoto yoti chaka sichinathe umapeza aiphwasula phwasula. Ma dalaivala ambiri apolisi amakhala ngati osazindikila za mayendedwe apa nseu amayendetsa ngati ngolo koma apange wa minbus kumugwira. Konzani galimoto mwaunjika mmipandazo zina zinaima ndi mavuto ochepa mukufuna muzigule nokha basi.
Most comments l read here are like screams of new age protester’s with no ideas every one with smart phone wants to be a key pad warrior , l wonder if social media make us look stupid or we are born foolish… I see the great need of old school syllabus back this is thrash
mwaonatu mufuna mukhale ngati boma lija limatenga chuma kuchoka kwa osauka kupita kwa olemela . please stop your nonsense. ndikakugulilani kapena ena akagula, ndiye ndalama zogulila fuel muzizitenga kuti?
A police ena akupangila matola galimotozi nde akufuna za chani?
Musavutike ndalama zimene mumatilanda ndi dzina lot custom zija kagulen.
Not wellwishers but that’s the duty of the government ( executive & legislature). Mupasidwa paka liti.
Nanga galimoto100 zija sizibweraso kod?
magalimoto azikakwera ma Dpp cadets..aasaa..
Kkkk Malawi i dont understand.. How can the whole Govt beg civilians. Do you know if Govt receices vehicles from Malawians tgey will also ask some favours like business in Govt??This is how theft in Govt is halpening.. Let Govt find cars for its duty for transparent reason. If i can donate one i will need a business of not less than 5billion.in Govt therfore corrruption will definetely occur. Do you agree or not?
i agree
Tur police can start arresting the people doing corruption then the govtment will have the money. Do ur job first.
Zalowa business m’dziko lathu la Malawi.kkkkkkkkk
Ask DPP officials to buy those cars…anthu amenewo alemera modabwisa within 3yrs
Magalimoto aku China aja ali kuti????
Where are the 100 vehicles donation from China? If not Japan.
Aziyenda wapasi basi,mesa ndasilikali
Ndalama imene munamugwira mayo Chaponda ija igwire ntchito imeneyo yogula ma galimoto
Kuti mudzingomanga a opposition a dpp ayi…..mwaganiza bwanji a kachama pamenepo – sinthani Kaye kagwilidwe kanu ka ntchito kuti tiyikhulupilile police
Atipatse contract ife tipange supply ma good used a joni
Eish this Dpp government kukanika kuwagulira ma galimoto a police koma ndalama azingodya asaa!! Nthawi ya mcp kunalibe zimenezi.
The government got alot of money to buy cars they are just pocketing the money in steady of buying vehicles for government were is tax payers money?
Kodi boma silimango gula ma galimoto a japaniwa bwanji ? Nkuwapatsa a police army duty free so akhoza kugula olo ma galimoto 2000 ma nisan tida tima corrola ma vits zikhoza kuthandizatu
Sell those bags of weed or phone me so that i can order from u then u buy those cars. For how long u dont understand that weed is more than gold. Malawi wouldnt be where it is. Kuba ndalama zaboma za anthu osauka lero nkhanga zaona munya
Cut the MPs and cabinet salaries by half and use the money to buy vehicles for hospitals and police. We want to see if you are really patriots. The leaders are preaching for patriotism while themselves live as if they are in another country in America. Foolish leaders
Uchotse salary yako ndi amnzako onse mupange donate anlaaa
Eish that’s my beautiful countryside
Zopusa zimenezo.Ndalama za misonkho muzidya ndi zibwezi plus ana anu then muzivutitsa ma well wishers? No pliz let our tax show their fruits pliz.Tatopa ndikutidyera
Obama amkat magalimoto Ali munjira tiuzeni anafika kapena amkanamiza amalawi?
well wishers can be like to provide such vehicles, but the way the government personels are behaving i don ‘t think that can be done. missmanagement of our taxes, using malawian taxes for party forums, corruptin, selfish and etc.
Government officials they are stealing tax money now the same stupid government they are asking well wishers to donate to the same stupid government
Basicaly true story
Anthu akumatema anthu muli pompo ndiye muziyankhula zopusa kuti anthu akupatseni magalimoto
What is the role of government?
Muziuzana amene mumathandizananu
Abwana akuyenela akapemphe magalimoto komwe amakapempha kuja
Mapazi ako
Kodi Mesa mumati munagula magalimoto 100 from China?
Peter boma lamukanika kukhalira kupempha bas
kodi ndi kale lonse magalimoto amagura ndindani? Aku china aja alikuti?
Donate yours first,there is no good services there.corruption is high
Galimoto za chani? Anthu owononga ngati apolice sindinawaone..galimoto labwino bwino iwo amakwela pa denga ati usilikali.
who will fuel such vehicles?
Your government has a budget for mulakho wa alomwe, why can’t they cut off the budget or don’t even do it and take the money to where it can work properly
Why don’t you take your full budget of a year to support others rather than keep in bank while others starving!!
your lieng burget for mulhakho walhomwe they
kkkkkkk lol ine kuseka nawo
Mulakho wa alomwe gets donations from some government parastatals such as water boards,,City councils and many more..mufuna munamepo chani apa…
That’s true
Ndiye ziliranitu………. ! a Lhomwe..! a Lhomwe. .! Nophiyaaaaa
Hahahahhhhhh Ndakomoka eish
Boma liyenera kugula magalimoto ndikupeleka ku Police.
Why Malawi? Always asking for well wishers, where do all the money go?
Ife tinava kale chiunya Obama kuti magalimoto mubwera kuchoka ku China ngati si choncho mwalephera ndi abwana ako omwe muuzane mutule pani udindo.
That’s true, and most of them are the old ones
hahahaha ndalama zimene mumawabera anthu pamsewu mukaimitsa galimoto zimapita kut? dont donate guys.
eeeeh ndye mwakwiyatu hahahaha pepani